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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Good deal, nothing beats catching smallies!
  2. But they returned them to the lake, whereas the fate of the TR fish seems to be a mystery.
  3. Between what I recorded and what I watched live, I saw Mizzou game Hawgs game Miss ST/Auburn game Royals game A bit of the Cards game And today there are a couple of NFL games I want to watch, but may set up to record and go fishing.
  4. Yep, those guys pitched well. I wonder what the status is on Ventura's "injury"? Even though it was not extra innings, it sure felt like it. Lorenzo Cain has been unbelievable.
  5. Freaking Hawgs, yet another game that could have won. I was scratching my head also over the fact that they abandoned the run. They can't win on Allen's arm. He actually had a couple of series where he threw the ball well, but he's just not capable of doing that the entire game. That Mizzou game was awful. Only bright spot I saw was that the MO D line played fairly well. Big SEC news from my point of view was the Mississippi State win over Auburn. Florida State against ND, that is a game I plan on watching next week.
  6. I think I see what you are talking about - but I think it spells "Fred".
  7. Some nice looking fish!
  8. Yeah I did too, Shields has been a bit shaky throughout the playoffs.
  9. You are right, and they did bring them - well except for that bases loaded, broken bat, bloop double that Gordon hit. Always like to see a win of the first game on the road.
  10. I want to know where those monuments are being built.
  11. This is the aspect of big time college sports that tick me off, schools, networks and advertisers are raking in the cash and they suspend one of the top players in the game for $400.
  12. Game 1 Tonight!
  13. I did change to a War Eagle "Mouse" instead of black, and the hook up ratio was much better, but not nearly as many bites as I got three weeks ago. Small sample size however, looks like I'll need to do some more experimenting.
  14. Heard today that Shields is starting game #1.
  15. Never have liked the Giants, especially when Bonds played there. Go Cards!
  16. Yeah that would have been funny if it had stayed in.
  17. Got there at daybreak, foggy as all get out, got a couple on the buzz bait, then a line of storms moved in. Sa tin the truck for a while until the rain moved out, went back to throwing the buzzer, caught 8 more on it and a couple of drop shot fish and then it was time to go home. Nothing big on the buzzer but they were a bit interested in it. Best bite was in the coves, could not find much in the main channel. Looks like we might be in for a wash out if the weather guessers are close to being accurate. Maybe that will get the fish going. Water temp 72-73.
  18. They are out there, but they are sly sons of guns.
  19. Wow, Cards did it - hopefully they can go on and eliminate the last of the California teams and make it to the Series. I understand Mattingly's reasoning for leaving Kershaw in the game, but it did surprise me a bit he did not pinch hit for him in the top of the 7th. When Adams did that bat flip, I thought he had really crushed it, but it did not make it over the fence by much.
  20. Interesting discussion with Yelas and Nixon talking about tourney etiquette and fishing pressure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfuUG4UCJJI&feature=youtu.be
  21. Right on, must have been fun!
  22. I guess it doesn't matter if you end up #4 or #1 at the end, there's no home field advantage, right?
  23. Yesterday the Monarchs were on the move, crossing the White river channel near point 23. Not a continuous stream, but you could usually spot 2 or 3 heading south if you looked around. They were flying right into about a 10 MPH wind. I idled the boat beside one to see how fast they were going into that wind - about 2.5 MPH. Pretty amazing a creature that fragile can make the trip from here (and from parts further north) to Mexico.
  24. Oops, posted in the wrong forum - moderators please delete.
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