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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by drew03cmc

  1. Ok, on a 6'11 4wt for small stream and creek trout fishing, would you recommend a DT or WF line. Think Crane, Capps, Mill, Blue Springs Creek, etc...
  2. I am here for about nine more minutes, then off to work....:-(
  3. But...the rainbow was already there... Thanks guys! The grip is smaller in diameter and it helps to hold the rod a little better.
  4. Very nice fishy! Maybe this fall, you will catch his momma!
  5. Dang...my vacation ends the 15th. I might hit Roaring a few days between the 9th and 15th though, so if anyone watching this has way too much free time and wants to join me, let me know!
  6. People these days do not have the common courtesy to slow down to a crawl when someone is fishing. Maybe you had just spotted a 6# smallie and here comes this jackbutt in a jet boat...(oh my god...two jb's in 4 words...ok nevermind) and flies through and puts the fish off for the rest of the day. Is that not enough to warrant a hunting trip?
  7. Finders Keepers rules are definitely in effect! I caught the same fish at Bennett twice in a span of three hours. He had a scar down his side from apparently being just missed with a lure.
  8. If you saw me fishing at Roaring River with a 7'6 4wt Wright McGill Fly Girl rod? The blank is a deep purple color and the grip feels better in the hand, but I just want to know what you would think about a man fishing with a purple fly rod with Girl on it in pink lettering.
  9. I would lean towards a 7wt 9' because it will do everything. If you want to bass or saltwater fish, it will work for smallies, largemouth, night trout, bonefish, small stripers, hybrids, whites, almost anything that the run of the mill 5wt cannot do. Brand, I like either St. Croix or TFO for this task. The Pro (TFO) or the Reign (ST Croix) are both in the $130-150 range, leaving plenty of operating capital for a nice reel and line. Just my .02.
  10. Nice...I may take a trip there this summer. $50 is ok for a pay to play kind of thing, but I almost prefer our wild trout streams to catching hundreds of fish.......
  11. Wow, whenever you want to play in the state somewhere...let us all know, and then we can all have a few suds and swap fishing stories, followed of course by the next day of fishing ALL day long!
  12. Wow, amazing fishing report. I am absolutely blown away that you did that well on Crane in the park. Normally it is a wade and pray type of deal from what I hear on here.
  13. That is not the way anything was intended, just the way the original post was worded, that was the appropriate response.
  14. Well, I have vacation to take in September....barring a job change (I hope). I will keep you posted between now and then!
  15. I wonder the daily cost for C&R as well as the quality of the trout fishing!
  16. Phil, I have slipped in a few naughty words, and I apologize to everyone, but in the context, they may have seemed appropriate at the time. So, this will be no problem for anyone on here. We are all big boys and girls and know the grown up words and ways to speak...(except for Terry), but hey....old- what is it again? I kid, I kid...
  17. I have caught more gills on flies than on worms...also, bigger fish too. Especially on #8 streamers. They love them!
  18. Good to hear about the scuds working still. We still need to hit the river together Kyle.
  19. westoverfarms.com
  20. The lakes are going to be a mess till we hit the dry time of year and they can let everything down to pool at least. LOZ is in for a disaster when they drop Truman!
  21. I have never heard of that. I have however caught the fish my buddy just lost and took his beetle spin from the 6# bass' maw. It was a great case of finders keepers. Great story.
  22. They're just bass and gills! On a 4 wt, tons of fun though!
  23. Yeah, the limit is 4.
  24. I went out again tonight! Again used the 8' 4wt and threw brown woolly worms, black and white spiders, black nosed dace, black gnat wet flies in a #10, and black and yellow spiders. I caught some 8" bass tonight that were VERY aggressive, plenty of gills again between 4-6", nothing very big.
  25. Ok, well I may definitely need to invest in a shorter rod then! Thanks guys.
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