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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Martin, Have you been fishing in Indian or north little indian this year. I fish in there for bass but not crappie, just always pass it by.
  2. Thanks for checking. I too had searched and had come up with nothing. Sometimes large fish get bigger through the years unless official.
  3. Anybody know of a site that has the lake records for table rock? Just curious what the lake records were for bass, crappie ect.
  4. Fished today and 1 14"slab and a small channel cat. It was tough! wind wasa problem also. Maybe tommorow?
  5. Fished today down in long creek. No bites for us on pea gravel. Went to bluff cuts and coves off bluffs and ended up with 22 nice keepers. 3 of us fishing. All males except 1. Two or three fish from a spot, really scattered. 6- 12 ft deep. My pea gravel fish vanished on me. Even tried deep. Know they were there but woildn't bite.
  6. A good friend of mine was killed at Stockton 5 years ago in a boat accident. he was helping some other boat back to Ruark Bluff as they were lost and it was dark. When he pulled into the cove , he shut it down at the idle buoys and the boat following him ran right over the top of him. No drinking involved , just a freak accident that could have been avoided if both parties had payed a little more attention. Maybe the boat that ran off had somebody hurt and went for help, guess it will all come out in the wash.
  7. denjac


    As a child we used to go to this creek and catch trout with cane poles.On the back side of the mill in the still water. Many in the 2 lb- 3 lb range. Caught mostly on velveta cheese balls and worms. lol
  8. denjac


    Has the lake come up any? Been a month since I was up there. Need some water in my bank cuts. lol
  9. Hey shadman, You didnt seem to mind a boat last friday when we were in long creek catching crappie in gale force winds. lol.
  10. Don, We all have been guilty of this type of writing. I personally don't see the big deal but know that some take offense. Like you said take somebody else'e idea and make it your own. Thats how things get tweaked to perfection. Keep on writing!
  11. I know those spots. LOL
  12. Fished Sunday in Brusht creek. 1 crappie 2 big whites. Wind was too bad and left as had to run back to Indian point. Things are going to explode soon. Son fished Grand lake this weekend. 5 nice spoonbill and a basket full of crappie off the docks. There doing it there.
  13. Caught mostley males yesterday in the mouth of brushy creek, 5- 8 ft of water. Also had a good bite on jerk bait for bass in very shallow flat pea gravel banks.Will see if I ge out today, supposed to blow.
  14. I learned this down in Alabama and its great. Many of you might know this but since white bass are starting I though I would share. Take white bass fillets and cut them in 1/2- 1 inch strips as long as the fillet. Take them and put them in boiling water with some shrimp or crab boil. When they turn pink take them out and you have imitation crab meat! Can't tell the diferance in store bought.
  15. Fished today for about 4 hours in the same water as yesterday (brushy creek) where we caught a few slabs. Nothing today, oh well thats the way it goes sometimes. Did have some excitement though, when my brother in law fell out of the boat. He did have his life jacket on so he bobbed like a cork. Pulled him in the boat like a beached whale. Good thing we were close to home in little Indian creek. Just a couple hundred yards from the boat ramp. Seriously though the water is still cold and this could have been a bad deal. Its still a good idea to wear your like jacket in this cold even when fishing. It paid off today.
  16. Beat on the tim tilt motor wth a pair of pliars or a hammer, this method has gotten me out of a jam before. I guess beat isn't the proper term, tap on it. lol
  17. Unless you were out of the wind yesterday, I would tie on 2 1/16 ounce jigs. I don't think you can get down deep enough when the wind is blowing with 1 jig. Had a good bite yesterday in long creek. Yellow and black seemed to work best. Bite didnt start for us until 2:00. They were in 25 ft.
  18. Great site. Live in Joplin, fish most area lakes. Will be at Table Rock this weekend.
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