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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Went out today in my good friend Jeb's boat, got to hold down the back deck and make sure it didn't float away. We started at dawn, fished a few points with c-rigs and jigs and pulled out a few bass to start the day, after doing that for an hour or so we started motoring down the lake towards the mouth of the Kings. On the way there, Jeb spotted some schooling bass chasing shad on a do nothing beach area that we usually just pass by on the way to wherever it is we are going. We probably caught around 50 bass in that area, spoons, topwater, and drop shot. Typical fish would be a 14" spot at about 1.5 lbs. Some were smaller, a few bigger. Also a few largemouth, mean mouth, and one smallie. Just a huge school of black bass chasing shad in 20-40 FOW. All told we caught around 70 bass today, maybe 10 were at 15" or better. Sun came out about 11 AM and it got tough after that, and we were off the water about 2 PM. Water temp was 75.
  2. Might be worth a shot, I'm just not much of a braid fan.
  3. Very nice!
  4. Yep, I don't see any reason not to bring him. Except that if the fishing was as good as last year, he may get spoiled.
  5. Yeah I think up in the north woods, 40" is the minimum those guys shoot for.
  6. Interesting that the Antarctic ice cap is growing, and it's 4 times larger than the Arctic ice cap. "Meanwhile, Antarctic sea ice is poised to set a record maximum this year, now at 19.7 million square kilometers (7.6 million square miles) and continuing to increase." http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/
  7. Sorry you can't make it. It's hard to find dates in that time frame as it's bookended by Thanksgiving on one end and Christmas on the other. Only leaves a couple of weekends.
  8. Are there any BIG muskie in that lake? 48" or better.
  9. One of these days I'd like to make it up there.
  10. Tigers games are in KC, going to be interesting to see what attendance is.
  11. Yeah I agree, must sweep. Royals won last night, Tigers lost, so now I believe they are half a game back. It's really one game as they have that suspended game to play with the Indians, and barring a miracle that will be a loss.
  12. Rained some here in Bella Vista yesterday afternoon, and it has rained pretty well this morning also.
  13. Bill Babler is hinting in some of his posts that he is getting fish on it. I haven't fished it much lately myself.
  14. Looking at the radar, showing some heavy rain falling in the upper lake area.
  15. Those big ol' bass that live in Aunt's creek would just eat those tournament bass for a snack.
  16. I just stopped by HLS in BV, the guy there looked at me funny and said that I was the 2nd guy that had asked about them today - you must have been the 1st. You're right they do not have them. The Dixie Jet web site lists HLS as one of their retailers that carry them, but apparently not.
  17. I think I do, just have to find them.. I'm being a bit tongue in cheek on the Dixie spoons. I've got a bunch of spoons.
  18. This weekend.
  19. 3 games with the Tigers this weekend.
  20. I PM'd Gotmuddy but haven't heard back from him, if one of you guys have his contact info, give him a shout so that h knows about this.
  21. It appears Hook, Line & Sinker carries those Dixie Jets. I need to get over there before Champ cleans them out.
  22. Fishing was a bit slow today, not much of a bite on the buzz bait. Caught 10 shorts on a square bill worked in coves and rock banks. Not a keeper in the bunch. Water temp 78.
  23. Congrats to your BIL!
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