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Trolling For Walleye

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Everything posted by Trolling For Walleye

  1. do they have a number or anything that i can call?
  2. well i live in kansas city, but my boat stays in dry storage in shell knob i dont' trailer into kc
  3. i need to get 4 new trailer tires (don't have to be nice ones - i don't drive my trailer very much at all - but my current tires are over 10 years old and shot) where can i get these, and what should i expect to pay? any recommendations?
  4. I finally got the boat out today. I found an area protected from today's intense winds. My trolling speed is about 2.5 mph i did get out in the wind and realized the impact that makes... i will always try to troll INTO the wind as that slowed me down to 1.8-2 mph, whereas with the wind i was at 3-3.2 mph. of course today's wind was intense
  5. are you suggesting the fishing is easier around the shell knob area than other spots on the lake?
  6. i've been reading about boat safety and they mention VHF radios. but it said if your lake doesn't have many users of it, then it is worthless. What say you?
  7. i'm confused as to the reason for the original post. were you accused of giving improper advice?
  8. What is the yahoo forum you speak of?
  9. Thanks for the posting Martin. that was EXTREMELY helpful. I think I'm going to get a line counter and really start using these guides. Once I actually get on the lake this year (prolly won't be until March) I will get an exact speed for my boat. I'll really looking forward to this season now!! I'm so glad i found this website. Headed to the KC sports show this weekend just to get a little more excitement built up for this year. I got my Cabela's catalog today... man do I want to get a new depthfinder... the lowrance hds-10 just looks incredible compared to my old one.
  10. I have an older boat... real old.. the speedometer doesn't go below 5 mph.. I just acquired a gps this year - it's not a marine unit - it's primarily for cars, but it should record my speed - i bought a lake card for it. I do have sonar.. but it's an old device also. I'm considering a lowrance hds-10 or lcs-113 but i doubt i'll buy it this year. Thanks for the info on snap weights, and for that website link.. looks great - i've been reading some articles on precisionangling and fishing 411 also. One last question.. should i make the small investment in a line counter so that I stop using the "twenty mississippi" method? Line Counter < click here
  11. Wow.. just awesome info here. Thanks to everyone, especially rps and powerdive. I'm keeping the precision angling book, but also ordered the ken schultz one. I'm still grasping at all the terminology thrown around here... but I'm working on it. Can anyone comment on Snap Weights?
  12. RPS > you mention leadcore several times, but in the Precision trolling book, it says that leadcore is on the outs because snap weights (which i'd never heard of until reading this book) are the easier less expensive way to gets baits down to weight. 1) why do you use leadcore as opposed to snap weights 2) if you were me.. wouldn't you just down-rig instead of using either?
  13. I received this book today.. i've thumbed through it for about 45 min. I've got to say I'm really disappointed. 1) it doesn't have my primary lure: Hellbenders 2) i thought it was going to discuss the art and technique of trolling and have a lot of explanations, and all i got was a book of lures and depths. I'm thinking about returning it.. I was looking for a book on the theory and technique of trolling.. not what lures go to what depth... especially when I only own 2 of the lures in the entire book... I should just write down the stuff from those 2 lures and ship it back. Also what speed does it assume you troll at? I don't have a trolling motor so I just have my outboard goes as slow as it can go.. i assume it's going about 3-4 mph. I also don't have a line counter to know how far back my lure is anyway... I just count to "twenty-mississippi" and then lock the line. and it didnt' even touch on downrigging.. :( :(
  14. thank you for replying. if you want to send me a private message describing what this might cost, that would be great. i'd only be looking for areas to troll for bass/walleye
  15. Thanks for replying. because of my style of boat, I only troll, which I know is frowned upon in the bass community.. but i don't have any aspirations of ever being a tournament fisher, or ever being in a tournament. I'm shooting for bass or walleye... but most of the techniques i'm reading about on this site I'm probably just not going to use because of my boat style. So I liked what i saw in those books because they actually described a few areas where it was recommended to troll crankbaits... which i thought was awesome
  16. Guess not.. over 40 people read the post.. nary a reply
  17. I saw this book in a store and flipped through it, and it had hot spots marked: missouri fishing guide < Clickable link Fishing HotSpots Topo Map - Table Rock West < clickable link i unfolded this and looked at it. about 1/2 the spots were the same, 1/2 were different. Your thoughts? I also looked at the hot spots maps from this website also - although on these above links it describes when the spots are hot and even what lure to use, the spots that were graciously listed on this site just have spots... not when they are good or what to use there. What does it mean when a place says there are "fish attractors" in the area - is that some dept. of cons. thing?
  18. I'd like to catch 5 walleye this year. and I'd like to catch a fish of any kind using my downrigger. and I would like to use the information i've learned here from the hot spot maps and stuff to make the voyages where i take my buddies down successful. I'd also like to learn a new walleye recipe or two.
  19. 1) are there generics for the #5 rapela shad raps? 2) how about reef runners? I know this thread was about trolling for walleye.. but has anyone had success trolling for bass?
  20. Anyone read this book? should I get it? Trolling how about this one?
  21. Thanks for all the great advice. Wonderful contributions. Can't wait for spring to try these things out.
  22. ahh.. ok, so the shell knob bridge launch ramp must just be free because i've never heard of that and it and the campbell point launch ramp are the only ones i've ever used.
  23. I just printed these out.. very cool i'm heading to google earth to plot these now.
  24. Is this theft more on the Kimberling/Branson side of the lake? I haven't heard as much about problems on the Shell Knob side. Just curious. I hadn't heard about Table Rock being that bad theft wise. interesting thread. I trail my boat for what it's worth.
  25. What is a boat launch pass and why would I need one? I trailer my boat as well and just thought the launch ramps were free, am I wrong?
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