Its open up March 15 and I am not sure exactly when it closes.
I like to use a 10 foot surf rod with 80lbs Rip Cord spooled on the reel. Alot of guys use the 6 foot broomstick rods and big levelwind baitcaster reels, but they wear a person a lot faster in my opinion. A surf rod will handle a big paddlefish just fine as long as you have the drag set to slip a little bit.
As for rigging, I usually use a 4 or 6 oz bell sinker on the end of the line and then about 12-18" above it I put a big treble hook , not sure what size but its about as big as my hand, and then another 24" I put another one on the line. Make sure the hooks are inline with your fishing line when you put them on.
To do this I loop the line through they hook eye and then around the hook. Then I make a couple loops and put around 2 of the 3 barbs to keep it lined up. Do the loops around the 2 barbs three times atleast so that each barb has a loop on it. When you pull on the line the hook should be inline with the fishin line.
We have had the best luck up around where Flat Creek comes into the James River arm and up around Walnut Springs.
A lot of guys troll for paddlefish, and we have done good trolling at times, but last year we did the best throwing towards the banks and then jerking them all the way back to the boat.
Usually snagging is good when it first opens at midnight all during the night. I think you get alot of the resident fish that stay there all year long. After that they are pretty spotty to get.
One thing about snagging though is that you can snag all day and never touch a fish. But once you find a pocket of them, you can catch your limit of two in 15 minutes. It just takes persistence and you will catch one. Usually though its one guy who catches all the fish becuase he will be doing something just a little different that the other and he will be the one hitting them.
Hope this helps,