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Terry Beeson

Terry Beeson
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Everything posted by Terry Beeson

  1. Just so everyone knows, Gatorjet is the GRAND MASTER OAF JAMBALAYA chef and is responsible for making it every year from now on!!! Not that anything there was not good to eat... Oh... and whomever made the jalapeno cornbread... I need a delivery about once a week! Great time seeing everyone and meeting a few new folks. I've had to bow out the past few years, but was glad to make it this time. Hopefully, next year I'll actually have time to fish!
  2. Glad I could make it in time to eat and see a few old friends and meet a couple of new ones. Good times... Just like old times... but a little less windy than the last time I made the NYD feast... LOL
  3. I've goose-egged the last two Sundays on Fellows fishing for mainly for Crappie. I fished from the handicap dock the first time and there was a couple there who left just after I got there who had a nice stringer of slabs they had caught that morning early, but the bite was done by the time I got there. Yesterday, I rented a boat at the marina and spent 4 hours trying to get a nibble on jigs, minnows, worms, and even bottom fished with some shad. An hour each in the cove across from the marina, at the point of the middle of the lake, the upper end of the south finger, and a cove just south of the cable. Did not get a bite. I think it's just been too cold for them to be too active yet, but they should start soon. If the weather holds, you might try it next weekend. By the way, I was fishing from 6 to 25 feet and everything in between...
  4. Planning on being there... Have my flies ready when I come by, Tim...
  5. I won't be making it down this year... Cindy is off and we are headed to Downstream to bring in 2013 there... Ya'll have a good one though! I'm sure the weather will be great this year since I won't be there... LOL
  6. So, Snaggy... How 'bout that BBQ shrimp recipe?....
  7. D... You are surrounded by great water. What do you want to fish for? You're less than an hour from it all except trout and maybe Walleye. But you live minutes from great bass fishing for sure in Lake Dardenelle. Streams, rivers, lakes, and even some farm ponds if you ask are all in your backyard.
  8. Women... sheesh.... LOL Great shots...
  9. Well, I've got to add the Hendrix Outdoors brand to the list...
  10. I refuse to eat tofu because I think it is inhumane to kill all those soybean plants then kill all their embryos just to make me a veggie burger... Plants have feelings too, you know...
  11. I'll second that...
  12. is staying warm and dry...

  13. Hendrix Outdoors CBR 9' 8wt is $210 and a great rod. The CGR rod is a bit softer and only $150. I think you would be impressed once you put either rod in your hands. Hendrix Website click here
  14. Yep, I noticed the free godaddy website hosting myself. I'll pass your suggestions along to the folks at Hendrix. This is a family owned and operated business, pretty small compared to some others, so this is a first pass if you will. They will like the feedback to make improvements.
  15. Finally, Hendrix Outdoors has put up their website. Click here Tell me what you think....
  16. Congrats Brian!!! Website looks great and I'm with FT on the cottages... LOL. Great rates! FT, the cottages are not on the river. They are all in the town of Alton (take a look at the map linked from the website.) One of them is just up from the Canoe Rental.
  17. That sounds a lot like some of the threads going on here at the moment... Thanks for a good chuckle... OK... downright belly-shaking laugh!!
  18. Well, Wayne, yes and no... I really like it for several reasons, but it has its limitations. You CAN do about anything on it that you can do on a laptop, but you need some extra "bells and whistles" to do things like print, etc. But it would not replace most computers... yet... PLUS, it's pretty limited on storage. You can add a micro SD to the 3G model (as I have.) But still no USB connection. I DO like the 3G option in my job. I can take an order and email it as soon as I have a 3G cell signal...
  19. Some people would complain if you hung 'em with a new rope... Arkansas has had online license purchases for several years with no problems. You can buy lamination sheets at any walmart, kinkos, etc, or maybe even where you work. I've carried Arkansas license (AGFC nomenclature vs. MDC "permit") for years and had no problems.
  20. I got my wife a Nook for Christmas and she's really enjoying it. She can go to Barnes and Noble, pick up books, see if she likes the content, then download it right there... or anywhere for that matter with a WiFi. I didn't get her the 3G option. Still learning some of the Nook particulars, but so far she really likes it. I got an iPad for Christmas and there is a Kindle app available for it along with various other book/library apps including books via iTunes. There are a lot of free books out there including some classics (I'm working on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" right now - free) and lots of other books you can download. In addition, you can load pdf files and other files on it and view them. PLUS all the other stuff you can do with an iPad. They all have their pros and cons, even paper books vs. e-books. So, research is the key. The main reason I chose the Nook over the Kindle is because my wife and daughter like to spend time in B&N. Other than that, the Kindle and Nook are pretty neck and neck...
  21. Had a great time... Thanks Dave for the gift... GREAT Chili... GREAT Jambalaya, even if no gator or owl or possum in it... (Next time Gatorjet... Next time...) Great meatballs as usual Gary... And of course, those jalapenos... Don does a good job on those. Thanks to Phil for the coffee and tarps to keep the wind down... It was good to see everyone - even Don - and meet some newbies. Next year, I say we put up a sign inviting everyone to eat... Too much food not to share. I'm ordering warmer weather for next year as well... dang wind and cold...
  22. I was looking through my cable guide to set up recording some shows and found that some of the outdoor type channels have brought out several new shows and brought back some others. I wanted to share the ones I am recording and hope you get a chance to see them as well. I'd like to see most if not all of them stay on. But we've got to watch in order for them to stay on... Fly Rod Chronicles with Curtis Fleming - Sportsman's Channel Fly Fish TV with Kelly Galloup - Versus (With Davy Wotton tying tips) Fly Fishing the World - Sportsman's Channel Angling in American Parks - Sportsman's Channel North to Alaska with Larry Czonka - Versus Hooked on the Fly - Sportsman's Channel Wild on the Fly - Outdoor Channel Seasons on the Fly - Versus Familiar Waters - Outdoors Channel Trout Unlimited Television - Sportsman's Channel (not sure if that is still on) Fly Fisherman - Sportsman's Channel (not sure on this one either.) Any others you know of that I'm missing?
  23. Speaking of Eagles... A few years back, there were TONS of eagles that hung around the area I lived (in Arkansas) and the reason was the abundance of chicken farms and the dumped chickens that died in the houses. Now it's illegal to dump them like that and the bird numbers have dwindled to nothing... Or at most 10% of what it was. Whatever your take on that, it was very kewl to see 20-50 of the birds hanging out on the lake on our farm and there was another farm where you could see up to 100 at a given time. Now, you're lucky to see a couple. I use to have some video of them, but think they were lost in the divorce...
  24. He's shore gotta purty mouf, don't he?
  25. Let's take a look in my tying materials... Daiichi Tiemco Dai Riki Mustad Gamakatzu Lightning Strike (Wapsi) I guess I use a little bit of everything... Kind of depends on what I'm tying and why...
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