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Everything posted by warlock

  1. Laker, Lilly is talking about the hit counter at the bottom of the page. Current count is: 9398907 (as of this post) BTW my guess is 4/27/2009
  2. Not trying to hijack the thread, but my BIL caught a 27 1/2 inch walleye on his crappie pole at the Melvern spillway last Easter. It was 12.25 lbs, less than 1 lb shy of the Kansas state record(13.16 lbs). I was lucky enough to net it for him since he was on top of the spillway and I was fishing off the rock chunk at the bottom. There was only one other guy there, up top watching...less than an hour later there were 15 other people there fishing and the rangers came to check licenses and the fish. The ranger also had my BIL fill out the Master angler award application. All in all it was a good time, although it was really cold and even snowed on us for about 5 mins.
  3. No problem, any time. These little boats are fun to fish from and can get to the smaller pits and lakes that the big boys can't get into.
  4. Kansas, 3 years ago, $30 and a bill of sale. I gotta re-register in August of this year. If I remember correctly it was pretty easy.
  5. I live in Kansas and I had to register mine because I was using a motor on it. A trolling motor counts too. If you just want to paddle it around, I don't think you have to register it. That is Kansas though and I don't know where you live so check your state regs.
  6. I started reading this site a couple months ago. This is one of two sites that I visit for my fly fishing/fishing fix. The other site, I’ll not mention its name, is very informative, friendly and helpful. My only grip about it is that most of the people on it are far away from me and are reporting on waters I would like to visit someday. Idaho, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, Colorado….. You get the idea. It is specifically fly fishing. I learned to tie flies from that site. I have participated in fly swaps there. I am currently building a fly rod for a rod swap. I will always visit that site, because I have gotten to know most of the regulars and am very comfortable talking on the site. That being said, I really like this site for its local flavor. It reports on places that I will fish in the near future, not the someday. I haven’t gotten to know as many people here yet, but I haven’t been here as long, and I plan on remedying that. Phil will have his reasons for updating/changing HIS site. And it is his site. He built it. He runs it. We are just the people that hang around and drink the coffee, so to speak. Without us there wouldn’t be a reason for the site. But it is still Phil’s baby. I really like Ozark Angler. I don’t mind the hunting and other sections when I run out of fishing stuff to read about. But mostly I read the fishing/fly fishing sections, especially the stuff about the local rivers and creeks. I suggest a wait and see attitude, Phil will update us with his reasons for the changes. I don’t think it will necessarily be a bad thing, BUT it might not necessarily be a good thing either. There is no need to fly off the handle until Phil has stated what the changes will be and what his reasoning is. My 2% of a dollar, for what its worth. Warlock
  7. I couldn't find the specific skin either, so I used thin skin in the clear with black dots. Cut it into 1/8th inch strips.
  8. DoveTail, It looked like embroidery floss to me, so that's what I used. The floss has 6 individual strands, tie it in and split it into the individual strands. The body is floss too, I just used 2 or 3 strands instead of all 6 that it comes with. You can pick up the floss at any big box craft store, Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Joann's....I think Walmart carries it too.
  9. No thing. It was kinda easy to miss.
  10. The recipe is below the last pic, highlighted in red. I substituted gray squirrel tail for the legs, I didn't have any partridge.
  11. Here's a link to an ebay search for them. Orothodontic rubber bands on ebay Not sure what size you would need, but several are listed
  12. I could do that, just need my MO license and trout permit. You thinking about wading or bank fishing.... We can coordinate more Sunday. See you there.
  13. Nope not happy at all.... Actually I've been thinking about a day trip there myself. So I might get up early on Monday and drive down there too. Wife and daughter have school and I have all day free.....If you don't mind company that is.... What time are you thinking about being there?
  14. I will be testing it out this Sunday at RRSP, when BadKarma and I get together there. I will be sure to report back how it works.
  15. Here's the most difficult fly I have tied to date. I had to modify the pattern a little bit, such as adding gray squirrel tail instead of partridge barbs for the legs. But you get the picture. G Nymph side view. G Nymph top view And now the link to the original recipe. G Nymph Recipe I hope the fish like it as much as I do....
  16. Thanks Tim, I'm a Sprint customer, but with free roaming, I'll have great signal. You are a wealth of various info. Thanks again Tim Warlock
  17. Karma, We're still on for Sunday. The family and I are planning on leaving in the morning. I will try to wake them up asap, but the wife likes to sleep in on weekends so...If it was just me heading down I would be up at 4:30 and head out by 5 to be there by the opening horn, but with the family tagging along, who knows.... Phones don't work well in the valley, so we'll drive around and find you. I"m really excited, see you Sunday. Warlock
  18. WOW. Those are nice. It gives me an idea.... I have a 8x10 piece of green granite counter top laying around. I've been trying to figure out what to do with it. Now I know. Now the million dollar question.....Anybody know how to drill a hole in granite? Warlock
  19. I'm going with the Hardy. If I don't like it I can always sell it and get the BBS. Thanks for all the input. Warlock
  20. Thanks all, I will probably go with the Orvis BBS, but I got an offer for a hardy marksman 2/3 for $150. Does anybody have any experience with this reel? What do you all think? Thanks Warlock
  21. Thanks for the reply. I'll look into those. I've heard good things about Okuma reels and I have a large spinning reel of theirs for my catfish setup.
  22. I just finished building a 6'6" 2wt rod on a Cabela's PT+ blank. I was wondering what you all would suggest for a 2wt reel to match it? The blank is gloss brown in color, the wraps are roughly the same color brown. It has a down locking reel seat. I know not beautiful(brown on brown) but I am more of a function over looks kind of guy. I just picked up a 3/4 Hobbs Creek reel, but I think I will use it on my 4wt I built last summer. I'm leaning towards the Orvis BBS1 in titanium, but I'm looking for other input before I make up my mind. Thanks Warlock
  23. I don't have much to add, since everybody else pretty much covered everything. But I did want to add that Albright Tackle has waders too. And they are very reasonable. Albright Tackle Waders
  24. I use a danvise. It's a rotary, its durable and it was only $100. It may not be the prettiest vise out there, but it works for me.
  25. Hello all. Just thought I'd post here to let everybody know a little about me. I just started fly fishing last summer. Since then I have taken up rod building and fly tying. I have built 3 rods, 1 spinning rod, and 2 fly rods. All 3 turned out pretty good. My daughter uses the ultra light spinning rod that I built. The 2 fly rods are a 7'6" 2p 4wt, and a 6'6" 2p 2wt. The fly rods aren't works of art, function vs. form. My fly fishing has been limited to Roaring River State Park, 4 times last summer. I plan on expanding that this season with trips to Beaver Lake Tailwaters, Crane Creek and maybe a few more places, along with more trips to RRSP. My first trip this year will probably be meeting up with Badkarma at RRSP on his trip, March 7th - 9th. Since most trout waters are 2+ hours away from me, I have to wait for the water to soften around here before I do any fishing. Fly tying has been an interesting/learning experience for me. Kept it pretty simple so far, some wooly buggers, some PT nymphs, some scuds, and a few others. I might start trying my hand at some smaller dry's next. Who knows.... Anyway, Glad to be here and I hope everybody has a great 2009. Tight Lines, Warlock
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