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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Thanks for the report, great to see some bass being caught!
  2. The day started off with a really good Largemouth bite. They bit well until about 0930 on the jig. I was using War Eagle heavy finesse jigs in 3/8 oz. GP and orange, or what they call "Pond Scum Perch" were good colors. Chunk rock banks and docks were putting out fish. Got around a dozen LM's on the early bite with 9 or 10 being keepers, biggest 3 lbs. After 0930 things really slowed down, picked up 4 or 5 sublegal spots, and a couple of smallies with one being a decent keeper - again all on the jig. I believe the relatively cool weather and the rain has gotten the LM's stirred up, I'm hoping with rain in the forecast for tomorrow and a few more cool days his bite will continue. Surface temp was 82 early, warming to 84 when I left. Lots of pleasure craft again today, maybe I don't remember last year too well, but it seems there's a lot more boats out there this year. Did not fish off the points or try a drop shot, but saw several boats doing that so I'm assuming that bite is also working.
  3. Canoeboy - Here's a thread that discusses the drop shot. Bill's post midway through the thread tells it all.
  4. I doubt the activities will ever stop.
  5. Welcome!
  6. Congrats!
  7. If I'm reading this data correctly, ,they generated from 4 - 7 PM. http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/pages/data/tabular/htm/beaver.htm
  8. I would not wear an A&M shirt if you paid me.
  9. That's a good one, I have to store it in my memory banks.
  10. The game is Sept. 14th BTW.
  11. I'm looking forward to the A&M vs Alabama matchup this year, you know Saban has that one circled on his calendar.
  12. They make a spawning run up from Table Rock, how far they move up and down the White river channel is a good question. Arkansas gets it's brood stock from the walleye that run up the White from Table Rock. Most of the fingerlings generated from these fish are released into Beaver lake, but some go back into the White below Beaver dam and some are released into the Kings. Bfishin put together a good post on the whole walleye reproduction story as it pertains to Beaver and Table Rock, you might be able to find it if you do a little searching.
  13. Wow, those are some impressive bags, thanks for sharing.
  14. I've had Canadian pike also, along side walleye and yellow perch. The pike were the best, but bonier than all get out.
  15. Johnny is an anti-Tebow, a bad boy compared to the Tebow good boy.
  16. Ebay has them: http://www.ebay.com/bhp/spence-scout
  17. HAHA
  18. Absolutely, someone starts shooting I'm outta there. They should have left when they saw the guy had a gun in his hand.
  19. Thanks for the tip, Riverfish.,
  20. I wanted to go this morning, but T-storms kept me home. Maybe tomorrow.
  21. Interesting read on river rights in the last couple of paragraphs.
  22. Tiger can't putt like he used to, he missed several putts yesterday that he would have drained in his salad days.
  23. Thanks, nothing new there, but here's the link: http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/man-shot-dead-on-meramec-river/article_390af4bb-89d9-5f6e-a465-aee108753659.html
  24. I have the Hotspot maps of all the lakes I fish. Not so much for the "hotspot" info, but I use them to plan where I'm going to fish. They show stuff that does show on my Navionics maps like roadbeds, foundations, old bridges etc. Of course once you get familiar with a lake you'll use the maps less. but if you don't know a lake, the maps are great. I'd rather have studied the map the night before I go fishing and have a plan as to where I'm going to fish, rather than waste valuable fishing time once out on the lake looking at a GPS map and trying to decide where I'm going to fish next.
  25. Yep as Denjac says, Bill has been warning of boat related thievery for years now. He hates it (thievery) just as much, if not more, than any of us. The bastages will steal anything, including props and batteries. I even saw a thread on another board where a guy had his gas tank cut out of his boat. I live in a relatively safe neighborhood, but I never leave my boat outside overnight.
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