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Everything posted by jjtroutbum

  1. Talking is not the problem for me. Its the darn ringtones. They just take away from the experience of what I am trying to accomplish in the water. I dislike the mental interprution in my time spent in what for me equals in many ways being at church. I would feel the same loss if I was crossing a Milo patch to a dog on point, listening to sermon, or watching a movie. And I had to hear an old timey phone ring, the nokia song, baby got back , Ac/Dc, Lady Gaga ect..
  2. That could describe several locals that frequent this board. Present company included....lol Welcome to the sight Matt.
  3. Nice choices both times. If you don't know all ready find some source of .45 that's reasonable and buy a bunch. Can't rely on the big box/Chimart to have any of it in stock.
  4. I still think it is proper stream etiquette. To turn the darn ringer off!!!! Used too just turn my phone off to save the battery from constant searching for a signal. Guess I'll just leave it in the truck and check it a couple times a day or turn it on vibrate.
  5. Now I thought I had seen em all but many were new to me. Enjoy! Click here
  6. There is a method in where the hackles are pulled to their length just before binding. I'll look for the link but might not find it. You cut the top out of the feather, lay it on top of the hook make a couple wraps that are to keep it in position when in place and properly flared over the thorax bind down and whip finish.I could show it easy but describing it is not easy.
  7. Just a good thing your poll allow for multiple selections. I have been stuck and have stuck myself many times. For those that fish with me usually I'll mention the sharpness of my hooks. Barbless hooks save time and blood on the stream in many ways.
  8. I am stealing this line!!!
  9. Mike here is a link with lots of pictures of the solo. **I am not the seller nor do I know anything about them.*** Gunbroker seller from Missouri. A couple to peak your interest.
  10. Nice! Think the finish sanding will allow you to choose the finish? I personally lean more towards oiled. Maybe that's a gun thing. Speaking of guns. Consider this a formal request for pics of the grips once they are finished and mounted.
  11. Sorry OSU no experience with that rifle. Just wanted to comment about checking prices using gunbroker. I usually find that searching GB using the completed auctions option under advanced searching to yield much more accurate results. In this case only a couple part for the mag. showed. So no help here.
  12. I am going to do my best to get down and take some shots very soon.
  13. Versus.... "Suffer for the good of all comrade."
  14. Nice fish fellas. Thanks for sharing.
  15. You Sir, May I subscribe to your news letter?
  16. Hum maybe another good tax scam would be to tax......" cow farts." Oh wait the progressive envioros have already thought of that also. Follow the money you will find lots of nice new jobs with lots of travel involved when your not too busy trolling a fishing forum.
  17. Self hate is a trait almost universal in the progressive movement.
  18. Are these the same "experts" that claimed global cooling back in the seventies and the approach of the coming ice age? IMHO follow the money, wanna raid the coffers of the evil capitalist create a new bogus tax. Lets call it a "Carbon Credit."
  19. Funny Funny Funny
  20. Most that I know of use them making furled leaders for easily attaching tippet. and those lil rings work fine with the drys.
  21. While that was funny, Cricket I hope all is well for you and yours. These times are pressing for many.
  22. Cabelas still carry a good no hassle warranty? Or are you going to have to deal with a manufacturer after a couple of months?
  23. Ya I am normally very careful about opening myself up to spam. However I weighed my options carefully and decided that Trout Unlimited is going to send me a few emails but there surely won't be anymore than say the NRA, my local fly fishing club, or my most consistent spammer Toys r us, followed by Walmart. Verdict for me was. "Much to do about nothing."
  24. Only tip I could add was get a long rod for the kid and let em take lessons right along side of ya.
  25. Couple more years and my Niece and Nephew will be about right for this trip. I can't wait.
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