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Everything posted by gwrightf150

  1. Thank you very much for the quick response. Greatly appreciated.
  2. Is there a difference between "old state park" and "state park"? There is a tournament on Sunday that says it's at "old state park", but all we can find on the map is "state park". Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.
  3. We just got a call from the Hwy Patrol that they have pulled regatta permits through 5/8/11. Thank you.
  4. This was posted on ESPN on 2/26/11 at 9:39pm ET: The link to that article is: http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/tournaments/opens/news/story?page=opens_2011_CO2_DHJ_Postponed&amp&source=BASSMASTERHeadlines&amp&amp&amp&amp Capt. Gary Haupt with the Water Patrol Division of the Missouri State Highway Patrol said that all events on Table Rock Lake have been cancelled through Sunday, May 1. The Marine Patrol cited public safety and property damage concerns as the main reasons for revoking the permits that are needed to hold tournaments on the lake. Where did you hear that all tournaments cancelled by Corps for 14 days? I cannot find an official announcement on that, do you have a link to something?
  5. Well everything you folks are saying fits what my wife was throwing. She was throwing about a 3" lipless crankbait. I really do appreciate all the information. I've only been fishing T.R. for about 3 years now and never tried the crappie fishing. Now that you have all shared some valuable information, we'll be trying it in the future.
  6. Don, Thank you for the reply. I had no idea they got this size on T.R. I know my wife had a blast reeling it in and now that I know this is common, we'll be having them for dinner next time.
  7. I know we normally talk Bass on this site, but I have a question. My wife and I were out Bass fishing today just for fun and she boated a 16 1/2" crappie. Biggest crappie I've ever seen. What's the average size for crappie on T.R. Is this normal? As for the Bass fishing, we caught 6 or 7 small ones, all smaller than the crappie. By the way, it's back in the same spot she caught it, just waiting to be caught again.
  8. I moved to Missouri about 13 years ago from South Dakota where the Carp "infest" some of the lakes i used to fish. I just thought i'd pass on a great reciepe for carp if you're interested. Find you a 2" X 4" piece of lumber (cedar, pine, hickory, whatever), season the carp with your favorite spices and then nail that carp to the 2X4. Put it in the oven at 350 degrees and bake it for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes, take the carp and 2X4 out of the oven, throw the carp in the trash and eat the wood. Best way to eat carp that i've found. Enjoy!! I know some will disagree with me as I know people do smoke them and say they're great. It's just a joke!!
  9. http://www.mswp.dps.mo.gov/Regattas/RegSearch.asp At the bottom of the page is a link to click on the Regatta application in PDF format. Looks like there is a link for a Regatta coordinator as well. The regatta PDF document has numbers and address at the bottom. Hope this helps. I was also just informed that you'll have to have a permit from the Corp of Engineers along with the Water Patrol Permit. If you have more than 25 participants, then the Corp will charge you a fee. I don't have any info on the Corp permits. Maybe someone else has that available.
  10. Great information from everyone, I think i'm starting to understand the concept more. Thank you very much.
  11. Okay, where to start with all the questions I have? I read this site daily and have picked up numerous tips, techniques and great to know information. I think i'm using the correct types of baits during the different seasons, however, I think what is keeping me from "catching" is location, location, location. Can you folks help educate me on the lake channel(s)? What is the lake channel? What is a channel swing? Is this basically a river under the lake and the swing is where it bends and moves? I have topo maps of T.R. and can identify where it runs. I just don't think I understand what it is, what effects it has on the fish, what areas to look for, etc. etc. I've read many of your reports talking about "I caught them off a channel swing next to a rocky bank". What does this all mean? Can you all help "educate" me? All information is greatly appreciated.
  12. I did buy 99% pure/fluxed lead so the seller said on ebay. The pot is new and has only had about 3 pounds poured through it this far. I will clean and flux it next time and get the sediment out when i fire it back up. I didn't even think about warming the hooks and I probably didn't get the mold warm enough and i will try a higher temp on the lead. It does sound like a heating issue and my lead is cooling too fast, i doubt my garage was more that 35 degrees and i did have all the hooks and molds sitting in the garage before i started. Thank you all for the input and i'll give it another try.
  13. I just got into making my own jigs. I purchased a 20lb lead pot and a couple of jig molds and all the goodies. Made my first set of jigs a couple of weeks ago and all went well. I tried making more last night but I'm having an issue that maybe someone out here can help me with. I was making 5/16 and 7/16 round head, weedless jigs. The 7/16 poured perfectly, however, the 5/16 didn't go so well. The lead didn't seem to get down into the (not sure of the correct terms) base (the bottom of the jig head where the the ring is at). I've tried adjusting the temp, tried heating the jig mold, the pot seems to be pouring normally (no clog). I poured probably 30 times and only got 9 of them to turn out. Some would be missing half the side, some just a small portion. I don't see anything on the mold that's keeping the lead from getting to the bottom. I do pour them in my unheated garage, is that the issue? Any thoughts?
  14. Thank you all for posting your reports from yesterday. My partner and I put in at Viola and threw everything we had in the tackle box, including the Kohler kitchen sink and not even a nibble. I did catch 3 tree branches, two stumps and a leaf. Glad to hear it wasn't just our inexperience.
  15. I've owned a Citica for 3 years now and it's "ok" (no problems with it). I have 3 of the Curados and I'll reach for it before the Citica. Casting is smoother, retrieve is smoother, feels better as it's not as big. My wife found them for me somewhere online last year for $135.00 - $150.00 plus shipping. I think it was on e-bay.
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