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OAF Fly Tying Contributor
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Everything posted by DaddyO

  1. Nice!! Thanks for the report, Michael. I've been unable to take my normal October trips to Taney. I'm hoping the big fish will still be up river when I get there in November.
  2. Is that a recent fish that Michael is holding? That is a nice fish! What were the stats on it?
  3. I got mine. Good Job guys! All of these look like fish catchers. I can't wait to try them on Taney.
  4. OK. I gotta say, this cracked me up!! I'm still laughing as I type this.
  5. That's a good looking fly, mic. What's the recipe?
  6. Mine went out in the Monday morning mail.
  7. LOL. Don't worry, mic. I'll be ready to participate.
  8. Mine are ready to go. I'll be putting these in the mail.
  9. DaddyO

    Pepperd Duck

    It looks like Peppered Beef. Does it taste like Beef?
  10. How many are we supposed to tie?
  11. Tough Crowd. But, I agree. Looks to Bulky/Heavy. Tyinonthefly, look at this as constructive criticism and go back to the drawing board and slim it down, a lot. Might get better response. Good Luck!
  12. That is cool. Congrats! If I could find a way to make a living in the Ozarks, I'd be moving there for sure. As it is, I'll just have to wait for retirement.
  13. Very Nice!
  14. Sept. 10th is good for me. How many are we tying?
  15. Make the investment in boots and waders. If you're serious about the fly fishing, you'll be glad that you did.
  16. I missed the last one, so, I want in on this one.
  17. The siphon was fixed. It should be fishing pretty good. All of the normal tailwater stuff should work.
  18. This is about the only tippet to hook knot that I use for fly fishing. Once you get used to tying it, you'll be amazed at how fast you can tie. Plus, it's a dry knot and if done right, very little tippet is wasted on the tag end. Which gives you more opportunity to quickly try a lot of different flies without having to tie on more tippet.
  19. What JCW said. Also, Pheasant tails, Hares Ear, San Juan worms. I've had days where they never keyed in on anything and I had to keep changing flies to catch fish. So, be prepared. Check out the aquatic bugs under the rocks and hatching. Matching that stuff will always get some fish.
  20. I went today. The schedule said no water until 4pm. They lied. Water was up all day. They turned it off at 9pm. If the weather is right, tomorrow will be the day to fish.
  21. Lots of good info. Thanks guys!
  22. Congrats, Phil.
  23. I fished Big Brown Trout's wooly grubber at a local pond today. The Bass were eatin' it up.
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