Speaking of Seagulls and Eagles..
About 10 years ago I was on a Salmon trip near Bamfield on Vancouver Island. We were fishing with a guide out in the bay. We were trolling anchovies behind a flasher using downriggers. The guide would bait up an anchovy and let line out until the anchovy/flasher was about 50 feet behind the boat, then he would attach it to the downrigger ball and send it down. The anchovy would be on the surface until he dropped the ball down. Anyway, one time a seagull swooped down and grabbed the anchovy and got hooked. The guide did not want to battle with an angry seagull to try and get the hook out, so he let the downrigger ball go down which took the seagull under. After the seagull was underwater for a couple of minutes he brought the downrigger ball up and reeled in a stunned but still alive saegull. He unhooked the seagull, put it in the water and we went back to trolling, as we slowly pulled away from the seagull, it came to life and started flapping it's wings, other seagulls started coming in from everywere, and for some reason were flying in circles around the stunned seagull that was sitting on the water. There were four of us in the boat and we were watching the gulls, when out of no where an Eagle swooped in and grabbed the gull that had made the mistake of trying to eat the anchovy. The other gulls scattered and the eagle flew off towards land with the gull. That was the first and last time I ever saw an eagle grab another bird, but I guess they will if the opportunity presents itself.