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Everything posted by Steve_IA

  1. The recipients of such gracious government subsidies will most likely open the windows when their temps rise to uncomfortable levels. As for the hot water... it may not be long before there isn't enough fresh water in the urban areas to drink let alone bath. Yes I'm an alarmist, but I'm actually of the age that I probably won't be around when the sky does fall. steve
  2. One of my grandfather's often used phrases to me: "you've become just smart enough to be dangerous". I look at man's evolvement in the same way. Through our development of spoken then written communication we have increased man's collective intellegence enough to overcome many of the natural and societal factors that previously limited our total population. In the last century I believe we've consumed more of the earth's resourses than she has the ability to replenish. I consider this exceeding earth's carrying capacity. I wish we would now become intellegent enough to recognize our need to self-regulate our world's population and balance it with earth's resources. steve
  3. I enjoy reading this, I really do, but I'll repeat my 40 year held belief that I've stated on other threads -- over-population of this earth is the root cause of this and significant other societal problems. We have exceeded the earth's carrying capacity. Initiating these stop-gap measures only postpones the inevitable if we continue to increase the world's population. We have the technologies to reverse the population growth problem if only there was any interest in doing so. steve
  4. I appologize for not expressing my concerns more clearly. I find no justification in either. Justin... I fear the line that you would cross today may not end where you would have it tommorrow. steve
  5. Justin, Are you justifying poaching by those who are poor? If I believe the wild deer population in your area is a resource of the greater society and that society has set hunting seasons and limits to protect that resource, then how can I look at poaching outside of those parameters as anything but a wrong committed against that greater society? Would it be just as acceptable to allow the poor in your neighborhood to help themselves to venison or other food staples from your freezer? We absolutely should help those in our society that need help surviving, but it is necessary that we do it within the parameters set by our laws. I'm glad to see you have a caring heart. steve
  6. Thanks Al... We have had a pair of bald eagles nest in a large tree along the shore of our N W Iowa lake during the last four summers. It is a very "residential" lake and the nest is only a few feet from the house of a woman I know. The pair have produced one offspring each of the last three years. I find it fascinating to stand under the tree so close and watch them, however, I'm still surprised that they chose to nest so close to humans. Our DNR officials have told me we have three other nesting pairs in more isolated areas of our county. steve
  7. Wayne, How much larger is a Golden Eagle over a Bald Eagle? steve
  8. Zack... It appears you are dismissing this thought without giving it any serious thought of your own. To begin with, we could end the political practice of subsidizing children. No more child tax credits, subsidized day care, ect. VOLUNTARY government subsidized sterilization would be a cost effective alternative to the child support we now give. Less population = lower carbon footprint! I believe a discussion on this topic to be more fruitful than the eight pages of this thread that preceeded it. steve
  9. I think you are discussing symptoms rather than cause. Cause = too many people on this planet... this we have within our ability to change. steve
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