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Kc River Ratt

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About Kc River Ratt

  • Birthday 09/24/1968

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  • Location
    Kansas City, MO
  • Interests
    Fishing of course. Chiefs even when they lose.
    Collage Basketball... Rock Chalk!!!

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Kc River Ratt's Achievements

Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. I use Berkleys' Vanish 8lbs test. I'll put it up against p-line, or anyother line any day and twice on the river fishing days. My fishing buddies have seen me snag on the river and pull our 16 ft with 25hp jet upstream. I've yet to have a river smallie break it.
  2. Fishing: Missouri, Kansas lakes and streams showing signs of trouble Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2013/03/15/4124270/missouri-and-kansas-lakes-and.html#storylink=cpy Sad situation for us fishermen, women and children. Good read about a bad sitution. One of our very own Al Agnew is quoted in this.
  3. I was down at the White recently trout fishing, and the Buffalo and Crooked where both very low. The recent rains have probably helped some tho.
  4. Could be the floods of the 93,and everything went every where. The spots reproduce faster and the methabillies haven't realized that spots are as tasty as smallies.
  5. Really doesn't matter. As long as I'm fishing. I would love that 20" smallie, but being on fish all day and catching 15" + or - an inch or two is a great day. I know when we go fishing that our group has thier "go to" lure/bait. One of us usually catches smaller fish all day long. I usually catch less fish but catch larger ones on the average. Somedays I catch the numbers and the larger fish. I do like too try and hit as much water as possible, but like too try and go over a good producing hole at least twice.
  6. Thanks for the info Mitch. Will give him a call.
  7. Have a 25hp Johnson outboard, that needs upper and lower rebuild more or likely. Want someone that can diagnosis for sure, and do what needs done. Looking for a business that knows what they are doing but not over priced. Can drop off most any where in Missouri. Thanks for any response.
  8. Looks like the water was very low. Did you happen to get a picture of the trout you caught?
  9. Wow, that's so crazy let me say that backwards.... Wow! Saddest part is you ate them? Some people fish their whole lives and never see trophies like that, and you ate them.
  10. Have yet too fish Crooked. One of these days when heading too the White for some trout we check out Crooked.
  11. Thanx for the report Russ. Hope you and yours are doing well. Haven't been too the Elk in awhile. Hope too make it down that way sooner rather then later.
  12. Hey Wacky... good too see ya posting. Been awhile since had any fishing reports down that way. Prolly gonna head too the White this week and thinking bout maybe hitting the Elk on our way back up. Just wondering what the current conditions are down that way? I know there hasn't been alot of rain so I'm assuming that its prolly pretty low. Any info would be great.
  13. So 3 days ago was looking good? Prolly be down that way in a day or two, Anyone having any luck?
  14. Sounds like a good time.
  15. Anyone do any smallie fishing up this way? Been too Gravens twice now and both time the river looked like a catfish pond more then an ozark river. Planning my trips from KC a ahead of time doesnt always sit well with Mother Nature and its rained prior too my arriving. So I guess my other question is does the water up this way clear up aswell? Thanx in advance....
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