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Bill Babler

OA Contributing Reporter
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Everything posted by Bill Babler

  1. Just wanted to take a moment and let the majority of you know how much you have meant to me. I hope in someway my information and banter has both provided you a giggle or two and helped you catch a fish or three. The reason I’ve stopped posting is really my information has no use and earlier this year came under excessive criticism. It went as far as calling me names on this forum. Go back and look at my post of a good friend catching an 8 plus pound fish using electronics. That was probably the icing on the cake ie the final straw. A bit of history and you all know it. I have never been. I mean never been a go down the bank casting guy. Grew up in the early 70’s on Lake O. With all our guides using Hummingbird flashers to find spoonbill, brush, or white bass using those little boxes. Progressed to the paper, 2D, HDS, then FFS. It’s all I have ever known about fishing as far as finding fish. Everyone knows when I get near the bank I get twitchy. I’m an open deep water fisherman. It’s all I’ve ever done and all I want to do. If I can’t see em I really just don’t fish for them. Never have never will. FFS is just a progression to me. I know a vast amount of you dislike it. I totally respect that. To me it’s just the life long progression I’ve been following since I watched that old HB flasher when I was a kid. Anything I post is solely related to electronics and it’s been made clear that’s not what the forum wants. My post have always been about electronics and deep fish I’m still fishing at an amazing rate and sent Champ lots of fish pics. There is a brand spanking new Phoenix sitting in the boat barn. It does have lots of underwater peek-a-poo glass on it. Sill amazed at how many fish think my offerings have spent the nite in kitty litter. Really puts you in your place to see all the refusals. Just got back a couple of weeks ago from Sturgeon Bay. 5 of us went. Everyone caught a jaw over 5 pounds. I had a 5.7 and a 5.9. Big fish for the group was 5.13. Didn’t catch a ton but I think most all were 3 plus pounds. Becky and I just love Pickleball. We have a fantastic new indoor facility here in SK. We both are in great shape I’m about 170 pounds and Becky is 135. That’s about as good as we old folks can be. We play 3-4 days a week for 2-3 hours at a time. Afternoons and Saturdays so it doesn’t interfere with fishing. I still peruse the forum to see how you are doing but just don’t feel the need to whip a dead horse with my posts as they will be 100% deep water fishing. Good luck to all of you no matter how you choose to try and catch them. You all have been family and it’s been one of the joys of my life communicating on this great medium. Continuing success on all your endeavors. Sincerely, Bill
  2. Guys that are in their 70’s aren’t going to dictate the future of the Sport. I think some circuit may have a derby without it, but if the guys aren’t putting fish in the boat at the rate they are now it will lose interest fast. My post was just to show a buddy that’s loves to fish and works hard at it with a Super Nice fish for any lake. A total Monster for TR. We have another thread on FFS.
  3. Great trip. Sorry I couldn’t make it.
  4. I understand what you’re saying. So as far as technology is concerned I’m guessing you don’t use graphite rods, carbon line no computer in your business or large screen color TV at home. Not being argumentative but I’m guessing your not going back and forth in a horse and buggy. I respect any skill a person masters. Putting in the time and working hard at it should not taint or diminish the result. I’m as good with FFS as most anyone and I have yet to catch a 7 pound plus fish this year. Dockit is as good as anyone and I don’t think he has either. Yes I’d absolutely smile if I caught a 7 or 8 pounder using legal methods that I had worked at diligently to perfect and understand as Don has. I simply could not degrade someone’s accomplishments after the hours he has spent on it. I’m simply at a loss how this offends anyone. There is probably no need in me posting further reports as my failures or successes will be influenced by technology. Of course they have been for the last 30 years. Good Luck.
  5. Dave. I’ve had 10’s of thousands of hours looking at 2D sonar, or what’s under my boat. Years ago really I adapted to really not even fishing a bank if I did not see either suspended fish, bait fish or a tell tale sign of activity prior to fishing that location. I have for the last 20 years just not pulled on a bank because it looked good or I have caught them there previously. I just flat never fish for fish. Really never have since I started guiding or came to Table Rock. This is pretty long winded. I did a seminar with McCelland and the first thing he told the group is even if you don’t have FFS, use your 2D prior to fishing a location. You don’t see em, don’t waste your time. This is coming from a guy that’s made close to 3 million in tournaments. FFS lets you see not only under but to the sides and out in front. It cuts out hours of unproductive water. How many hours are available to most of us on the water? If we can convert unproductive hours from fishing barren areas to fishing where we know there are fish activity it’s a game changer. FFS is as much about the setup as it is anything. The right equipment that is dialed in and set up correctly is a game changer. If it’s not it’s like trying to drive a screw in with a hammer. You can do it but it’s not going to give you what you want. My equipment was set up by one of the best. It was installed and set up by one of its designers from Garmin. Different from 2D I’m constantly adjusting my livescope for gain, range and depth. It take some time to define targets but it’s time spent on the water. Maybe not fishing but learning. It’s totally opened my mind and made me a much better fisherman. It’s taught me how fish set up not only in seasonal patterns but how they relate to structure. How at times the patterns that we thought we knew were not really what’s happening. You know even with the FFS nothing is equal to time on the water. There are 1000 of blogs on set up if you think it’s time, get on line and learn. Get a quality installation and get in the boat and play.
  6. Don’t agree at all. I’ve always been a deep water fisherman and spent my life and earned a great living looking at sonar. I would have failed on Table Rock without it I’ve never really enjoyed going down a bank and casting a lure. I love the nature and being outside but if you would tell me out on that hump they’re stacked up I bet I’d be out there. FFS is a tool and you have to know how to use it just like 2D, or Side Image. Don has spent over 300 hours on the water this year. He is putting in his time and paying his dues. Nothing is easy. He has been out rain or shine. Cold or wind he is out there. That demands my total respect. He fished days most of won’t even go outside. For every fish that eats it 10 refuse it, even with live bait. Seeing them is nice but catching them is an entirely different matter. It’s totally unreal the amount of refusals Knowing where to fish and where they are keeps you from fishing where they Ain’t. Every hour I get to spend on the water is precious to me. I love the fishing as well as the catching, but we will all admit the catching is the most fun. The analogy of him not earning it is just flat totally off base. Even those that don’t like FFS Can’t dispute him putting in the hours he has to accomplish what he’s doing this year.
  7. 3-21. Good buddy that caught the 7 pounder week before last out did himself yesterday. This is the best of the best. 8.1 pounds. Said that had over 30 keeps with best 5 at plus 20 pounds. Said they were looking at most all of them that were caught on a Dimiki and A-Rig. Total FFS day. He said if you didn’t see em you didn’t catch em. They just simply quit casting and went looking. Don had Hummingbird stuff including mega live and 2 Apex units last year. Total gave it away and now is running 4 Garmin units. Live Scope and Sea Clear harness. He is a retired surgeon and is fishing most everyday. He is also a techno junkie. And as you may guess money is no factor. He has already had 15 fish over 5 pounds since the middle of February and that is his second one over 7 pounds. Kind of what I wanted to do. I’m doing good on the 5 pounders, but not the 7 plus yet. Might have set my goals to high. I’m playing Pickleball 4 days a week 3 hours a day. Probably need to be fishing but I just love it. Dropped down to 175 pounds and I haven’t been there in years. With a very generous donation we have a new PB faculty in Shell Knob and it’s really fun with the group we have playing. I’m hooked. It’s been a few years since any double digit fish have been caught. I’m thinking in the next 2 months we may see more than one. This lake is on Fire. Good Luck.
  8. Here is a line box and a wall mount dispenser. There are better and more expensive but ya don’t need em.
  9. OMTT no A-Rig. They caught them on a jerk bait and a Dimiki on docks. Sunday A-rig same cove same docks. Close to 57 pounds in two days from the same location. Fantastic weekend for them. Congrats. Sunday was a bite fest.
  10. I use both a line box and a rolling wall system. Never a twist problem. Couple of tips from a retired guide. First don’t over fill the spool 2 use appropriate line size for the reel. Most 1000/1500 series reels should not be spooled with a line wt.over 6 pound test Even if it gives you a higher line capacity for the reel don’t go there 2000/2500 series you can use up to 10# but 8 is preferable. NO. Carbon line. Forget about it. Use Maxima-Stren or XPS from BP. MAXIMA OR XPS preferably. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER close a spinning reel by turning the handle of the reel to close or engage the bail. Your new line will be a mess within an hour. Always close the bail by hand. I don’t care if you’re using a Stella or a piece of BP junk. Twisting the handle to close the bail will result in line twist. Now if you’re using braid with a carbon leader that’s fine as the braid has little to no memory and spools well. Again read the label on the braid. If it says the diameter is equivalent to say 6 pound test and the braid is 15 pound test, spool appropriate There are total exceptions to everything and experienced guys that have changed these rules can get away with it to some extent. If your a guide with multiple inexperienced fishermen you cannot make mistakes. Equipment and line snaffues cost clients time and the guide money. The principles I’ve outlined above prevent these gaffes. Good Luck
  11. They won the OMTT the day before with over 26 pounds. EVERYTHING on the Alabama Rig. Talked to a couple of participants and they also were working the Rig. Good buddy had 19 pounds all on a Rig. Good friend I practiced a bit with this week had 16 pounds flipping docks plus the A-Rig. Said they had 30 keepers and had 13 pounds on the first stop in under 30 minutes. After church I started at noon. There were 3 footers on the open water stretch from Shell Knob to Campbell Point. Surface temp 56.7. Went back in Fish-n-Fun cove. Ie another Mill Creek. Water in the back was 58.1. Started fishing docks in the flat coves with a shaky head and every other dock had a keepers or two on them. Nothing big, but fish after fish. About 3 I headed back toward Baxter and just had to stop on a section of chunk gravel mix with the wind howling in on it. Only possibility here was an A-Rig or for some stupid reason I had a 3/4oz. Hard head tied on so I picked that up and it was simply a cremation till 5 pm. Had 17 keepers 3 pounds the biggest and I’m guessing I missed 15 bites in the wind and surf. Really can’t remember a 5 hour day with that kind of action that wasn’t on a drop shot or in the Winter with a spoon. Yesterday the fish just went crazy. Table Rock fish don’t usually act like that but it was one of those days. A record setter. Good Luck.
  12. Watch Mike Baker’s video from this past week catching crappie on Truman Lake. Probably by far the best video I have seen on the capability of the machine and what it opens up. He is catching crappie in open water that really previously was not touched. He simply torches suspended fish and your right with him seeing every bite. Mike Baker without a doubt gives the most informative videos on livescope and also catfishing out there. I don’t fish cats at all and very seldom crappie but his videos apply to bass fishing as well. If you enjoy fishing of any type you’ll enjoy Mike Baker videos. Mostly filmed on Truman and LOZ.
  13. Dock and I could pretty much trade boats and equipment and neither of us could tell much difference. My thought however is that his boat would take me to all the Biggins he is catching. He’d probably want to trade mine in. It does however have a firm grasp of 14” K’s. 😁
  14. Some folks just love the Underspin. I’m a bit wishy washy on it. On clear water or as it is today I don’t think you gain a lot over the straight swimbait. You do lose a lot if you hang it up. With the kids I’d think about that. Dockit is a great resource on it. If he thinks it is a helper, I’d take his word for it. I just have not found it better in clear water. They can see the durn thing 15’ away right now, even in the Kings River.
  15. The Big fish he caught this past week was in the Kings, around the mouth. Spoke to a good friend at Pickleball yesterday. He is catching them really good in the upper Kings on a RK Crawler in Phantom Green or Brown. Said he had 30 some in a 4 hour trip. No size. As far as the Keitech is concerned the 2.8 on 1/4 oz. head will always get the most bites. Gizzard Shad,Threadfin Shad, Pro-blue Pearl are the best TR colors for that and most all areas. Don’t hesitate to try a shaky or a Ned if your not getting bit. Same guy that caught all the bass said they are struggling with crappie in the Kings even on minnows. Said they have been catching some short male walleye on the minnows and some big bluegill for cripes sakes. Good Luck.
  16. Same buddy that caught the 7 pounder was at it again yesterday. Baxter to KC. Said he had 26 fish with 12 keepers. Bout 14 pounds. Every fish he caught was on an underspin. Transitions with gravel. Boat in about 30’/35’ fish in the 10’/15’ range. Said he had a blast. Surface temps at 54 degree 1/4 oz. head with a 2.8” Keitech. Good Luck.
  17. HH is a very good choice.
  18. Really tough for us this morning. 4 shorts 3 keeps and I lost one about 5# at the boat. Most all the shorts on a shaky head all the keeps that were just that on a McStick in TRS. right on the bank. Big fish I lost was on the sticker. Thought the wind would help but it ran us off the Lake.
  19. All the ramps are pay unless you have a senior park pass. Again, just call the lodging and they will let ya know.
  20. April is a great time. Most all lodging has boat parking easy to just inquire if they have electricity hookups for battery charges. Moonshine Beach by Chateau on the Lake excellent ramp, State Park and Old 86 all fantastic ramps in the dam area. April is 2.8” Keitech month Gizzard or Threadfin Shad with a 1/8-1/4 oz ball head. Also a Ned Rig in 1/16 to 1/4 is a killer for Small Jaws. Green Pumpkin and PBJ are lake standbys Brown and orange also really works great Suspending stickbaits will also wack them. Not even close Table Rock Shad in the Megabass Lineup and Blue Bandit in the Spro offerings, are the best colors Smallmouth on the Rock love gravel run outs and transition points going into spawning coves. At the dam don’t be afraid to keep the boat in 25’-35’ of water on these gentle run outs. Water will be 10’ to 20’ of visibility unless it floods. Rain really doesn’t make much difference. It stays clear down there. Expect the bite to be in 10’ to 15’’ range. Also use your electronics. If you see suspended fish on your 2D sonar under the boat, BACK OUT. If you have Live Scope or Active Target. You will see them. If you don’t move along. I’m sure you’ll get some more tips. Good Luck.
  21. Buddy just sent me this picture. Sticker on the White River above the SK bridge. Megabass +2 French Pearl. 7.7#.
  22. Son and I got out about 8 am yesterday. Lake here at Baxter was totally packed with boats even at 33 degree air temp. Steven just flat hung it on the Ole Man. Fished till noon. He had 17 out of the back of the boat and I had 2 yep a Duce. He was throwing a Megabass plus2 in TRS on 10# test line and I was throwing a Megabass plus 1 in TRS. on 15# line. Made a WHALE of a difference as he missed more than I caught. Kid is good with the Jerkbait. He’s fished with Buster and Beck so kind of has an idea how to fish it. Fished by myself today starting at 1pm. Fished for 3 hours on mostly flat water and a sky that went to Heaven without a cloud. I chased wind the best I could and caught 4 on Steven’s outfit. All keeps just big Fatty K’s. Neighbor started at the same time and did the exact same. We launched together and loaded out together. He had 4 keeper K’s on a McStick, chasing wind too. Surface temp at H ramp when I trailered at 4pm was 55.4 on flat water. Good Luck.
  23. Y’all are having a wonder Winter. Congrats
  24. Good friend launched at Big M yesterday. Said they had 46 bass and 1 walleye. 14 keeps. Nothing big. Mostly LM with their biggest fish being a Jaw. All on a Megabass Jerker. 15’ and under. Said they watched the major of them eat it on live Scope Surface temp was 53/54. Good Luck
  25. McCelland and I did a program at Nixa High School for their fishing team week before last. Every team member had either Live Scope or Active Target. I asked about competing and I’m guessing at this point, ALL High School teams are using it to be competitive. Truthfully I have not seen a boat at the ramp or the lake without one of the two in quite sometime. I’m going down to Lake Grenada next week with a crappie guy and long pole them on a Live scope. There are enough scopes on LOZ and Truman to make Garmin solvent. Garmin really cut their Pro-staff and employee discounts this year. Don’t need to give discounts anymore.
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