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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ohmz138

  1. I heard that same thing from a guy at work. That's horrible. He said that a couple on the bank were pushing 8-9 pounds. The story I heard was that they put the fish in the truck tank the night before so the wouldn't lose any to any flooding overnite, then without having fresh oxygen till morning, they stocked them in that muddy water and they were going belly up. That is nonsense.
  2. Best of luck in the future!
  3. Any smaller than a #22 usually in Daiichi and I start really bending hooks out.
  4. HAHAHA! I guess I won't try it afterall. Great minds think alike.
  5. My wife and I tried tying them out of pocket lint before. I did it, but never did fish it. hhhmmmmm....
  6. I don't know where to find them, but I have seen bullet weights with various skirts attached that are called "worm dancers". Put them on the line then tie a hook and texas-rig any soft plastic. Good idea.
  7. Dont worry Dad, I will do the honors.
  8. Present and active.
  9. Congrats on the new baby when it arrives.
  10. Thanks, I have good luck with the x-raps when trout fishing too. Mainly in big water.
  11. Olive and 141
  12. good suggestions, thanks.
  13. I work for Sunnen Products Company in St. Louis. The upper end of the lake is the Sunnen Employee Recreation Area, except for the inlet to the lake which is the boy scout camp up there. It's really nice, we can make reservations and use the cabins and that whole area free of charge through our work. I love it down there!
  14. Just curious what everyone has been having luck with for largemouth this time of year in all the Ozark Lakes. I am heading down to Sunnen Lake in Potosi, MO this week with my family. I have found that around this time of year (at least in lakes in Illinois), fast moving baits can be good at times because the fish are getting their last good feed of the season on. What have you been getting bit on?
  15. Welcome to the forum. Good luck with bringing your girlfriend on your trip.
  16. I heard they are shutting them when the lake reaches 920... it is at 921.3 now. Just what I heard.
  17. Oh yeah that's an authentic Taney brown. Ballwin, huh, thats was about 10 years ago. Sure thats was me? I was in early teens then. Hey bman you hearing this?
  18. I agree...that's what I meant.
  19. I think that's enough on this, find a new subject.
  20. That was definetely a nice one! Wow!
  21. Are these levels high enough to damage any properties like last year?
  22. Here it is, compliments of ulua. Nice fish!!!!!!!!!
  23. When composing a post or reply, under the text window you will see "attachment editor". To the right you will see where you can browse your files and upload. You might have to shrink the file though. Max is 2MB.
  24. Holy crap! I agree on that one also. Those toothy critters are fun to catch, but not in a fishery like Taneycomo.
  25. These youtube reports are awesome Phil. Great idea! A++++
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