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The total for opening day was 1034. Total is adult and child tags
Another opening day in the books. Morning started off with little thunder shower not to bad. At the siren temperature about 55 but been dropping ever sense of well. Crowd seem little bigger than last year I will try and get a number and post it later.
The dozers were in the hatchery they lost dam earlier in the year and just finished repair to it
Water is clear to slightly off color seeing lots of fish in stream water running fast over rocks and dams Hope all enjoyed the photos
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Have so many things to be thankful for and blessed with such good friends and fellow fishing folks. Will be heading down Friday for a few days and weather looks great at this time too.
Just wanted to wish all Ozark Anglers and Lilleys Landing. Merry Christmas to all
Just wanted to wish all in the forum a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. A special greeting to all at Lilleys Landing for past great times this year. Dano
Was checking the live cam this afternoon. It is a very nice live shot of the trees Dano
Well stream was up today and still murky. With all the rain that was to be expected. It was a cold breeze today and with wet ground made things little uncomfortable to say the least. There were not many folks fishing for a saturday but guess weather had something to do with that. Dano
This is the report for March 2 2010. Got down to stream for opening siren. Water level appears to have dropped but water still on murky side. The water does look to me as it is trying to clear slightly. Caught a limit in about 30 minutes and they were all 3/4 lbs or better. The park was very empty today. My tag number for the today was 932. Had less than 1000 adults for opening day. The office stated biggest fish caught was 10 lbs and 4 ounces. Well that about all for now and good fishing to all. Dano
Had a great morning also hope tomorrow is good too. Dano
Well made it down to park early this morning. The stream and water clarity was little on high side and murky. They opened park just before 4:00 am this morning. I think crowd was also down from most opening days. The first parking lot is normally parked down the center completly but not they this morning. I fished that first hole down from the general store. Had my fireplaced going real good but was not all that bad this morning no wind. The siren went off and I sat by the fire. I started fishing about 15 minutes after siren went off. I caught a small small mouth first on first cast and released it back to water. I did four more cast and I was done for the day. I caught my four ranging between 3/4 to 1 pound size, It was good 5 cast and 5 fish. Will go down later today and check the tag count but would guess no more than 1000 tags if that. I will try and make post later then. Good luck to all today and tomorrow on the fishing. We also had one fisherman fall into water too. Dano
Was down at stream about noon today. Things about the same as it has been last three days. Did not appear up anymore than it has been to me but it is still murky to dirty and running fast in most areas. Hope this was a help to you. Dano
Will ba heading down to stream in alittle while. I did not get lot of rest with all the storms going on last night and into the morning. Will also not be my first high water opening either. I will postanother entry later in the day. Dano
Well things have not changed much in the stream conditions. They are calling for some heavy rains tonight also. I did walk around the entire stream today. I did see some clearing in water clarity but not a whole lot. It will be hard to say how opening morning will go just yet. Will check monday on number of tags that have been pre-sold. I got my tag on saturday and was number 33. Well that is about all to report for today and will post again on monday sometime. Till then good fishing too all Dano
Well things have not changed that much at the stream. Water is still high and dirty this afternoon. Water level is about six inches from topping over the rocks. They are also calling for heavy rain sunday and monday. The park looked in good shape all clean and such. The store appears not to have been fully stocked as of today. I talked to a employee at park and confirmed meramac was still out of its banks. The dry fork was also high and muddy too. Well that is all to report will try and make another post on sunday. Dano
Made it down to the springs today. My first impression of springs is as follows. The springs high and running fast. The water clarity is dirty brown in color. There is no way for anyone to see bottom and or sight fish. I am hoping that the water will start to clear if no further rain happens next several days. They did not get any snow here but did lots of rain. The river is up and near flooding and would guess this will cause possible flooding in park. Will have too see how it goes. Weather is calling for rain but it might not be to bad temperature way. Will try and post a daiky update and address any question that might be of interest to person on this site. Till later and tuesday morning. Dano
Thought I was only one that had bad opening day. I fished until about 2 pm and caught only one. I also did not see alot of folks carrying full stringers either. I was told that they stocked 3600 in stream for the day. They had about 1400tags sold for the day. Was my worst opening day in 32 years oh well tomorrow will be a better day I hope. Dano
Well things have not improved all that much. Getting some fairly heavy rain at the present time. Had a few more folks fishing this morning. The water still high, fast, and murky. Caught a limit this morning the biggest a little better than a pound. I did speak with person selling tags about derby day. They have fish in holding area several about ten pounds I am told. The weather too nasty to check out right now but will try before friday night, I will attempt to take a few pics and post them. If the rain continues as is saturday will be real treat. If they get three inches of rain that will cause water level up to ground level and may cause some minor flooding. Sorry not a glowing reprot but that is the way it is. Dano
Eric Yes they were all rainbows Dano
It was a big ole male rainbow Bman Dano
Here is a report for Monday October 26, 2009. Had a good morning fishing at the stream. Got four nice eating fish this morning. Woud guess between half pound to three quarter pound each. A nice stringer of fish just the same. I would guess maybe 8 cars of fisherman at the siren. The weather was less than nice overcast and a steady rainfall. Sunday afternoon was the same with the rain and all. Saw some nice ones in fast water from walk over bridge to the split by the rocks in the water. The bad thing that area is full of little six inch trout also fighting for the bait. Saw one a person had one on the line would guess a good eight pounds but snapped his line and went up under the cable line. Some nice ones coming up from the river to reach the hatchery. The stream is running high and off color and hard to sight fish. The fast water that I mention earlier is somewhat clear but still hard to see. Was able to sight the big ones with polarized glasses. The weather forcast is not all that promising calling for more rain the rest of the week. That is about it for now will post again tomorrow. Until then good fishing. Dano
Will be headed down tomorrow Oct 23 for the final week. The weather is not wanting to cooperate all that much. Raining hard in St Louis area as I post. I see a flash flood warning for Phelps county up to midnight. Well going down anyway and see what happens. Good fishing to all Dano