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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Yeah, they're pretty far north.
  2. Doggone it, Hawgs blew it again! This has been a year of blown opportunities for them. Sheesh..
  3. Yeah, to a LOZ basser an 18' bass is a 'dink'.
  4. Hard to tell how big it is, but unless that's a really small net, that's a heft gizzard shad. MO record is 1 lb. 6 oz. for a 'pole and line' caught gizzard.
  5. I don't see what the attraction is to snagging spoonies either (and I lived in the north for a while). A good thing IMO to get out in front with the regs changes rather than waiting until there's a population collapse.
  6. A few years back I did some halibut fishing in Alaska, the guide insisted on getting those Otoliths out of the fish when he was cleaning them.
  7. I'm thinking of throwing them on schooling surfacing bass, I've got a light jig rod (spinning) that I can throw them with, I bet a white marabou zig jig falling near some bass that are chasing shad on the surface will get eaten. Rumor has it the smallies will eat the brown/orange jigs also. Probably have to go with a bottom presentation on that, either hop it or pop it and let it fall.
  8. Was over there at noon today, the ramp and entry road are ice and snow free (there's a couple of slushy spots on the entry road). I didn't see any ice on the lake either. Of course I can't see in the back of most of the coves, but the marina cove didn't have any ice I could see. One rig in the lot.
  9. Yep, I'm just hoping the refs are only, say, 60/40 in Mizzou's favor.
  10. I don't mind catching 18" bass all day long. If and when the water warms up, I'm going to play around with some 1/8 or 1/16 oz. zig jigs on UL tackle.
  11. Had any luck with the lipless cranks for black bass around here? I've caught a few in the fall on them, but never had much faith in them. I think your lipless baits look great Jolicious, but just curious if they work on the blacks.
  12. I used to work for a company based in California, and I spent a lot of time there working. That trailer is pretty much in a nutshell what folks from both the coasts think is typical southern living.
  13. That's some ice!
  14. ESPN2 tonight at 6 PM. I'm hoping (and I realize it's a faint hope) that the Hawgs, after winning a road game at Vanderbilt, have finally kicked their annoying tendency for SEC road losses, and can come out of Mizzou with a win.
  15. But, seriously, nice job on those warts Gnat.
  16. Too many pictures of warts.....my vision is getting cloudy...my head is spinning....
  17. Has to be a record for old thread resurrection. 7+ years it lay in its grave.
  18. Good job, makes me want to get out there.
  19. I'm wondering what will be better - this new "reality" show, or just watching a Beverly Hillbillies re-run?
  20. Yikes, not the Village People!
  21. "I got a fever - and the only prescription is more cowbell! " http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/628756/
  22. Here it is again - watch it tomorrow morning right before you go to work - It will be in your head all day - BUWAHAHAHA! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv7Ts4v5_Bs
  23. Phil - Please delete this thread.
  24. I like to throw them on the bank and let them get baked to death in the hot sun. Nothing tastier than sun dried fish!
  25. Yeah I could watch that video and think of other brands of those baits I could use that I already have in my possession and not feel the urge to purchase. I like those kinds of videos.
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