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Everything posted by carpelpummel

  1. That “unnamed soul” was me and that ONE single line with 25 hooks clearly marked on both ends with a purple noodle about 18” long contained both my name and my conservation number was also mine. One of the ends anchored in the lake also was held in place and tied to a big white weighted boat bouy. This line was placed Saturday just before dark and ran twice by Sunday morning until it was cut in broad daylight. I then moved it slightly down the bluff with only 12 hooks, marked and anchored exactly the same as before thanks to its shortened length from the individual who was so helpful in shortening it for me that morning. Lines out Monday. Thank you to the folks on here who know the rules and obeyed them as I did. Also a BIG thank you to the other “unnamed souls” who cut my lines and wasted my time and work put into these. Everything I did here was 100% legal no different than someone running down that very same bank or any other for that matter bass fishing or doing whatever made them happy at that moment within the law. If people can’t count and can’t physically see maybe they don’t have any business operating a vessel on a public waterway to begin with. Just saying. Good luck out there to all of the law abiding anglers fishing for whatever they choose to target, when they want to do it and how they go about getting it done. Tight lines!
  2. Thanks everyone, got a guy lined out that sounds like the veteran guide on the lake. No high hopes for anything big just a good time with a buddy on some new water.
  3. Hello all, sorry to plug up Table Rock forum here with an out of the area question. Hoping someone on here may have some experience out West. Im heading to see a buddy in Vegas in a couple weeks and looking for any recommendations on a guide to chase some stripers on Lake Mead for a while. Thanks to all in advance!
  4. Got on the swim bait bite too, had a ball, Baxter area mainly, little smaller bait though was throwing a 3inch bass pro speed shad on 1/8 head. 7 keepers on Saturday, 3 of them just shy of 3lbs, one 3.5 biggest just over 4 and countless short fish....even snuck in a walter, white and a few crappie. Caught the better fish suspended in a creek channel. Get on that shallow gravel anywhere and those little smallmouth will just wear you out!!!
  5. PM sent. Thanks.
  6. Flippin, I'll piggy back off the late one too. We were out same time frame and ran all over from above hideway to Kimberling, the few fish that we did catch were all around mill creek. 3 shorts, one on swimbait on a bluff end, the other two plus our only keeper on the ned on flat gravel. Majority of bites were after 1:00. Threw the sink at em and was served up a big slice of humble pie. Still nice to get out and play for the day with my buddy.
  7. Struggled a bit today but we got 6 in the boat anyway and lost one, three keepers all at 16 inches. One keeper a-rig fish early on a bluff end, one short swimbait fish late also on a bluff end and rest were on the crawler. Had to be smaller rock for us to get bit on the crank with deep water close, not really any gravel or ledge rock...softball sized stuff. Crank bait fish less than 10ft of water. On at 9:30 off at 4:30...amazing how much the main lake has cleared here in past 2weeks. Temps 48-52
  8. Thanks guys! HardHead, just been using some heads my buddy poured...no frills to them at all and seem to work just fine for my likings, especially when I'm not paying $2.50 a piece and as much as we break em off in some of the bigger rocks
  9. Not much to contribute as far as patterns, areas or baits but just a little bit of luck to share, maybe it will rub off on someone. Took the kids to the dock to throw some rocks today which lasted all of 10 minutes with the cool wind...just enough time to sneak in a few casts and I was generously rewarded with this pretty gal, 6lbs on the nose. Wobble head with a speed craw on wind blown main lake bank about 5 feet of water Baxter area.
  10. Crappie....sent you a PM. Thx!
  11. Thanks for the whoopin' Fishrman, we fished the exact same area as you and same baits but not so similar results. Was on the water from 11-5 and wound up with 5 total only 2 keepers. Great day to get out though.
  12. I talked to these guys last week on Friday, no minnows and said that he was retiring...so I guess closing up shop but don't know exactly when
  13. Think it's too late Dave...saw a post on Springfield Craigslist yesterday search "wiggle wart" could be wrong but pics look identical. Can be yours for a smooth $90.
  14. PM sent.
  15. Had a very similar thing happen this spring with my dad flysmallie at table rock. By radar and the sky it looked like we had an hour or so. I had a carbon light spinning rod and kept feeling something on my fingers and looked down, you could actually see electricity arching from the screw down reel lock to the blank and was hitting me as well, just a light static electricity type sensation...continued to do the same even after putting it down. We got off the water like RIGHT NOW!
  16. I guess the bowfishing deal could have happened but I don't think so. I do a fair amount of bowfishing myself and there wasn't any penetration or holes that were visible...just scales missing and that nasty mess. I guess it could have been a glancing blow?
  17. Hope this pic goes through, first time attempting and from cell also so if not will try to do later from the computer. This is not the fungus mentioned here but unsightly none the less. Keeper fish from this weekend around mill creek. Anyone seeing anything similar? Other than the blemish appeared to be a totally healthy spot
  18. We fished a small tourney out of joe bald yesterday. Fun day on the water with my dad. We had 50 fish total with 16 keepers, best fish was a brownie at 19 inches little over 3lbs. Best 5 for us just over 12lbs. Had a great bite going on thundersticks at point 8 until the rain started then topwater bite was over for us. Had limit by 7am on the topwater and I would say we only had maybe 3 shorts on the topwater, majority were keepers. Rest of the day few fish here and there on a grub and the old trusty Ned accounted for lots of fish and 4 keeps including that smallie
  19. Forgot to mention, tried the lil rig up shallow but no love. We had to have the boat in about 30 ft throwing as far as you could get it. Most bites can in that 15-20 ft range
  20. Well, I've been bitten by the bug. Finally got the chance to get out this weekend and see what the little rig is all about. Friday in the Baxter area trying some different things, had a few fish on a grub on a bluff end counting down to 10 or so and slow retrieve including 2 keeps but nothing big. Rest of the day was similar with lots of shorts and only one other keep on shakey heads and split shots. Finally pulled out the Ned on 1/8 oz with PBJ, and put 14 fish in the boat in an hour and a half including 2 more keeps that afternoon. Stuck with the Ned most all day Saturday from 6:30 to 3:30 and ended the day with 49 fish 9 keeps, again nothing big but had a blast and learned something new. All Ned fish were at the outside of a spawning cove with deep water just outside, gravel with mixed smaller rock seemed to be the deal for us and to get out of the gale forced winds as much as possible. Fished from Big Bay to Mill Creek. Did have 7 fish out of the total 3 of which were keeps on a blade on the very back of Big Indian. Oh, and a couple bonus kitty's...had a channel cat a little over 6lbs on Friday and another just over 8lbs Saturday on....you guessed it....the Ned!
  21. had a small company tournament out of aunts from 7-3 on Saturday. Had 18 fish only 5 keeps, nothing over 2.5 lbs for us. Fished mainly from aunts to hideway, most fish and 3 of our keepers on jerkbaits on bluff ends. One keeper and a few shorts on a wart and one keeper on wobble head. Couldn't get bit on wart unless we were in stained water. Water temps pretty much right at 56 most places we were in. Lots of loons and gulls working bait just up from Jackson hollow out in the channel. Only 13 boats in our derby, big bass was just over 5lbs, 16 and some change won it. Sorry for the late report, truly appreciate all of the contributions everyone makes on here to help us less fortunate that only make it out a few times per year
  22. Now there's an idea! Got a Revo stx laying around though that will probably get slapped on there instead. maybe next time if I ever run across another one and take a liking to the new stick...
  23. lol. I'm same style and reasons as trranger and abkeenan...always got to be a few that go across the grain
  24. Springfield store....
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