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Stephen Lewis

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Everything posted by Stephen Lewis

  1. They may be referring to a trout magnet in the cotton candy color. Also there is a powerbait worm that it could be.
  2. My father in law has them on his 21 ft stratos bass boat that we use on Taney. I think they work ok, not great. They obviously don't hold on the solid rock bottom and sometimes the gravel is too soft to hold the boat steady. Not worth the money because they definitely aren't cheap. Also with the way the Talon mounts the brackets drag a lot of water and make it harder to get the boat on plane. Can't say about the power pole as I don't have experience with them. Hope this helps.
  3. I finally made it out on Sunday to try the kit Phil sent me. I was fishing on Taney where the exit of Rebar is and the beginning of the Big Hole. There were a lot of rainbows midging in this area so I tied on a red zebra midge and put on the strike indicator and made a few casts. I was using 6x fluorocarbon tippet and had the strike indicator set at around 12 inches after only a few casts the indicator ended up about 6 inches from the midge. I wasn't making hard casts either. It does land very softly on the water and floats high so it's really easy to identify bites but on lighter line it won't stay in place. I think as the others have said this system is much better suited to heavier line and flies. Would probably work well with a jig. Headed back down this weekend so maybe I will get a chance to try it out again but for the lighter stuff I will stick with a football style with the elastic band in the middle.
  4. I fished Friday and Saturday night without much luck as well. Did catch some fish but nothing really worth talking about except one thick 15 inch brown on friday. Picked it up on a red hibernator just down stream from the outlet of Rebar where it widens out into Big Hole (this may have a name i'm not sure).
  5. I'm guessing the agents are available basically 24/7, so if I do need to call at 2 in the morning they will answer?
  6. Got down to Taney a little after midnight last night and headed to outlet 1. There were two other guys fishing but one left shortly after I arrived the other guy however seemed to be doing quite well. I was watching him a little to maybe see what he was doing or using and I first noticed that he seemed to be keeping some of the fish he caught. After watching him a little longer he seemed to be digging in a small white container after each fish which I'm fairly certain was night crawlers. I couldn't ever get a really good look at the whole deal because he was being kinda sneaky about the whole deal from what I could tell. I should have gone over and asked him what he was doing but I didn't and I regret that now. I know there is a number to report that type of thing but I'm not sure what it is. If anyone has it I would sure like to know so in the future I can do a little more to stop this type of thing. Also would they answer in the middle of night? If anyone is going to be down fishing Saturday night he was driving a green or blue (couldn't really tell in the dark) Kia Sedona minivan with Kansas plates. Maybe someone can watch out for him and report it if possible. Thanks Stephen
  7. yes there is but that's not in springfield
  8. I believe so. That's how I have always interpreted it as.
  9. I wish I could make it but I will have just gotten back from South Carolina but I will be down and fishing next weekend (the 19th-22nd). Hopefully the fishing picks up a bit.
  10. Generation schedule says almost full generation all day maybe a little swift for a pontoon if you try to go too far up. The link for the generation schedule is always at the top of the page, it says SPA Generation Schedule. It's not always completely accurate but it gives you a pretty good idea especially right now with Table Rock being high.
  11. I caught a few decent ones in the spring right below the dam when they were running a good bit of water. Also caught a really nice fat 17 inch just down a couple hundred yards from Fall Creek in the bigger chunk rock in the middle of the summer. All were caught on jigs I believe olive in color. Hope this helps.
  12. Had a great time fishing with you last night Leonard. I really learned a lot and we caught quite a few and some pretty nice fish. Can't wait to do it again soon.
  13. I've never tried night fishing, maybe I will give it a shot saturday night. Thanks for the input. Anyone else have any advice for fishing during the day?
  14. Well I'm headed down this weekend (Oct. 1) to do some fishing. I'm really looking to catch some browns. I've been fishing Taney for a few years now somewhat regularly (at least a coulpe times a month during the summer months and usually once a month during the winter and spring) but somehow have never managed to catch a brown trout. Unfortunately I think I may be a little early still for the big browns moving upstream but this is the only weekend I have until early December. I would love to hire a guide but at this time that's just not financially possible so I'm looking for some advice or tips from you guys with experience if you don't mind. I will be fishing from before sunrise to at least sunset on Sat. (oct. 1) both wading and in a boat. Any advice will be helpful and I'm open to anything. Thanks for your time. Stephen
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