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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Yesterday the Monarchs were on the move, crossing the White river channel near point 23. Not a continuous stream, but you could usually spot 2 or 3 heading south if you looked around. They were flying right into about a 10 MPH wind. I idled the boat beside one to see how fast they were going into that wind - about 2.5 MPH. Pretty amazing a creature that fragile can make the trip from here (and from parts further north) to Mexico.
  2. Thanks - interesting stuff. Looks like we have a lot of LM's heading towards that keeper length.
  3. Dang if I know.
  4. We'll find out about Miss. St this weekend, Auburn is paying a visit.
  5. How the heck do some guys from Iowa come down and beat the locals? Not that I'm knocking them, congrats to them for getting a 15 lb. bag.
  6. Being primarily a Red Sox fan (I also can pull for Royals and Cards especially with the Sox out of the playoffs this year), I appreciated the effort and competitiveness he showed this year. I was down on the guy at first as the Sox as signed him to a big contract and he either did not pitch well or was hurt. But this year he put it together. He's not a dominant pitcher, but a good #3 that will work hard and give his team a chance to win.
  7. Sounds very Neddish Bo.
  8. How about that bulldog Lackey!
  9. Ham I did not throw the Spy bait, did not have one with me, but I agree you think the whites would eat it. It's a LC Waketail 85. I haven't been too impressed with it so far, the whites ate it, but the black bass are so-so with it.
  10. Launched at dawn, headed down the river channel, got to the point 23 area and there were fish busting shad all over the place, literally from one bank to the other. White bass as it turned out with a few spots mixed in. Threw a top water prop bait at them, and they were killing it. White bass were pretty decent sized, 1 - 3 lbs. That bite lasted about an hour or so, once the sun came over the hill it drove them down. Black bass fishing was tough, could not get any on the jig, threw cranks and spinner baits and only caught one on that stuff. Found some drop shot fish in a cove mouth in 20-35 FOW and caught maybe 15 of those, but not one keeper in the bunch. Put her on the trailer at 1 PM. Water temp was a bit cooler this week - 72-73.
  11. Quillback

    Royals Sweep!

    Never would have thought they would sweep the Angels. Shields was a little shaky, but Cain bailed him out and the bats came alive again. They don't start the series against Baltimore until Friday night, it gives the Royals a chance to set up their starting rotation. I wonder if Shields will start Friday?
  12. Excellent, thanks for the report!
  13. 7.89 is a biggun.
  14. How was the fishing?
  15. Good job Brett. Those hybrids looked fun, I'd rather catch those than trout.
  16. Did it even though have never fished Bennett. However, I did have opinions on the invasive questions.
  17. I don't mind giving Riley's a call to reserve, but we need to get a head count going. I haven't seen much interest from anyone for staying Thursday night, but if anyone is interested let me know. Just reply back if you are in and what nights you want to stay.
  18. Somebody needs to come out with something they'll bite on so people can catch them by other means than snagging. If we're going to be stuck with them, might as well make the most of it.
  19. Well the Birds lost one, but have the home field the next two games. Bulldog John Lackey is scheduled to pitch next game. I expect he'll give up some runs, he's a competitor but not a dominant pitcher.
  20. State of Mississippi is on cloud 9, I imagine. Just took a peek at Auburn's schedule. Next week @ Miss. St. Open @ Ol Miss Texas A&M Georgia Then last regular season game is 11/29 @ Alabama. If they make it through that meat grinder undefeated, they should be ranked #1 in my opinion.
  21. It would be very cool!
  22. Wow, yet another win against the Halos. The K is going to be rocking Sunday!
  23. Gave up on it when it was 6-1 Dodgers with Kershaw on the mound. Who woulda thunk?
  24. Quillback


    You guys are killing me, stats show that Smith is just an average QB at best, but no, stats must be wrong, he's great, he just doesn't show it on the field. Nothing he does is indicative of a better than average QB. Chiefs are 2-2 so far this year BTW, even their record is average.
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