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Everything posted by troutchaser

  1. Yeah! the countdown lures! I knew they had a name for 'em. I like the 1" or 1-1/2" rainbow trout. I'd like to try the brown trout or brook trout patterns in the same size, but I haven't found them in the stores around here. I have another favorite, but I can't recall the name of it, either. It's a flat metal piece bent into a U shape with a hook at the bend. If I figure out the name, I'll tell you about it. I know Bass Pro has them, as does Wal-Mart. **EDIT** They're called Lil' Jake Lures. I love those things for trout. Cast and troll 'em. They're great!
  2. I'm pretty partial to Rapala medium sink lures. I troll them when there's not much water running. Little Cleo lures are really fun to fish, as well. And what self respecting trout tackle box doesn't have a handful of panther martins and rooster tails in it!
  3. I was there on Friday - same story, except we got skunked. NOTHING worked.
  4. I still don't like being called a slob. He should be a bit more cautious about the terms he uses to refer to potential customers and referral source. I'm offended, myself. I'll never -- NEVER -- give him a favorable reference until he posts an apology. That was stupid and thoughtless, regardless of his intentions or his "friendly personality".
  5. +1 on the partridge and orange. I'd also tie peach and partridge - use a small strand of peach glo-bug yarn or peach dubbing, if you can get it. It's my insurance fly when nothing else is working.
  6. I'm not much of a midge/scud guy, but I would certainly recommend primrose & pearl midges and tan scuds. I would also strongly recommend olive soft hackles and black wire soft hackles. For San Juans, go with Worm Brown or red.
  7. I enjoyed the game, but my biggest gripe: Is there anyone who can sing the National Anthem correctly anymore? THAT was the worst! Just once, I'd like to see a celebrity do it right. I think Ms. Hudson stank it up big time. Warner - What were you thinking? Throwing into triple coverage is ALWAYS a bad idea. Harrison - Your a punk and a thug. You should be ashamed. Worthlessberger - Good game, hoss. I don't like your team, but you improved your weak areas in time to take the big trophy. I (grudgingly) salute you. Fitzgerald - Find yourself a better QB and you'll be a superstar!
  8. I sold the SUV, now I need to sell the repair manual. It's a Haynes for all models, Ford Escape and Mazda Tribute, 2001-2003. It's practically new, so I'm asking $25+postage.
  9. I live in Springfield and I haven't been to Cabela's in KC in a couple of years. I'm thinking about going up there on a Saturday, but if anyone else wants to go, we could carpool from Springfield and split gas costs. I'm trying to gauge if there's anyone interested. Let me know.
  10. Well, skeeter, I'm no expert on cougars, but I can give a definitive answer on the mating thing. I used to drive an armored car from Springfield, up Interstate 71 to Kansas City 5 days per week. I was on the road at 4:30am every morning, and there were several occasions that I saw cougars run across the road between Nevada and Clinton. More to the point, I saw a mating pair "in the throes of ecstasy" in the wooded area behind the Walgreens in Clinton, MO. I'm pretty sure they were mating, since there's never been a confirmed sighting of mountain lions playing leap-frog.
  11. I use Ambroid brand Fas'n-All. It's a waterproof, flexible, rubber-based cement in a squeeze tube. Look for it at just about any hardware store.
  12. I got mine from the Barber Shop.
  13. :lol: I just spewed Diet Coke all over my monitor. What's wrong with a little muskrat love, man?
  14. We weren't actually inside the fort boundaries. We were on some private land to the North. I heard about that hog in Stockton, too. I haven't been able to verify it with anyone yet, though.
  15. I can promise there are hogs near the fort. I've hunted them with a friend living in Waynesville. Hunting hogs is a blast, man. Can't say I've ever done it with a handgun, though.
  16. That's kinda cool! Where do you get these?
  17. I've got an old Western Field semi. It's essentially a Remington 1100. Boy, I love that gun. I've used it on turkey, ducks, geese, clays, etc. and it's just a sweet shooter. It's as heavy as a cinder block, but I love it. My Father-in-Law passed it on to me several years ago, and I believe he got it from Montgomery Ward decades ago. A bit irrelevant to the topic, I know, but you mentioned your dad's old W.F. and it got me to thinking about it...oh, well. Back to work.
  18. I have two bricks of .22 lr ammo that needs some attention. The cartridges have never been wet, but they were stored in a basement for several months. I pulled them out to use them the other day, and they all have a ring of scaly corrosion where the bullet meets the case. It doesn't look too thick, but it's enough to prevent them from chambering in my Marlin 60 semi-auto. Are there any techniques you could recommend to remove this junk safely and easily?
  19. I got a new double taper floating fly line for my birthday this year. It's a good brand, but it doesn't have a welded loop in the end. That's OK with me, since it's always been sort of a pain to get the loop-to-loop connection through the guides smoothly. For those who have experience with this, would you recommend a nail knot to connect the leader to the fly line, or perhaps a needle knot? I'm also considering just whipping a loop in the end of the fly line to make things easy, but I don't know which option would work best. What's your opinion, my fellow fly fishers?
  20. HEY!!! I resemble that remark! You go, Michael. Show 'em how lefty flies catch more fish.
  21. There's a Coleman outlet store in Branson? Who knew! As a native Springfieldian, I avoid Branson like the plague. I didn't know what I was missing. As for the OP, I usually have on polypro. liner socks with wool socks over them, running tights with flannel/fleece lined jeans (from Wal-Mart). I usually wear a poly long sleeve shirt, a fleece pullover, then my wading jacket. If it's really cold, I'll add another thin fleece top to this. As for gloves, I wear neoprene fishing gloves.
  22. What's it about?
  23. 'Scuse me? 'Scuse me? I resemble that remark!
  24. Thanks, everybody! It was a great Birthday. My daughter baked a cake, my sister-in-law brought cinnamon rolls to my office for everybody, my wife took me out for sushi, the folks I work with gave me a funny T-shirt - it says "It's all about P.P." on the front and my nickname, "Prince Paul" on the back - way funny. Oh, and I got lots of money from all my birthday cards and my wife said my gift from her and the kids is on it's way (she musta ordered me that bamboo rod!) Best of all, my brother is taking me fishing on Saturday!
  25. This is why I have a 'Fraidy-Hole' in my house.
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