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Everything posted by Terry Beeson
Fff Chapter On The Upper Current River
Terry Beeson replied to Idylwilde's topic in Montauk State Park
WOO HOO!!! We need more clubs in the Southern Council... Are you thinking charter club or affiliate? Have you been in contact with anyone from the SOCFFF? As a board member of the SOCFFF, let me know if I can help in any way. -
Sixth Annual C&r Season Opener Biscuits & Gravy Feed
Terry Beeson replied to Steve Smith's topic in Roaring River State Park
On Friday? Or maybe you're going over on Friday for Saturday opening? Enjoy... I'd like to be with you just to watch the dogs work... Not that I wouldn't like to be shooting. Cast and blast... it don't get no better'n that... -
FC... A lot of flies are tied with large beads or coneheads along with lead weight on the hook. I've not weighed any, but I'm sure I've cast flies well over an ounce on a 6 wt fly rod. Using a 1/16th oz jig is just "cheating" a bit in the fly tying game. Just beware that if the weight gets some heavier, you get into "chuck and duck" fishing, aptly named especially if you've forgotten to duck a few times and get a knot on your noggin from a fly or weight... Great pheesh!!!!
Again, the property I own is in Arkansas, so the MDC argument may be in Missouri, but AGFC does not stock privately owned water unless the landowner pays. MDC helping private landowners using public funds... I would need more information on that one since I'm not familiar. In the sixties the COE built a watershed dam on the stream to help control flooding, but this made no improvement to the stream that benefits me since it's downstream. In fact, my land now floods where it never did before (according to my dad.) But it was for the good of the public at large. This benefits private land owners downstream, sure, by preventing crops from being flooded out or other damage to their property. As for the NRCS, DOA, etc. These programs and regulations are set to benefit the overall water basin and farms (just as in the case of the flood control dams by COE.) I can't dump toxins in the stream just like you can't dump them in your driveway because it will affect things downstream. Looking at these programs, the justification is that there is a benefit to the public in general. While you and I may not agree on every one of them doing so, that is the intent. Paying farmers not to grow a certain crop is meant to help the public, but you and I both know the farm subsidy system is abused just like all government programs. I know I'll never with the argument... but I stand by my principles.
It is not a question of who "built" what... It is a question of ownership. In YOUR analogy, I should be able to trespass on your property because you didn't "build" it... While you have a valid argument, the fear I have would be that this would NOT be part of the law. I "think" laws should be this way, but many times they are not. As I stated, I would fight this tooth and nail, but if it became law, then, as in all cases, yes, I would respect it. I might not like it, just like I don't like many laws, but I will respect it. I don't think the government has the right to say I have to wear a seat belt, but I do because it's the law. Weak argument? Holes? Not really... I would have to ask then, why would you be against this law?
OK... So what if all the public lands were sold off and you were not lucky enough to buy your own land to hunt... or have a picnic... or hike... or play softball... or... the list can go on and on and on. Why is it you want access to this anyway? Everyone that has talked this up has projected a "God-given right" to do so, but is that really why? Do you think that buying a fishing permit or hunting permit should give you that right? So tell us, folks... Why do you want this right? You say the "I got mine" attitude is human nature... Well, I suppose the "I want what he has" attitude is as well. I am not against you or anyone else fishing on my property, I'm against the government saying that anyone and everyone can access it because they came in from the bridge. I pay taxes on the property I own. I pay other taxes as well. Those taxes are there to provide PUBLIC amenities like roads, bridges, police and fire protection, parks, etc... AND fishing access. Last time I checked, none of that tax money went to make any improvements to the stream on my property. It went to put fish and build docks etc. on the lakes and rivers that are PUBLIC. Yes, I would be singing the same tune. As I said, that's why we DO have public land... I guess it boils down to this... Maybe the original inhabitants of this country had the best idea after all.
Good one...
It's clear to see that by the votes, most of you have never owned land with a stream running through it. I do... And I tell you that I will fight this tooth and nail. NOT because of "partying" or because I'm greedy or because I worked hard to have my own place, but rather because this opens up another avenue for liability of the landowner. Now bear with me... I'm talking about streams that are NOT considered navigable. A navigable stream is a different matter. Navigable streams are exempt from liability due to the fact that this is considered either public property or public easement (in Arkansas, so don't call me on MO laws.) But the stream running through my property is not considered navigable. So if a law such as this were enacted, any Tom, Dick, or Harry could walk down the stream bed, fish, float, hunt, flash, drink, pick up trash, pee in the water, bird watch, take pictures, encounter aliens, audition for American Idol, or whatever and as the land owner, I would be liable for any accident or injury. Now if Ducky asked if he could fish in my creek, and he was injured and sued me for damages, I would be upset, but not nearly as upset as I would be if it was someone who just wondered in because "God made this stream, so it's mine..." AAAANNNKKKK... wrong answer... Our forefathers did away with that when we drove out the Native Americans, right or wrong... Sorry, but the US government says that it is MY and my wife's land, including the stream bed. The land has been in my family for almost 150 years, so I'm not a "new" landowner. And, sorry, but just because you access the stream "2 miles downstream" does NOT give you the right to fish any and all of that stream (talking again of "non-navigable" streams again.) That to me is like saying I should be able to drive through your yard to get to the next street over since I'm accessing your yard from a public street. The vast majority of people are considerate and there would be no problem with them accessing the stream for any reason. But to open things up to anyone and everyone, in my opinion, is just plain WRONG. That's why we have the public accesses and waterways. For years my father dealt with too many people who thought it was their "God-given right" to hunt and fish on his farm. He spent a lot of money stocking waters with fish for us to catch, only to have "neighbors" decide to help themselves since "Arkansas Game and Fish stocked them." They never believed the money for those fish, along with fish food, came out of my dad's pocket, NOT from their fishing license or taxes. If something like this comes about, and if it rains in your pool, I will be the guy dropped from a crane into your pool to take a nice relaxing swim. I'm not taking anything away from you. You can swim in it too. Don't mind that yellow warm water over there. God made it, so it's OK... Sorry to be so "militant"... But just because it's flowing water does NOT mean it is or should be public.
Hey... This is an OAF event... Not a "fly fishing" event... So COME ON DOWN!!!! (Just don't come by boat... well... unless you want to take me down the river for some fishing... ) Now Fishin Cricket is an exception... But he's a "low-life" spin fisherman... (you know I'm kiddin' ya... and I KNOW you're readin' this post... )
First of all, you will probably find that the camera is just a place to hold the lens... kind of like a fly reel... but the body IS important. I like Nikon, but Canon certainly is a very close second. As for the additional expense for the D60, I don't see it as important. I am new to this game as of a couple of years ago. I got a Nikon D40 and am very happy with it. Not sure if I need anything more until I learn more. I've bought several lenses for it (kind of like fly rods... the more you have, the more you want...) What you're looking at lens-wise is a good start, but find a good macro lens and a good 500mm tele in the future. I'm surprised at how many times I find myself with either too much or not enough lens. If you go Canon, I agree with JD... The Rebel series is where I would go. I think you'll be happier. OH... one more thing... Make sure you ask Santa for a good tripod to go with it.
Left Over Furnace Hackle
Terry Beeson replied to snagged in outlet 3's topic in General Angling Discussion
Yep... No question in my mind... Congrats!! -
Fall Flyfishing Float On Bryant Creek
Terry Beeson replied to Justin Spencer's topic in Bryant Creek
Justin... SSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Dang it... Now EVERYbody will know about Bryant... Good report... and you and Breth are right... This is a jewel overlooked by many... -
I should be able to make it... Thinking about bringing the cooker and frying some tortilla chips and corn nuggets... Also may bring something dutch oveny for dessert.
What are you tying to fish RR during C&R season this year? On my list: 1. Pheasant tail nymphs 2. Glo Balls 3. Swimming Nymphs 4. McPhail Bugs
Do you guys know what makes the sticky rubber soles sticky? Walnut shells... So... Wearing these soles helps the environment by recycling walnut shells... (Don't believe me... Just take a magnifying glass to the soles and see the little brown specks...) I've not completely bought in to the rubber sole vs. felt debate. There are too many other factors that contribute to the spread. Instead of focusing on how to stop the spread, I think the industry should focus on how to KILL Didymo in an environmentally safe way. There MUST be some organism that will eat that stuff... Oh... and it wasn't the Welsh hillbilly that brought it here... It is the main ingredient in Power Bait...
darn low life spin fisherman.... We're all elitist fly fishermen here... ( Couldn't resist, FC... )
Spot light special... LOL I don't have either one, but just wondered if you would think about a .17HMR?
I'm not "in love" with any scud hook either, but I do tend to go with the TMCs myself. I like the price of the Lightening Strikes from Wapsi and have used some of their other hooks. Need to try the scud hooks...
Left Over Furnace Hackle
Terry Beeson replied to snagged in outlet 3's topic in General Angling Discussion
Now what fun would it be for you to just GIVE them to me... Dumpster diving is so much more exciting!!! She SHOULD!! The slackers!!! If I were you, I'd move... But then again, I live in a subdivision just like yours. Most of them look at me like I am a three headed monster when I'm out practicing my cast... -
Left Over Furnace Hackle
Terry Beeson replied to snagged in outlet 3's topic in General Angling Discussion
Note to self... Go dumpster divin' in Snaggy's trash bin... VERY creative!!! That second one looks like it came out of a western movie!!! -
Sixth Annual C&r Season Opener Biscuits & Gravy Feed
Terry Beeson replied to Steve Smith's topic in Roaring River State Park
I hope to make it this year. -
I was invited by Brian Sloss to come down to the Eleven Point yesterday for a TU benefit float and BBQ. Didn't make it down in time to float with the guys, but did manage to get in some fishing. Started at Greer, but didn't do any good. Spent an hour there below the bridge and down by the boat ramp. Moved upstream to Cane Bluff and got into some Long Ear Sunfish. These fish were about three feet off the bank and put up a good fight! I must have caught 30 - 40 of them in about 2 1/2 hours on a zebra midge. They were very pretty fish and were a BLAST to catch! I only wish I had brought my 2 wt or switched to my 3wt. Afterwards, I made my way down to Eleven Point Canoe Rental where Ryan was busy smokin' ribs and venison. About the same time, Brian and about a dozen or so guys that floated that day rolled in. They had not slayed them, but did report catching trout on their float. Good BBQ with some good folks after a good day on the river... It don't get no better'n that!!!!!
Videos Of The North Fork Of The White River
Terry Beeson replied to Phil Lilley's topic in North Fork of the White River
That Flip is awesome! "I gotta get me one-a-deeze!!!" Nice vids, Phil. Brian... Did I see a Tenkara on one of those shots? Nice vid work as usual... -
Building A 12' Cedar Strip
Terry Beeson replied to woodman's topic in Lodging, Camping, Kayaking and Caoneing
Looking good!!! Keep us posted...