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Everything posted by eric1978

  1. LOL Okay, you convinced me. But just for the record, will you tell us where you got your PhD in climatology? Because I guarantee your colleagues from your alma mater disagree with you. YOU are the "scientest" who thinks the world is flat...even after it's been proven to be spherical. You've made the decision to ignore the facts because you know better than the experts. That's fine. Go on in denial. You're far from alone.
  2. You're not paying attention then. And why would you "believe in studying climate" if you simply dismiss the data and choose to believe whatever you want anyway? What would be the point? Dylan said, "People don't do what they believe in; they just do what's most convenient, then they repent."
  3. That makes two of us. It's scary. Did he break some law that would have prevented him from legally owning one? How exactly would we keep track of who has done what that disqualifies someone from owning a gun (aside from being a felon)? And how do we determine what exactly those disqualifiers are? We can't. There are and always will be TONS of lawful citizens who are raving lunatics or mouth-breathing morons who will legally own and carry around guns...and those are the people who make me really nervous, and they're the reason I think our current gun laws don't make sense.
  4. Yeah, one and two of course. But what about number three? Hot-headed idiots with poor judgment and ego problems who think this is the wild west. Example: George Zimmerman. Maybe he DID act in self defense...but what's almost certain is that kid would still be alive if George didn't think he was Captain Citizen and went looking for a way to assert his machismo and self-appointed authority. You can't teach idiots judgment. I don't think George Zimmerman is a criminal, and he very well may have acted entirely within the law...the problem was that he's an authoritarian egomaniac with the legal right to carry a gun. Put them together, you get a dead kid and a couple parents with ruined lives, even though a law may not have even been broken. Direct result of the combination of guns and stupid people...illegal or not.
  5. Unless your kid goes to your neighbor's house with their kid, and trouble ensues. Then you call it a tragedy. Just sayin'. I'm not totally anti-gun...I'm a gun owner. But let's not pretend they don't cause a ton of problems that wouldn't exist without them around and so casually regulated.
  6. It's not the same people, just the same IQ with less money.
  7. Huh? Since when is it illegal to drink and paddle?
  8. The Red Bluff access itself isn't too bad...there's a nice stretch with boulders, current, and 4-6 feet of water. Problems is it's always full of swimmers and minnow drowners. It's a good spot to hit on your way to or from somewhere in spring or fall. Not a destination in itself. Above Red Bluff is long stretches of very shallow water, with a few holes way, way apart. I'd basically forget about the Huzzah during the summer...all the good fishable sections are full of rednecks.
  9. Don't go too far up. I was up around Red Bluff last weekend and it's dead low...and that's skinny water to start with. Lots of 10-12 inch smallmouth if that's what you're into.
  10. I'm not talking about today's world...you are. I'm talking about tomorrow's world. No one has the silver bullet in their pocket right now, obviously, otherwise it would be at the fore of the debate. The point is, whatever the solution ends up being, it's going to take effort, optimism, foresight, research, development and a huge investment to get there...none of which you seem to support. Throwing up your hands and suggesting we'll never get off the oil industry's teet because we haven't already is self-defeating and irresponsible.
  11. You listen to too much right wing talk radio, jeb. Talking points, word for word...written by the oil industry propaganda machine and distributed by FOX and Rush. Your arguments are so old...and totally transparent...and frankly the biggest obstacle we face to reach a solution. Yep, you're probably right...with an attitude like yours, we likely won't ever fix the problem.
  12. It also didn't mention all the times the sheep with teeth and claws got drunk and mauled each other, or every time they had a minor disagreement it ended up in sheepicide. Or how every once in a while a lamb would find a tooth or claw and end up with his lambrains all over the place. I'd say the parable might be missing, let's say...a little nuance.
  13. If we brought back the Reagan tax rates and got out of these wars, we'd be out of debt lickety-split. It's only so bad because we've made selfish and short-sighted policy decisions. We have to invest in ourselves in order to prosper. Ask Robert Kiyosaki or any other finance guru. Always pay yourself first...that's what they say. The right kind of debt can and often does bring prosperity. Problem is we've chosen the wrong kind of debt.
  14. eric1978

    26 Cfs

    No way I'd put in at the Prongs. I'd at least go down to Blue Spring to Rymers for a shorter float. You'll still drag plenty...but the Prongs will be dead low.
  15. Man, after seeing a new one, my camo 119 looks beat to hell. Mod looks good. Easy, right?
  16. It requires 150 gallons of water to produce ONE newspaper? For some reason I find that hard to believe.
  17. Wow, epic! Gotta expect some of those snags when you wing it like you guys did, but that's what makes those kind of trips so memorable and fun! Awesome.
  18. Released huh? After it was baked in the sun for twenty minutes. Too bad, that's a great fish.
  19. You'll have a much more enjoyable day if you get a shuttle and float a section. Screw all that work wading and only getting to cover a tiny bit of river. You have the canoe...put it to use. Just sayin'.
  20. Call Justin @ Sunburst. He'll hook you up.
  21. I think that's a great idea.
  22. Geez, Chris...have you ever owned a piece of equipment for more than a year? Those look real nice.
  23. Neither. It comes from ME.
  24. I didn't say most popular...I said most coveted.
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