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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. Medium to low heat on gas, or directly over coals on charcoal grill. Taters cook slow, larger chunks if you do taters only, smaller chunks if you cook with soft veggies. I usually put on 10-20 minutes before meat. You can cook sweet corn this way also over coals or on grill. Shuck corn and wrap in foil with butter or leave in shuck and cook over coals.
  2. Throw some Broccoli, Mushrooms, or Squash in there too for more variety. Works good at camp also, cut everything up before you leave and put in a ziploc.
  3. I have fished the Quachita River below Blakely Dam for trout in the Spring and Lake Hamilton. Trout are stocked in the cooler months. Ark Fish and Game posts fishing reports and lists of fishing in each of the areas of Arkansas. You could drive a few hours and fish the Little Red.
  4. It did not affect PcTools Firewall or Avast Antivirus. Both are free downloads and work well. I have always had issues with Zone Alarm and XP, I had always used it with Win 2000 without any hitches. With XP, it has caused mapped drives to disappear, wireless router to lose access, other problems.
  5. You win, no trout, just excellent Smallmouth. Trout are further up on the Current River above Akers Ferry or over in the Eleven Point river. Jacks is not quite cold enough for trout.
  6. Almost all accesses are from gravel roads at low water bridges. MDC has an access at Plantation Access, this is where it really starts to slow down and deep holes form. You can float from here to Millersville, it was pretty rough last fall, lots of trees in the river that you had to pull over or thru. Everything else is wadable, the further up the river the smaller the holes. Most of the river above Plantation is to low to kayak or canoe after May unless we have flooding like we did today. No camping like there is on the Castor. Almost all of the Whitewater is surrounded by private land and few gravel bars for camping.
  7. Surprising enough, I have always used Outlook or Outlook Express for mail. It syncs with my pda better. I use Mailwasher to get rid of the spam first. Terry, Google "Thunderbird Tweak" and read a few of the articles, you may find something there. I don't know what you want to do with it.
  8. Sheriffs dept writes tickets for the rowdiness, drugs, or minors with alcohol. MDC writes tickets for game violations or anything that the Sheriffs dept does not catch. Both are usually on the river on the weekends during peak float season. Since the NPS started the no tolerance rule with all the crazy's, the Sheriff is probably making a killing. 11pt has always been a calmer river compared to the Current or the Jack's Fork. Turner to Riverton or Whitten to Riverton usually gets most of the party floaters.
  9. Just found this great guide on how to install, configure, and tweak the new Firefox Version 3. Alot has changed since the second version, even the way you configure the advance settings. It works with most of the websites, although there are a few older sites that I have to use the IE tab addin to view all of the websites. If you are using Firefox or thinking about it, look at this guide and find some new features. Firefox 3 tweak link
  10. Great report, Castor has always been my Home Waters. We own a farm about 10 miles south of 34 on the Castor and have been fishing it all my life. The creek that runs thru our main farm is a tributary of the Castor. It remains clear and fishable until you get down below 34 then it enters farmlands and slows up. Holes become muddier and so do the banks and bottom. I have fished it all the way down to where it becomes the Diversion Channel at the Block Hole access, which is a good spot for some Jack Salmon at times. Whitewater is a good stream also, it ends up in the Diversion Channel below the Castor and forms a big ditch that runs to the Mississippi River south of Cape Girardeau. Not quite as clear and fishable as the Castor but can be good at times.
  11. You might want to try Gwins in Coopers Landing, they have it all, lodging, guide service, restaurant. Its close to Anchorage, fairly reasonable, next to Kenai River and Russian River. A float for Rainbows in late August on the Kenai is priceless. Salmon are pretty much done for this year, Kings are closed, Reds are peaking now, Silvers will be in late August. Booking a trip this late in the year is tough. You would be better off starting 6 months in advance for best rates and availability. Do a little research and try for next year or check out Lilley's lodge and see if they have openings. He runs this website and guides on the Naknek River over by King Salmon. Gwins Lodge link Coopers Landing Chamber of Commerce links
  12. I have used the Palomar knot for years, its an easy tie and retains almost 100 percent line strength. Palomar knot link The clinch knot is what I use most for flies, fast and easy to tie, make sure you lube it with spit or water. Clinch knot link
  13. Sorry faded, hit post and went outside to pick lettuce, pic did not load. #@%^& slow dialup connection. If SBC/Att would just upgrade one more station, I could have DSL. 20 minutes to upload a 444kb file and it cost $50 for the phone line and the dialup account. Anyway, a pic is worth a 1000 words!
  14. Need I say more????????
  15. I spin fish also. Cleos, rooster tails, jigs, and crank baits. I have used power bait to catch for a meal. I never use bait for catch and release, it will kill the fish as they swallow it 90 percent of the time. Plus, it makes my fingers stink!
  16. Gates is retired and doing charity work......
  17. You might find something under the Fly Recipes heading on this website........
  18. I don't know if it will. Click on Help, About Mozilla Firefox, and check the version number. Since it is a new version, you may have to download and run setup to upgrade.
  19. Firefox released the latest full version a few weeks ago and broke a new record with Guiness. 8 million downloads in 24 hours. The new version is great, I have been using it since the first beta was released for download. Give it a try if you haven't already. Mozilla.com Link
  20. I got out today for a few hours on a local creek with some friends. Caught a few smallies in the Misty Rain. Kinda hard to imagine 74 degrees on a July 4 summer day. The creek water was cold and a breeze was blowing. Dam Global Warming!
  21. The 9' 5 wts should be good for bass on streams and ponds. I use an Orvis 7'9" 5wt Far and Fine and my new 8' 5 wt Trout Bum for stream fishing. I also have in my quiver several light 4 wts that fish streams well also, a 7' One ounce by Orvis, a 7'6" Stowaway 5 pc from Cabelas, and a 8'6" HLS Adams from Orvis that work well for smallies and gills. I have landed gar to 42" long and carp that have weighed 5lbs with all of them, even the One Ounce. I tend to stick to shorter rods in streams and pull out the longer rods on big rivers, ponds, and lakes. The 9' rods tend to hit trees more in most of the creeks and streams, they are harder to cast in heavy cover. If you are tossing big poppers or streamers, you will need a 7 or an 8wt to go the distance and punch thru wind on ponds and lakes. If you keep the flies small and light, your 5wt should do well. 9' is good for a boat or open bank and you can get better line control with the longer rods. I have in the past 4 years started buying 4 and 5 piece rods instead of 2 piece rods. The technologies keep the multi-piece rods light and strong. Cabela's Stowaway rods are a great value and are on sale now. They come with a decent reel and rod/reel case in several weights for less than $150.
  22. Yeah..... Thanks guys.
  23. Nothing wrong with that, might even stop him from doing it in the future. It was probably not the first time he did that.
  24. Riverside Resort is a great place. Crowds are controlled and place is kept up nice. They have 5 full cabins and 8 or 10 camper cabins. Usually booked up in advance, call early. Fishing is good in that area. They rent out float trips also. Riverside link
  25. We don't need any more control or regulations, just enforcement of laws already in place. Most problems are with stolen and illegal guns or with people that are illegal to own guns in the first place. Legal guns and legal gun owners are seldom a problem. Bigred, unless the system was overloaded because it was close to hunting season, it should have only taken a few minutes. I have purchased several longuns and handguns in the last few years at shops and gunshows. I have never had to wait, I am usually verified in the same amount of time it takes me to fill out the yellow form. With the new law that did away with the trip to the sheriff last August, handguns are a breeze and sales have picked up. I like it because if I see one I like, I can buy it then and there and be done. The old way, you decided you wanted a gun, went to the sheriff and got a permit to purchase, then went shopping for a gun.
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