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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Yep, looking forward to it!
  2. Sounds like a guy Mizzou (or any college) would be happy to have.
  3. Well the wind made it tough for me today, I like to fish slow and relatively deep, and a good gusty wind just messes me up. I caught 4 bass, 2 were keepers, one being a near 17" spot that I was happy to catch. All came on a 1/8 oz Ned tipped with a Zinker chunk. Threw a tube around for a bit, missed 2 fish on it. I think they wanted to bite today, just could not slow down enough to catch them like I wanted. Talked to a fellow that was out throwing an A-rig, he had only caught one on it. Water temp - 41.
  4. Quillback

    Coe Hang Tag

    You're expired my friend The Beaver lake COE office is not too far from you, you can go there to get a new tag. http://www.bing.com/local?lid=YN57x415413&id=YN57x415413&q=U.S.+Army+Corps+of+Engineers%2c+Beaver+Lake+Arkansas+Rogers+AR&FORM=SNAPST
  5. What position does that Beckner kid play? Watched most of the Kentucky/Mizzou game - Tiggers hung in there for the first half at least. Kentucky is just at another level than the rest of the SEC. Lots of talent and a deep bench. Hogs are a bit of a disappointment this year, starting to look like a bubble team, I thought they should be good enough to be a lock to make The Dance.
  6. Why didn't they have those cool camo rod/reel combos when I was 4 years old?
  7. Good to see you got into them, love those chunky Kentucks.
  8. Champ - It's been no A-rig since the beginning, here's a recap of the rules just in case. OK, let's do it - March 14, 2015, Eagle Rock COE Ramp, 0700 start time, Tournaments ends at 1400. Big bass format, largest weight wins. Any black bass (Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted Bass, Meanmouth) are eligible, but only one bass will qualify as the biggest. No entry fee, trophy will be awarded to the winner (and just think of the bragging rights you will have on the forum). Immense prestige will accrue to the winner of this tournament. You can fish multiple people out of a boat, but the trophy will go to the individual that weighs in the biggest bass. Typical bass tourney rules apply - No bait, no trolling, and no A-rig or multi-arm lures. We'll have a couple of grills going, so plan to stay around for a bit after the tourney and meet some folks. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and other food stuff will be available, just bring your own drinks. Always a chance that weather could be bad in March, if it is looking bad enough to make travel treacherous then we will have to reschedule. We'll notify everyone a day or two in advance it if look like bad weather. Feel free to take some pics during the tourney and post them on the forum. As of now looks like we have close to 30 participants.
  9. Not looking to have several cameras, would rather have one that does a good job on many fronts. Cameras are like boats, always compromises to be made.
  10. I looked at Pentax, read reviews, etc., biggest knock on the Pentax was on the video side.
  11. Cool - I just picked up a Nikon D5300. Still learning to use it, but hope to get out there soon and start taking some pics with it.
  12. Thanks for the report, good to hear there was a bite on the jerker.
  13. That is awesome, what a great lake to live on!
  14. if Dave quits making them, they will become collectors items and fetch $50 each on Ebay.
  15. Nice bow! I'll throw in my pic of one I caught a month ago.
  16. Good pic, what camera are you using?
  17. Welcome Kchap, glad to have you here. The name of the show is "Krappie Kings". Link below: http://www.thesportsmanchannel.com/shows/krappie-kings-tv/
  18. Dave's are the best.
  19. I've been a tube dragger the last two winters, hardly pick them up now. I like to fish the Ned slowly, do a little shaking, or hopping. Sometimes just a plain drag. Picked up a few yesterday on Beaver vertically fishing it in 30 FOW. Just gently shaking the rod tip.
  20. Nice brown fish Bo.
  21. It will probably rerun this week, if I see it in the listings I'll try and remember to post it.
  22. Thanks, you've been a big help.
  23. For some maybe, but not for me. I've been to a few before that were hyped by similar vague "lots of vendors" ads, and found them to be worthless. This could be a great show, but I don't know if I want to spend 2 hours driving to find out.
  24. They finally aired that Sequoyah episode today. It didn't look like they caught a lot of fish, but certainly some nice quality. That crab cake stuffed, fried catfish with some kind of Louisiana shrimp sauce ladled on top served by Rue New Orleans restaurant sure looked tasty.
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