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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. You should join the Mizzou coaching staff. The notion that a team can't make changes on defence is laughable.
  2. That's a chunk of change for undeveloped land. I'd love to see AGFC pick it up, I wonder if they know it's for sale?
  3. Quillback is bringing his dog, but no humans other than himself. I am sharing the loft with Phil Friday night and Terrierman Saturday night, so please remind Michelle if you are calling her. The loft has one more sleeping area open for anyone who wants it.
  4. Jolicious you had me going.... I was one step away from hooking up the boat and digging out the black/blue jigs.
  5. You're probably right - I think I've established a pattern as far as results go. I haven't caught a walleye since July - I'm due for one.
  6. Very nice, that second one might be a "Woodchopper". But I may be way off also. Is that Jitterbug wood or plastic?
  7. I might be the only guy without a boat I'm hoping to be there by noon Friday assuming the roads are in decent shape by then. I'm down for slaw and I'll bring some plastic plates/cups/cutlery. I can bring some store bought potato salad for Friday night - or if you guys think we have time, I can wrap some baking taters in foil, and assuming we get a good sized fire going, we can bake them in the coals to go with the brisket.
  8. Excellent! We should probably start naming names as far as how many are coming. The resort would like us to call a few days out and let them know how many to plan on. Muddy you can make the call, or I ma happy too also. Here's what I have for now: Me (Friday and Saturday nights) Terrierman (Saturday night) GotMuddy (Friday and Saturday nights) Ham (What nights?) Little Red (Friday and Saturday nights) Phil Lilley (Friday night) Al Agnew and Hoglaw with fiancée are probables.
  9. I wonder where they get their bass?
  10. Yeah maybe they were helpless against Auburn no matter what they did on defence.
  11. I don't know if I can accept the "Missouri D can't adjust" argument. That's pretty sorry if they can't. They did adjust on the first series of the 3rd quarter, brought up a couple of linebackers to the line of scrimmage, and stopped Auburn that series. Then the following series they dropped the linebackers back 4 yards off the LOS and Auburn was off to the races. Maybe making adjustments wouldn't have worked, but it's just plain dumb to play the same ol' same ol' when the other team is racking up 500 yards of rushing.
  12. Maybe that was their thinking: "Auburn thinks we'll adjust our defence to stop the run and they'll come out passing. We'll fool them by not changing anything and mess up their passing game."
  13. I think there's a lot of Mizzou fans wondering the same thing.
  14. Still snowbound, so I'm reading all these old threads... Didn't realize that land was going for $3K/acre, but with AGFC getting 1/8 on the sales tax, they've got some money. Maybe manage it like MO manages their trout parks, pay a fee to fish, have daily trout stockings in a catch and keep section and have another section for catch and release fishing. Manage the surrounding land as quail habitat.
  15. It would be cool to float the Yellowstone, then on to the Missouri, retracing the Lewis and Clark expedition. Going downstream. Have the journals in hand and compare what they saw to what it is now. And of course do some fishing.
  16. Yes get well soon Terrierman, we'd like to have you there!
  17. My biggest brown is 7.75 lbs., caught it during a little family get together. We spent a week at a lodge near the dam in May 1987 and fished every day. I got the brown on a Little Cleo, spray painted white on one side. Also caught a 6 lb. brown on that trip. I've fished the White 3 times since then, never have caught another brown.
  18. Did you catch any?
  19. Lamb chops - Yum! I haven't had them in years, but they are tasty.
  20. It will be interesting to see what is the biggest fish someone from the group gets. I have to think someone will get a brown in the 3-5 lb. range.
  21. They had a strategy?
  22. What has me scratching my head is Mizzou comes out in the 3rd quarter, first series they are on defence, and has a couple of linebackers on the line of scrimmage. They shut down Auburn that series. But after that they revert to a 3 or 4 man front with the linebackers playing 5 yards off the line of scrimmage. What the heck? And how many times do you watch the guard opposite where the run is going, pull to the other side and block the linebacker and seal the end of the line? Can't the defence read that guard and figure out what is coming? Mizzou's defence looked totally unprepared.
  23. Wow, all things considered I can't believe Mizzou is only down 1. Hopefully they'll come up with something at halftime to stop the Auburn run game.
  24. Well you guys are welcome to fish them too. so you'll have to help me with the count.
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