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Everything posted by WHARFRAT

  1. The outlet mall closest to the mo river on 40 by the bridge has a Columbia Outlet store. Pretty good prices, usually beat BPS plus they have a rewards program
  2. I've had 3 of 5 instances where I've had moles removed that were cancerous. Cut out and no other treatment. Luckily, they were caught early. Because of this, I have to be checked every 3 months. I pretty much cover up all year long. Columbia, BPS brand (?), and Cabela's brand is what I usually purchase. Long pants, long sleeve shirts, gloves, neck gator, hat. and sunscreen. It sucks when its 90-100 degrees, but, it's now a way of life. The alternative sucks even worse. A good friend just recently finished up a good year long chemo treatment for a mole that was either stage 2 or 3 melanoma. It was pretty rough on her physically and emotionally. So, do yourself a favor, wear the UPF clothing, but more important, get checked at least once a year, maybe twice if you are exposed to the sun a lot.
  3. Surprisingly no black crappie this weekend, just whites. 7-8' down. Nothing big.
  4. Are you trying to say that mama didn't use a lot of discretion on who she hung around with?
  5. OK! Makes sense.
  6. Not sure about this one. Sure looks like a Black Duck, but I've never had one that had white on it's wing patch. That being said, out of all the years I've hunted, I probably haven't shot a half dozen Black ducks. The head has definate characteristics of a black duck.
  7. I hit the banks from my place and up to about the 2nd cove past Bridal cave. I didn't stay long at each spot, pretty much runnin and gunnin! As far as deep fishin with a 16oz jig. As long as I'm using a 7-12' pole I don't have too much problems, as long as it's fairly calm. Any pole shorter than that, then you can forget it. I actually got lucky finding them deep. Had a mega line twist and after a couple of minutes working it out I picked the jig off the bottom and got thumped! Then that's all I did for a while is drop it next to brush, and pick it up off the bottom. Seemed like they hit about of foot off the floor.
  8. I went out Sunday, first looking for white bass. They didn't really cooperated, so after an hour or so, decided to hit some crappie spots. Found a few, but the size wasn't as good. I think only one was right at 12 inches, most were 9-10". Also they weren't 5-7 ft down either. Found them right on the bottom in 18-25'. The only positive was they were knocking the heck out of the jig. Swithed to a 16oz pink head with electric chicken baby shad. That seemed to get them excited. Plus coming from 25' down, it makes you think that 9" fish is a monster. Then reality hits, and its a little one. Weather looks good for next weekend. I've got other commitments, so hope you all knock em dead!!!!
  9. Might give them whites a shot tomorrow afternoon. You still using the sassy shad?
  10. Went out for a couple hrs this afternoon. Took about an hour of frustration, but finally caught a few nice ones. Dropped down to a 32 oz jog head and a 2 1/2" slab buster, probably caught 10 overs. 4 were in the 13" range. All the fish looked like they might have over did it for thanksgiving. The bite was coming around 4-5' down. Seemed to like the slower drop. It's encouraging.
  11. Sounds like a nice upstanding individual that the Rams might draft, to go with their other 5 Golden Nuggets.
  12. DANG OP! Quit acting like a neutered cat!!!! lol Actually, the cold don't bother me too much as long as it's not too windy. I'm more apt to be sitting by the window when it's sunny and close to 100! I don't take the heat too well. I'm like you about jigs and nibs, much rather fish with them than drowning minnows out in the boat. About the only time I use minnows is when I just want to relax and fish off my dock. Sittin there having a few man sodas or some aged grape juice. By that time, I don't really care if they bite or not. Have fun drinking you coffee, I'm probably not too far behind you!!!
  13. HA! I think you're talking about me!!!!! Great for them. I only lasted a short while on our docks. And by looking at the pic,,,, they did WAY better than me! I did get out in my boat on Friday. Seemed like my deep water spots were right where the wind was blowing the hardest. I had to put my trolling motor on '80' to even move it. Didn't last too long there, plus nothing to show for it. Found a couple of area's that usually produce this time of the year that was out of most of the wind. Caught a few, but for the time I spent, it wasn't too productive. Saturday was slightly better. And Sunday was about the same as Saturday. I've been hearing people say that they've been picking them up on Minnows 7-10 feet down on slip-corks, but, not sure if my lack of patience, or just not finding them led me to go back to my jigs. Caught very few on minnows, most of the fish I caught were right on the bottom with jigs. All in all, it was pretty poor. I caught only a couple over 11"s, the others were probably pushing 9". Oh well, I'll be ready to punish myself by the weekend again! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
  14. Oh, by the way, Nice Pics
  15. Nice Report. I was down there too, but I wimped out going out in the boat. Spent about an hour on our docks. Caught some small crappie, and small white bass. Spent rest of the time doing some chores. I'll be back Thanksgiving too.
  16. I've been hearing good reports or limits of nice fish being caught, and I've heard some that are having difficult time. Me personally, it's been tough on my end. Saturday, I caught very few fish, but the ones I did catch were nice. Between 11-12 inches, plus one just a hair over 14. But, for as long as I fought the wind, 6 or 7 fish just ain't enough! I couldn't get any bites away from docks, and even with the wind, my success came when I switch to a 32oz jighead, and a 2" plastic. Seemed to like the lighter color jigs more so than my typical dark/chartreuse color. But I don't know if I'd say that was the ticket with only 7 fish total. Sunday was different. They were smacking it hard, problem was, they were 8-9 1/2 inches long. I probably caught 50+ fish in three hours and my first fish of the day was at 10" and it was the biggest one I hooked. Going to be cold coming up. Probably have to figure out a new pattern. But Hey! That's what we do!
  17. None that are public.
  18. I'm pretty sure you can put a Kayak on Coffeen. The few times I've ever been there, I don't recall seeing any. But I don't see why not! Baldwin, can get pretty rough, not sure if I'd put one in, unless they were calling for 0 wind. People can say what they want, but years ago, I have caught some quality fish. I'm now hearing reports of SM bass, but just hearing, not seeing.
  19. Yeah, Baldwin would be a good spot if you want to get out and fish from the banks. Variety of species. If you have a boat, Coffeen would be the place to go. They have a hp restriction. Used to be 25hp, I don't think it has changed. If you take your kayak, i don't remember the warm water discharge being too far from the ramp. Used to be pretty good crappie fishing in the winter.
  20. I got this from the CDC site. If you like lobster bisque, you'll love this. 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter 1 pound crappie meat (You can add more meat for a heavier soup) 4 cans (10 3/4 ounces each ) Campbells® Condensed Cream of Shrimp Soup 4 soup can fulls of half and half - 1 quart + needed (For really rich soup you can sub 2 soup can fulls of cream and 2 soup cans full of 1/2 and 1/2 . *Warning* this adds 500 extra calories, but its amazing) 2 tbsp Old Bay Seasoning 1 tbsp Garlic Powder (or to tasteI like more) 1 tbsp Onion Powder(or to tasteI like more) 1 tbsp Black Pepper(or to tasteI like more) Optional: Hot Sauce (I like to add just a bit for a little kick) In a pan melt the ½ stick of butter and add the crappie meat. Cook crappie meat in butter until flaky and white throughout. Chop crappie meat into small pieces with spatula. In a separate soup pan, add in all other ingredients. Add chopped crappie meat into the soup pan, butter and all. Bring soup to a bubbling simmer, stirring often as the bisque will stick to the soup pan if not stirred. Serve hot with your favorite condimentsoyster crackers, croutons, saltines .etc or as is. Its good both ways.
  21. I hope you all got out today. Crappie fishing was very good. A lot of quality fish, compared to yesterday morning. Crappie were stacking both under docks and on brush 10-15' deep. Today I switched from a 2" bait to a 3" bait. Don't know if that had anything to do with my luck. Hope this is a good sign of things to come for you all. Headin out to Napa Valley to test out some grape juice, be back 2nd weekend of next month. Good luck.
  22. Both are back swimmin and were in great shape when returned.
  23. Well, I was so proud of my fish last weekend, so my wife had to show me up. 11 1/2 lb. a little over 31". She did good getting it in without any help.
  24. Hope this cool sunny weekend will stack the crappie up under the docks. Normally this is what I look for when dock shooting. Hope it pans out.
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