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Everything posted by jjtroutbum

  1. TROUT QUIZ There were several questions that I should have known. 6/10 You know trout!
  2. Once again awesome and thanks for sharing.
  3. Don't really believe that the supernatural types need to shoot there victims. Now giant squids and attack beavers those are entirely different matters.
  4. My first vice was one of the deluxe travel kits from Cabelas or Bass pro. Comes with a lil wooden box with a set of tools. Would have been as well off with a better vise, better bobbins, and better scissors. Not saying one should buy top of the line to start but quality tools make all jobs that much easier. Figure out a couple of patterns you want to tie and buy the best materials you can for those patterns. If possible go someplace and have a demo of there wares. I am spoiled tho and can get to a couple great fly shops easily. And with a lil more effort get to the big boxes as well.
  5. Pretty sure all my ultra lights are still loaded with Maxima.
  6. Ok I chuckled at the "snake port" term but I laughed my AO at your second idea. Then thought about products of my misspent tho quite fun youth.
  7. THIS is a DANGEROUS thread for my wallet. I personally like to tent camp with a cot. So enough room to set up a king cot and sit upright on it but lil room other wise is about right for me. My lil Coleman was cheap but its dry and I would love to find one with the hinge door for those midnight nature calls that are happening more often these days.
  8. Great report Buzz. Thanks
  9. It's not the bass. It is fishing for them on the beds that get some upset here. Hint shuffling, keeping smallmouth bass, or any trophy fish, ='s
  10. http://www.thecourie...or-auction.html I personally have no mounts, (I am too cheap) but this seems like if not restored the work of a true master. I know that we have some artisans in this field here. What say you about this kinda longevity? No painted replicas back in the day. To clarify I have no problems with mounts and admire the work of good taxidermy.
  11. There has got to be an advantage in casting and line controll using a longer rod if one ever uses flies under a weight bobber.
  12. Well I'll be. Gatorjet thanks for posting the correction and the link. I guess that not having the number available saved me one mistake, but allowed me to make a very public one. If I caused anyone concern for no apparently no reason I apologize.
  13. First welcome to the sight! Secondly you will fit right in with some of the "gearheads" we have on the board, I fall into the cheap curmudgeon category but really like when the aforementioned "GH's" allow me to try casting some of their new toys. Or ponder over the thought of buying last years.
  14. Yes all the lakes are stocked lake one had 131, and lakes two and three got 568 between them.
  15. OK, I like good tunes and some of course are better than others, but I have a couple that have not been mentioned that well always seem to get play on my way to wet a line.
  16. And some great shots of the scenery as well. Thos "'Big Birds' ala Grandma rest her soul" always look so put off while flying away...lol
  17. You are correct. Thank our founding fathers for setting up our Republic, elected officials supposedly bound by their oath of office, watched over by a seemingly lacking as of late judiciary are all supposed too protect the minorty from the rule of the mob(a democracy), thus ensuring the Constitution from being trampled by the Government or the majority.
  18. Fished Suson for a while this evening. Bounced several small jigs under a float saw one fella have a long fight but lost in the end. I had no bites. Seems the poachers are out as usual. Using bait and keeping trout, somethings never change. Would have called but apparently left Gamethief off the this phone gonna have to dig that number back up.
  19. If you have to ask.
  20. WUT ? Confusing post is confusing ! If this is a in side joke that I just am not privileged enough to be in on just tell me too....
  21. I get up eat then feed the dogs. Answered your question. Now my turn? You speak to all people like this or just as an anonymous public forum member? This place is better than your insults. BTW my name is posted in the sig line for all to see. This thread is about banning things, as far as I am concerned for profit. A member here has suggested keeping contaminated waters free of felt. That IMHO is an answer to the problem with out getting in my and others pockets.
  22. agreed
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