I am not the greatest writer in the world, but I have a short story that I would like to share.
I have a 6 year old little girl who I love more than anything in the world. I used to be one of those guys who
said I would never have any kids or I wanted to wait till being married about 10 years. As you know it doesn't
always work out that way. 2 years after being married we found out we were pregnant. My wife still throws it
in my face how I first reacted when I found out. It wasn't good, but now I can't imagine life w/o her. She is my everything
and I think this short story will prove it.
About 2 years ago, when my daughter was 4 it was a cool breezy October morning. Autumn leaves were gently falling and it
was a perfect day to hit the water (Lake Taneycomo). As I was finishing up some flies for the morning trip, my daughter asked
me if I was getting ready to go fishing? Pretty smart kid actually. I said yes, and then got the famous question, I was not wanting
to hear. Can I go fishing with you dad? Now don't get me wrong I love to take her fishing, but today was a day just for dad's.
I'm not sure if any of you can resist a cute little redhead with baby blue eyes, but I crumbled and said yes. She shouted "YEAH" and
proceeded to grab her folding Princess Chair and Stroller with her twin babies. Funny how she did not grab a fishing pole. Her idea of fishing up to this point in her life, was dad catches them and then brings the rod to me on shore and I reel them in. In the meantime she sits in her chair and watches dad or plays with her babies. She really enjoys throwing rocks in the water right where I'm fishing most of the time!
We were just above outlet 2 above the island on the North side. My worst fear came true as it was very crowded that day. The water was somewhat calm and I could see a lot of fish. After catching about 6 some guys came over and crowded our spot, so it was either go home or go somewhere else. The only spot open.................. You guessed it, was the other side of the stream. There was a lot of trout on the other side, and I knew I had to take her over there, but what was I going to do with all of that stuff.
Well, here is what happened. Kailey was on my shoulders holding my fly rod, while I held her princess chair in my left hand and her stroller with 2 babies in my right hand. Keep in mind they are all bright pink. It's a little difficult to cross the stream by yourself, let alone carrying all this stuff. So we cross the stream ok and I see all these guys stop fishing and just staring at me. I knew the only way to fix it was start catching fish and so we did. That day she brought in her biggest trout of her life; a nice rainbow about 21 inches. Soon after that she was ready to go home. Imagine That. So we packed up our stuff again and I made what seemed the longest crossing of Taneycomo in my life. One guy says to me as we are crossing, nice stroller and laughs. I just ignored the shmuck as Kailey had caught more fish then he did and went on.
That night as I was tucking her into bed I smiled and said thanks for going fishing with me. She said, You taking me fishing is the thing I love best about you. That made it worth it right there. At the moment it was pretty humbling, but as I look back at it now, it is a memory I will never forget. Since then my daughter has learned how to tie midges and scuds and is going on her first trip to Dry Run Creek and casting all by herself. We will see what happens.
Hope you enjoy the story.