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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I would like to see a smaller one myself, but I bet it would work for stripers when they are on top.
  2. I have the 12 lb BPS floro spooled on a couple of my reels, I use it on my jig pitching set up. I don't have that many problems with break offs at the knot, I use a Palomar knot, I wet it down with saliva and slowly tighten it when I tie a jig on. What does happen every once in a while is that it will break off at or near the rod tip, happened today as a matter of fact on a fish that I had on for about 2 seconds. Happened to me a couple of weeks ago also, same thing, line parted on a hookup, but not at the knot. I hear good things about P-line so I might try that next, the BPS stuff is reasonably priced, but has some issues. But you should not be breaking off that many fish, I would say that I catch 95% of the fish without a line issue and on solid snags the line won't break easily. Either you have a bad spool of line or you're not tying a good knot.
  3. Nice fish, especially on a topwater.
  4. Yeah BW, 2 feet might be an overestimate, might be more like 1 foot. I will be interested to hear how you do on the hybrids, I never have caught one on Grand and haven't seen any feeding with the whites that I noticed. But I know they're out there somewhere. Darbwa, I trailer my boat over from AR and usually launch around Monkey island, so I can't really provide any info on the upper lake. But I would say that the stained water seems to come in from the Neosho, I've seen that river in the spring after heavy rain and it's an ugly brown with lots of debris when it's high, so I assume that the upper lake gets stained first when that happens and it slowly moves down lake, I have seen the water pretty stained in the Monkey island area in the spring, but right now it is not so bad.
  5. A little bit stained brown, maybe 2 feet of viz.
  6. Needed some fish for the frying pan, so I spent the morning drifting the flats in 20-30 FOW on the opposite bank across the lake from Governor's island. Caught 7 blues on shad chunks, but no big ones, 1 to 1.5 lb. fish, good eating size.
  7. Yes thanks for the report, one of these days I am going to make it up to Eagle Rock. (I'll be one of those 50 boats on your spot )
  8. I have to agree with Lilley on that, Bull Shoals area is excellent with the White River nearby and the Lake. But if you also like urban amenities, then NW AR is worth looking at, Beaver Lake is close, Beaver tailwater for trout, and you're within commuting distance of Grand Lake, Table Rock, Tanycomo and Stockton. I live in Bella Vista, which is considered a "Leisure Community", you don't have to be retired to live here but there are quite a few retired folks here. We've got some pretty decent bass fishing in the community lakes and reasonably priced golf if you're into that.
  9. It is a sweet looking rod. Tyler with your comment about it making "sounds", I can see in the future that we'll have rods so sophisticated that they'll be able to tell, based on the type of vibration, wiggle, bottom firmness, etc, what it is that your lure is encountering. They'll have little speakers built into the butt (with volume control of course) that will announce to you what it is, such as "Rock", "Log", "Mud", or, of course what we would all want to hear, "FISH ON!". The really good rods of the future will be able to tell you what species of fish it is and how big.
  10. I wonder if they eat tomatoe hornworms, those hornworms appear out of nowhere, I noticed one of my nice plants yesterday looked like the deer had been chewing on it, but I saw the tell tale droppings of a hornworm, found 3 of them on it, it's weird how they can appear out of nowhere and in one day cause a lot of damage.
  11. I wonder if they eat tomatoe hornworms, those hornworms appear out of nowhere, I noticed one of my nice plants yesterday looked like the deer had been chewing on it, but I saw the tell tale droppings of a hornworm, found 3 of them on it, it's weird how they can appear out of nowhere and in one day cause a lot of damage.
  12. "Since it was Monday, there were only 20 or so boats there this morning." I think I detect a litle sarcasm there Nice to see some fish being caught.
  13. Thanks for the report, all in all, doesn't sound like a bad night.
  14. Thanks, I'll have to check one out.
  15. All I have left is tomatoes, cantalope, peppers and one watermelon that refuses to get ripe. This heat has been brutal on the plants.
  16. Can't say I know what's going on with the Carp/Rolen thing. But, Cards spanked them again last night, Wainwright won his 17th game, that guy is having a great year, but not getting a lot of recognition from the national press. I see that girly-man Cueto got a 7 day suspension, shoud've been a month in my opinion, kicking people while wearing metal spikes is pretty serious stuff.
  17. I would like to hear how you do around Eagle Rock, that's a place that is within a reasonable distance from where I live, one of these days I plan to get over there and try that area.
  18. Look at the bright side, none of those knuckleheads will be out on the lake catching our fish, leaving more for us!
  19. Very cool underwater pics of that brownie also, what make of camera did you use for those pics?
  20. Very cool underwater pics of that brownie also, what make of camera did you use for those pics?
  21. Finally had a good morning on one of the smaller lakes, blue/black jig with blue/black trailer. They were off the banks in 10-20 feet of water. No biguns but some nice chunks.
  22. Weird how some nights they bite and others they don't. But it's still good to get out!
  23. Just stepped outside for about 10 minutes, saw 3 meteors in that time, no really spectacular ones unfortunately. Good viewing conditions, no moon, clear sky. Best viewing is to the north.
  24. I got out before dawn a couple of mornings last week, saw a few meteors, but I was just reading that the peak viewing will be early AM tomorrow. So if you're out night fishing, keep an eye on the sky.
  25. Fun game last night, a Brouhaha broke out, highlighted by 'Kung-Fu' Cueto kicking at any Cards within reach, I hope the guy gets a massive fine and a long suspension. Reds looked like they could not deal with the pressure of a big game.
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