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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Can they spawn or are they sterile? If they can reproduce it could create a problem, they might take over our cold water fisheries. Imagine the consequences, guides will be out of business because their clients will say, "Who needs a guide, I can see the darn things swimming around the river." Lodges and docks will fold as no one will fish for these mutants as they are so easy to catch that they won't provide enough of a challenge to veteran fishermen. This could be a bad situation, I suggest that anytime anyone catches one of these yellow trout, that you reserve a place for it in your frying pan.
  2. Thanks for the info, you might see my boat up there this Saturday, if the weather is half decent.
  3. November 16, 9 PM PT, the Nat GEO channel is showing "Expedition Great White" as part of Expedition week. They are going to fish for Great Whites off Baja using rod and reel, 5000 lb test braided, circle hooks the size of boat anchors, the goal is to CNR them, take blood samples, tag them for research. I think this will be worth watching.
  4. Here and there..
  5. I went out Saturday morning, water was still pretty stained, kind of a coffee with cream color. Started off fishing a lipless crankbait, after about 10 minutes hooked a nice 4-5 lb black bass that jumped and tossed the lure. After that I fished probably another 4 hours and did not get another bite. Tried to find some white bass, but I could not find them either. I finally put down the rodes and got the shad net out (there's shad all over that lake), netted myself about 50 shad, put them on ice, and went home. Returned on Sunday AM, catfish gear and shad in the cooler, went over to my favorite catfish spot and drifted shad, ended up catching 4 blues, 2-3 lb'ers about 40 feet down. Not a lot of bites, but when they hit it they really slammed it. Nice thing about this time of year, not nearly as many boats out there. Water also cleared considerably from Saturday, I think give it a couple more days and it will be looking good.
  6. Thanks guys, it saves me from making a wasted trip down that way. I might have to swing over to Grand Lake this weekend.
  7. Also, anybody been up the river arms?
  8. Anybody been down around Hickory creek? Monte Ne area? Just curious what the visibility is water wise.
  9. Nice one! Nice to have that glassy water on a winter day also.
  10. Just curious what the water looks like, is it still really muddy, or is it fishable?
  11. It's hard to get a perspective on size from the video, but it looks like a noce fish. Just curious, I never fish Taney, is that spot where the video is shot off limits to fishing?
  12. Trolling that is, no tolling.
  13. You guys are giving me ideas, with the cold weather forecast for this weekend it might be time to take the boat down to Houseman and do some tolling for trout.
  14. Here ya go - Redneck snowblower
  15. I have been out of town this week, but was looking at the lake gauge and it looks like it has gone up a foot in the last 24 hours. Must have been a real gully washer back there. I wonder if this will make the fishing better or worse this weekend?
  16. Funny you mention the Frogg Toggs, I had a brand new pair, put them on one rainy day, after a couple of hours wearing them, I look down and see the inseam is split open from crotch to knee on one leg, I wasn't doing anything strenuous besides the usual fishing stuff - no more of that lousy rain gear for me, cheap Walmart stuff works just as good. As far as Stradics, I own one, works fine except for a slight grinding noise caused by the spool rotating, hopefully this does not mean there's an eminent failure brewing, probably when I have that once in a lifetime 12 lb bass on, I can see it now, GRRRNNNCH (sound of reel freezing up) SPROINGGG (parts fly off) SNNAAAPPPP (Line breaks) - 12 lb bass swims away. I also have a couple of Johnny Morris's finest, good reels so far and I do belive they are on sale. Outdoor Life, or one of those mags, recomended them as good value for the money.
  17. I fished Saturday afternoon in the Indian Creek area, there's a lot of small spots up there also, I was using a Rat-L-Trap and catching them on that. Nothing of quality size however, I did have a nice smallie on until it jumped and tossed the lure. I think there's too many spots in that lake for their own good. I read that AFG is considering reomiving the size and numbe rlimits on them so that they can be fished out a little. I was using a finesse worm on a jughead also but I had to stop using it because the little spots would not leave it alone, they grab hold of the tail and play around with it, it get's aggravating after a while. I was fishing back in a cove where the shad would come up every one in a while and the spots would go after the shad, but there was a heron that as soon as it saw the fish feeding would fly over to try and grab one, that put the fish down right away.
  18. Good luck and let us know how you do!
  19. Yes very nice!
  20. I do appreciate our National Park system, but this series is too long for it's own good. I thought they spent too much time on John Muir and Yosemite at the beginning. I was hoping for more focus on the geology and animals in the parks instead of hearing people reading quotes from Muir and others. Heck I can get books by and about Muir at the library, show me something new rather than reading stuff people have written in the past. I did like the part about the CCC's involvement in the parks, but that lasted about 20 minutes then it was snoozearoo time again.
  21. Yeah I hear ya on the pleasure boats, I only saw a handful all afternoon, it sure makes fishing more enjoyable when you don't have those things buzzing by every 10 minutes.
  22. Nice fish! Truly a trophy smallie!
  23. Well I made it out there at 11:00 AM, fished the dam area until the evening. Picked up half a dozen bronzebacks on a crawdad pattern Bandit 200, and a couple of nice spots on the spoon. The spots are fat but the smallies are skinny (see picture). As the evening set in the lake turned to glass, saw quite a few shad dimpling the surface, so I'm sure the stripers are around.
  24. I don't see how you could be ticketed for a decorative lite out, I could see if it's tail lights or turn signals, but if a decorative lite is out, is there a law for that? I could undertand it if the decorative lites are too brite or numerous, but if they are out, so what? Seems to me theire are more important things for LE to look out for and spend their time on.
  25. Thanks for the advice.
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