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About bigdub

  • Birthday 02/28/1982

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    Hollister, MO
  • Interests
    Fishing, Weight Lifting/Physical Fitness, and TEAXS HOLD EM!!!

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Bigmouth Quillback

Bigmouth Quillback (6/89)



  1. There were quite a few nice ones caught. I caught a nice rainbow that was just shy of 5 LBS, overall it was great turnout and event.
  2. Is this still happening, was going to fish in it, but haven't heard anymore about it?
  3. Thanks Bob, it was a good time!! Fishing was a little slow in the morning, but the majority of the bites were "quality!!!!" The snow has finally stopped here and I think me and the "old" man will be there with bells on. It doesn't sound like I will be fishing in shorts like I was on Saturday though unfortunately. I hopefully the fish are still around and you all have an awesome turnout. As always we are looking forward to a good time.
  4. We first ran into theses guys in the Trophy area up by the tennis courts and they were telling us about this 13pounder they caught down by the Fall Creek sign after they threw in about 6 cans of corn and these fellas were DRUNK. They said some guide came along and weighed it for them, but I don't know that to be true. Also said they had another 6 pounder on ice to get mounted along with the big guy. These guys were idiots and they were just yeling about it to anyone who would listen, every boat they passed. We drifted on out of the trophy area and they were sitting there by the sign again throwing in handfulls of corn in and some undercover agents in a older blue Lowe went right by them and proceeded on up around the bend in the trophy area. They were catching all kinds of fish as we drifted by. We headed back up right as they must have left and here came the agents from around the corner as soon as they pulled anchor. The agents followed them, then they stopped and then they took off once they knew they were after them. The agents were about 15ft from their motor when they went out of sight. I din't hear what happened to them, but i am sure they got a heftyfine at the minimun, if anyone knows it would be interesting to see just how many rules they broke. People like that make me sick I hope they got what they deserved.
  5. I fished Taney all day Saturday and found the action down around the Landing to be very slow and no size. Aside from the "lucky" 3lb er my dad caught it was mainly dinks and few and far between. We hit some of our sure fire spots and still not much luck. We did fish up in the late afternoon and catch a few around Fall Creek just in time to see some idiots in a Trout Hollow pontoon get arrested I think. Apparently they had caught a 13 pounder that they had chummed in with corn and were VERY DRUNK. Apparently the undercover agents in the Blue Lowe didn't think they were nearly as funny as they did. Anyway I was just curious if anyone was having much luck down the lake??
  6. I have used them for walleye on Bull Shoals, absolutely destroy's them around K Dock. They are also decent for crappie in their own right, but I find the action to be way too erratic when rigged on a lead head to be truely effective for crappie. Overall they are an excellent bait that triggers aggressive strikes.
  7. Well, welcome to the forum and get your butt back down as soon as you can, I find it helps you keep your sanity!!!
  8. My dad and I are in!!!!!!!!
  9. Yeah, were in, should be nice and HOT!!! There shouldn't be ANY fish around Monkey in August anyway LOL!! See ya there!
  10. Hey Gator, the fishng around Monkey was pretty good last weekend. My dad and I were out Friday and Saturday and did pretty well, ALOT of numbers. Dad caught one decent brown right at the point of the island, the fish seemed to be a little deeper and we missed alot of fish hitting short on the jigs. Sculpin and green/olive were the ticket. White was really inconsistent, but better fish. Went down past the Landing and it was great, which was suprising because the water temps were over 60, but they did want the jig dead on the bottom. Have a good day!!
  11. OK, so maybe I need to stop getting on here so early in the morning before my coffee. I answered a question no one asked, my appologies!!
  12. The 1/8th oz is what I prefer, helps ensure the jig gets down on the bottom in the faster water, which is the most critical aspect of jig fishing most of the time. Good Luck!!
  13. I don't think that they are all nesting quite yet. The first few did come in shallow water, probably off of nests and then they quit so we started throwing a little deeper just kind of working our way furthur out from the bank. I would say we never caught more than 6 or 7 at one depth, but they all came from about the same general area, just kept working back and forth. We just started throwing close to the bank and then worked our way out into deeper water. We never fished anything more than 10' though, so I wo uld dsay another week and they should be up shallow for the most part, but you r guess is as good as mine. Good Luck!!
  14. Sorry, just got to a computer. Put in about 10:00AM, fished Swan and on my first 3 casts, 3 really nice whites. I was thinking I was really onto something because I was the only boat in the creek. Well, I ended up catching 10 nice whites in about an hour and 2 16" walleye, they didn't want anything but a white slider with an 1/8th oz jig head and I threw the kitchen sink at em'. Everything came right off the edge of the flooded field. I decided to see what all the fuss was about below the dam so I headed up to the pothole. Gave it about 30 min and NOTHING, honestly though, I really don't know how to fish it very well so my report shouldn't really matter!! My father and I decided to take out and go to K Dock, GREAT DECISION!! We each caught our limit of crappie in about 2 hours with the smallest being 14" and 3 monster 17-18" and didn't catch one short all day. Caught a couple more walleye, one keeper, also mixed in with the crappie. All were caught on 1/8oz white jigs except one came jigging a gulp minnow. It turned out to be a good day. A lot of boats parked at K Dock, but we didn't see anyone around so I don't know where they were fishing. It is getting good out there if crappie is what you are after, go get em', I won't be back till next weekend so they are safe for now. Good luck out there!!
  15. If he's available, Brett with Chartered Waters. He's good and can cover almost the whole lot of things you are wanting to learn. He is a awesome teacher and you and your wife would have a great experience. Good Luck!
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