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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. There are things that kill fish directly, but I think most fish don't die instantly, Anyone who has aquariums knows fish die from stress as more often than not. Some things on my list: Bass: 1. Being put in a live well for 6-7 hours, beat from one end of the lake to another and tossed in a bag. weighed and tossed into much different water temp, Ph ect. Think that qualifies as stress. 2. Texas did a study a few years back mortality rate for C.Rig fish hooked in the hottest part of summer on scented plastic was around 50% if you include the fish that die later. 3 stupidity 4 People who keep every fish they catch, There are an unlimited fish available, plus I really don't care about anyone besides myself. It doesn't count if you don't eat it. see rule 3 5 Fish pulled up from 50-60 feet deep. Trout: 1 power bait, on drift rigs 2 fishing way too light of line for the size of fish. Especially during l.o. during the fall 3 stupidity 4 People who keep every fish they catch, There are an unlimited fish available, plus I really don't care about anyone besides myself. It doesn't count if you don't eat it. see rule 3
  2. Well, I wouldn't consider a falcon original. I think they are pretty dead compared to the low riders for a few bucks more. I Like St. Croix premiers in the $100 range. Its what I fish. I have 3 and fixing to buy another. The mojo's are a little cheaper and split grip if thats what you want.
  3. Nice
  4. According to the water patrol, as long as they don't break the exhaust noise ordinance, They can pretty much do what the please. If they aren't breaking any county laws for noise, your pretty much screwed. Doubt the sheriff is going to wade out and give them a ticket. If your on or around the lake and this disturbs your weekend. I suggest you complain to the state water patrol, they are the ones who issued the regatta permit. Maybe this way the won't give then a permit next year. I Really don't have it in for the Guys doing this, I just think the timing really sucks.
  5. they were up on the flats maybe 2 feet of water, sounded like somebody reving up and letting off a big v-8 with an airplane prop on it, crazy for Stockton in the middle of the night.
  6. I would pretty much avoid trying to nite fish Stockton for the next two nights. There are going to be a bunch of guys running around with swamp boats and jets, with enough lights on them to light up a stadium. Two were scouting last night near us. We couldn't catch a fish, if they were withing an 1/8 of a mile of us. Generators running constantly to power the lights. One, was at least a 1/4 of a mile from us and lit up the area so much we could see our shadow on the bank. One of them was in the back of the north arm of goocher and we could still hear him at Roark. I feel really sorry for all the families that are trying to camp around the lake. They were scouting from about 10pm to 1:30 am so i am guessing the tournament will be similar hours. I called water patrol and asked them to patrol and check for excessive noise and Mentioned that Labor Day Weekend, when every campsite was full might not be the best timing for a 2 day noise fest. Good Luck to all Mike
  7. Title pretty much says it all. Reels in good condition, cleaned at beginning of season. Rod could use a scrub or just fish it. TD-S $60 Falcon $40
  8. Last tournament guys who cut me off whipped up making 3 ft waves, cut me off, when I just shook my head the said, WHAT.... first words out of their mouths were, you fishing a tournament? I said nope, they said we ARE.. I said so... they want to know if I would mind if the cut me off. I said they already had and they were going to do wanted anyway. Called me an A**shole and roared off like I was the one who cut them off.... If they had come up behind me and said hey were fishing a tournament and have a brush pile we've been fishing you mind if we pull in ahead of you. I would have said fine would have sat back and watched. Tournament fisherman should be the ambassadors of the sport instead, they are often a pain. Just cause your in a tournament doesn't mean that your fishing is more important than mine. You choose to pay to be in a tournament, you didn't pay to have preferred or exclusive rights to the lake. I bought a boat, put gas in the truckand boat, bought tackle ect.. looked at maps, just like the tournament guys. if you can't be courteous pretend Most tournament rules have a rule about how close you can be to another boat, usually a pretty fair distance if you can't be courteous follow your own rules.
  9. title pretty much says it all. Will prob have to be the premier line so I can afford it. I have a falcon original 4-166 i could trade if interested. Also have a Diawa 6'6" MH spinning combo that is almost new.
  10. interested in the stradic if still available. Call Mike 417-818-6899
  11. bump $100 last try before e-bay thanks
  12. I love the catch and release zealots. tournament fisherman probably kill 10 times more fish than I will by eating one or two every so often. I either release the fish NOW or plan to kill it. I don't drag it up from 40 feet put it in a livewell for 7 hours dragging it all around the lake at many different water temps and chemical makeups then dragging it 20 miles from where it was caught at 70 mph and putting it thru a weigh in and releasing it in shallow water. If you have ever kept aquarium fish you know STRESS kills fish. Just because a fish is put back into the water doesn't mean it will be caught again later. http://www.bassdozer.com/articles/manns/hook_in_out.shtml this article has a lot of interesting info... I am not totally on one side or the other just an observer. Should C&R fisherman refrain from using a carolina rig because of the mortality rate ? People should behave in a responsible and ethical manner, never take more than they need. I practice catch and release 90+ percent of the time. I never take the biggest fish. my 2 cents worth. Mike
  13. Price lowered to $105
  14. wifes been off for 7 months, thats why Im looking to trade mike
  15. would you consider possible trades? I have a Falcon orig. 4-166 I am fixing to sell maybe a LH Daiwa td-s, also have a diawa spinning combo that is a 6'6"MH the St croix sounds like the perfect trout rod for my needs. Mike
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