Not heard of it either but could see it as a possibility.
In my opinion (which isn't worth much), fishing below 32 is not worth your life. I've done it yes. Fished a few tournaments where it was low teens at take off. While the man card got holes punched, and my ego felt good, it was not smart. I used to be an all whether guy but as I've gotten a bit older, my comfort and safety is far more important. If water temps are near 32, you're in Titanic-type water and won't survive after falling in. Even with a PDF, all those extra layers will really weigh on you and become much heavier after they soak up water. Chances of boarding yourself or with a buddy on the vessel in that much pain due to 32 degree water temps are very low. A buddy is a plus, provided he's strong enough to get you in immediately.
And no I've not fallen out of a boat but came close. So my day is coming. Happens to about everyone eventually.
Just something to think long and hard about. And yes I have an e-survival blanket but no emergency heat source for a shoreline fire. Might add that immediately.