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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by J-Doc

  1. That's rough. Appreciate your service! Lots of super hard things to overcome I bet.
  2. Not heard of it either but could see it as a possibility. In my opinion (which isn't worth much), fishing below 32 is not worth your life. I've done it yes. Fished a few tournaments where it was low teens at take off. While the man card got holes punched, and my ego felt good, it was not smart. I used to be an all whether guy but as I've gotten a bit older, my comfort and safety is far more important. If water temps are near 32, you're in Titanic-type water and won't survive after falling in. Even with a PDF, all those extra layers will really weigh on you and become much heavier after they soak up water. Chances of boarding yourself or with a buddy on the vessel in that much pain due to 32 degree water temps are very low. A buddy is a plus, provided he's strong enough to get you in immediately. And no I've not fallen out of a boat but came close. So my day is coming. Happens to about everyone eventually. Just something to think long and hard about. And yes I have an e-survival blanket but no emergency heat source for a shoreline fire. Might add that immediately.
  3. I'm guessing it's comfort and water temp is a little warmer down low. Water is lower and temps have been different this year above and below.
  4. Totally understand. That's what I meant. That's still a little if water to cover in a short time.
  5. Good deal. That's a lot of water to cover in that short a time frame. I hope to get after them sometime soon. I just couldn't get myself out of bed being on vacation all week. Lol!!
  6. Fishing pressure and massive amount of bait. Been seeing this for the last few years now. It's becoming increasingly harder each year.
  7. J-Doc

    Xmas bassing

    Motorguide or Minnkota? My MK Terrova spot lock is like a drunk guy is holding you on a spot. Just wobbles around and erratically tries to get back on the spot with wide open throttle because he drifted too far off. With fishing, it takes a lot of luck. That sounds like one trip where luck and experience paid off big time.
  8. Of course I'm joking Mike. Just VERY jealous.
  9. Same here. Only some fellas have that kind of luck consistently. Mike is one of them. Not me. I'd love an afternoon like he had.
  10. No offense Mike but I hate you. Lol!!! (J/k)
  11. I will be after Christmas some. I'll do what I can.
  12. I see. That was really cool.
  13. Hit the spoon on the bottom of lake?
  14. Cheater.....brilliant. 220...221...whatever it takes.
  15. Now that's funny right there!! Lol
  16. Understatement. She's a rare gem.
  17. I also have an array of painted spoons. Lifelike representations. Plain old silver has always done better. I forgot about bending the spoon. Will try that again.
  18. Sounds about like what I've been trying. Didn't think it was rocket science.
  19. So is there a secret to spoons? Subtle jerks or twitches? Or long violent upward swings on the rod similar to hooksets? I've done both and caught fish with both. Seems subtle got more bites but lately, I chase off fish with a spoon. When it drops, the fish swim up to it, look at it, laugh, and swim away. I know because I see them on the graph......laughing. Dang HDS....
  20. I went last week on a hot tip. Didn't work for me. Probably not going back for a while. Too many other things going on.
  21. No its you. Lol
  22. I have not had much luck with spoons in about a year. They are supposed to be simple but I have gone into a dryspell with spoons.
  23. J-Doc

    12-4 striper

    Allergic to eating fish. Pour fella. Sounds like a great trip to me.
  24. My boat and I hate you for this. (j/k) Mongo hungry......
  25. J-Doc


    SWEETNESS!!!! Glad to hear it doesn't take like 40yrs to get a 40lb fish. And from a trusted source too. ;-) Glad to have you back. I too have not been as active.
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