Funny you mention the Frogg Toggs, I had a brand new pair, put them on one rainy day, after a couple of hours wearing them, I look down and see the inseam is split open from crotch to knee on one leg, I wasn't doing anything strenuous besides the usual fishing stuff - no more of that lousy rain gear for me, cheap Walmart stuff works just as good.
As far as Stradics, I own one, works fine except for a slight grinding noise caused by the spool rotating, hopefully this does not mean there's an eminent failure brewing, probably when I have that once in a lifetime 12 lb bass on, I can see it now, GRRRNNNCH (sound of reel freezing up) SPROINGGG (parts fly off) SNNAAAPPPP (Line breaks) - 12 lb bass swims away.
I also have a couple of Johnny Morris's finest, good reels so far and I do belive they are on sale. Outdoor Life, or one of those mags, recomended them as good value for the money.