I've goose-egged the last two Sundays on Fellows fishing for mainly for Crappie. I fished from the handicap dock the first time and there was a couple there who left just after I got there who had a nice stringer of slabs they had caught that morning early, but the bite was done by the time I got there. Yesterday, I rented a boat at the marina and spent 4 hours trying to get a nibble on jigs, minnows, worms, and even bottom fished with some shad. An hour each in the cove across from the marina, at the point of the middle of the lake, the upper end of the south finger, and a cove just south of the cable. Did not get a bite. I think it's just been too cold for them to be too active yet, but they should start soon. If the weather holds, you might try it next weekend.
By the way, I was fishing from 6 to 25 feet and everything in between...