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Everything posted by troutfiend1985

  1. I guess, but I would want to know if this was really an issue in the past. Maybe if there were really an issue with this in the past, which could well be(I'm not claiming to be an expert on paddlefish) then that would be a justification which I would accept. However, it still seems to be a waste of a resource, in that people do seem to consume these eggs. I don't know, just seems to be silly to make more things illegal.
  2. Soooooo wrong, yet I couldn't help but laugh. I wonder if god(aliens, big bang, gaseous cloud causing hallucinations, or however people want to characterize/explain religion now) watches our forum for entertainment? If so, I think I’m going to the lake of fire for laughing at that post boys ang girls.
  3. No, no I can't.
  4. So are Carp, yummy.
  5. Well I guess at one point there must have been some trout there, or at least it seems that way. I think that this summer I might spend an hour or two on this stream, maybe snap a few photos and fish. It would be sad to see a stream die like Tim suggested.
  6. Seems like a bit of waste going in the MO side. Why not allow an angler to possess eggs of spoonbill, after all the only other option is to dump them in the stream. I hate stupid laws. As far as OK goes, what if you wanted to keep the eggs? If you're allowed to possess the eggs under state law, and the agents came up to you wanting to take them from you, you would think this would be a deprivation of property, no? A little baffled on both sides of the fence here. MO makes no sense on this one, and OK would seem to be fine if, and only if, an angler had the option of keeping the eggs for himself.
  7. I haven't seen Crappie in Crane either, and like OB said I would contact your local agent. Makes me mad when people do this to beautiful fisheries.
  8. thanks for the help. I'll have to do some more research to find if this is it, but I appreciate it.
  9. You could always try to make furled leaders. You could probably get someone on here to tell you the deminsions of the jig, etc. I don't make furled leaders per se, but I make these twisted leaders. The only thing I like about them are, they're cheap, they turnover well and I have not had one single wind knot while using them(granted it's only been two times). I posted the video of how to make twisted leaders on a previous thread under the general anlging discussion. However this summer I'm planning on making some true furled leaders to see if there are any differences.
  10. Where is it at, if you don't mind me asking. It's just that I've never heard of it and it seems google hasn't either
  11. Boy, where is someone with the semantics card? You guys think that I'm crazy about language, now we're getting into arguments on spelling. Geez guys. Anyways, appreciated the tip about the buggers(or is it boogers ) but I think I'll wait until another issue/topic/thread is posted, maybe I'll start one here in a minute on how do you fish your buggers just to get something else on the board. Bottom line you can take out of this whole "bias" thing, is that it shouldn't be too big of a deal. If people are calling each other names, then of course the plug should be pulled. Mitch I think you should sit down, have a coffee and talk to Lilley one day. It would be a good thing.
  12. I was looking at the heading of the thread a few days ago and noticed brown branch springs being listed on there. I checked google, the only place that I could find that mentioned it was this site. Does Brown Branch Springs exist, or is this a typo? I'm just curious because if there is a brown branch springs then I would be curious as to info. Thanks
  13. Nice Post. Gives me something to think about until finals are over. I've been wanting to get down to the current for a few years now, whats it like in the summer? Is it a crowded mess?
  14. So since this thread is dead, I would just like to point out that right now the Royals have a better record than the cardinals. Won't last long, but I get a chance to give redbird nation some hell right now
  15. I must be one of the only guys who never has luck with this fly for trout. I hear about it so much, but rarely have major luck with it. Guess I should give it a few more tries, how do you fish yours?
  16. It looks pretty good to me. I've seen some sites that have fly tying videos that are posted every week or two, I know that they get my attention. Maybe a weekly cap on the fishing in the area? I would think that someone who stumbles on the site is looking for information on the fishing in Ozark area, and a quick weekly summary might be a nice thing to have right on top of the page. Just my opinion, but it could be a convenient thing for a prospective traveler.
  17. Difference is that Lilley would like us to stay away from politics. That is the rub, nothing more or less than that. I do not think your political opinions are off base, however there is a proper time, place and manner in which to post certain elements of anyone’s opinions. Therefore, to make it clear, if you want to talk politics no one is stopping you, but there are proper forums in which to discuss your opinions on certain issues. This forum, as requested by the owner of the site, is not one of them. It's simple, and the reasons are rational, in that people tend to argue about frivolous stances to which no claim having any merits can be made on one side or the other and constant ad hominem attacks are made in the guise of political speech/opinions. Two bull elephants start it, blue and red, and then there is a dog pile. Look at those forums that were shut down, and there is a lot of nonsense on both sides. Look at the March madness posts, and there tends to be less personal attacks. Here's a great place to start with political opinions, your local representative. And you might be thinking that I am inconsistent, in that my signature carries a classic first amendment quote. However, you do have to recognize that this is not a government actor stopping you, it is a private citizens request, in that the owner of this site is not willing to let a dog pile of personal attacks happen on his forum in the name of political speech. Inches and degrees. This thread is dead to me boys and girls. Have a good one. I see red x’s in the future.
  18. The worst thing on earth is to lose a best friend. Cherish the memories like Dres said. And like smalliebigs said, Bear's up there waiting for the next creek to explore. I would have to imagine the creeks up there are pretty neat. Keep your head up.
  19. What type of rod are you rocking on that outfit??
  20. Mischaracterized, or misused, bub.. Obviously I have my law lingo going on today.
  21. Dude, this is a "General Angling Discussion" and no, I don't see Lilley only shutting down only the right side. Could it possibly be, as the wise one (Cricket) suggests, that the Left side on this forum is a little more sly about posting their opinions. And by the way, before someone starts telling me I'm blue in the face, actually I would probably be considered a moderate independent, with a slight socialist drawl. Not for either side, and if you really get down to it, both sides are illogical for numerous reasons. Anyways, Zach had an interesting topic, when to switch patterns. I guess it comes down to how well you know the stream. I know what my go to patterns are on Crane. In order, if this were in the summer: BHPT olive flashback 16-18 is my number one. If I'm working the holes that I like and not getting anything off of it, and I know that I'm not spooking them as I have my ninja mojo going, then I go to my "Dirty Bird" to which I'm not going to give the pattern away on that one yet. This is a real go getter out there, if that isn't working, then I know that my technique is off, wading to close or I'm lining them. If I fix my hypothetical problems, and the dirty bird still isn't working then I switch up to beadhead caddis. That would be my third fly of choice. But usually I'm not getting that far into my box. I know that it's usually technique over pattern, but pattern does have a lot to do with it IMHO. Just as an example about the importance of pattern, out at yellowstone last year I was killing them on a sz 18 parachute Adams. Switched over to a pattern recommended by BRF, just to see how the trout would react, and nothing. I actually had my A game going that day, a day where the pattern did matter, caught 15 in one day off of Slough Creek. .
  22. I feel ya' Mic. Next time that I get to fish will probably be May 14.
  23. Just my opinion, but I really think that there is a credible argument that wanton waste could be taken off the books when applied to bighead carp. It really seems to me that the purpose of wanton waste is to apply that law to game fish, not invasive species. I have a hard time picturing the people who sat dow nto create this law and saying "yeah, this law has to apply to all fish, including ones who can/will/may destroy and ecosystem." I'm hoping that I catch one of these bastards and that an MDC agent see's me toss it up on the bank. It just seems to me that there is a double standard going on here, don't put the thing back, but at the same time don't waste it. Well, I really am not a fish eater. But, I really really don't want to see the rivers go down the tube due to a species that filters out all the plankton, thus eroding the food chain. Pretty messed up that one of my goals this summer is to violate a law, but I really want to get this off the books when applied to nuiscance species. (7) No person who takes or possesses any wildlife shall wantonly leave or abandon any portion of such wildlife commonly used as human food. I like that whole "commonly" part of the reg. Wiggle room. (27) Game fish: Shall include the following in which the common names are to be interpreted as descriptive of, but not limiting, the classification by Latin names: (A) Ambloplites, all species of goggle-eye (commonly known as Ozark bass, rock bass, shadow bass) and their hybrids. ( Esox, all species commonly known as muskellunge, tiger muskie, muskie-pike hybrid, northern pike, chain pickerel, grass pickerel. © Ictalurus, all species except bullheads, commonly known as channel catfish, blue catfish, Mississippi cat, Fulton cat, spotted cat, white cat, willow cat, fiddler cat. (D) Lepomis gulosus, commonly known as warmouth. (E) Micropterus, all species of black bass and their hybrids, commonly known as largemouth bass, lineside bass, smallmouth bass, brown bass, Kentucky bass, spotted bass. (F) Morone, all species and their hybrids, commonly known as white bass, yellow bass, striped bass. (G) Oncorynchus and Salmo, all species commonly known as salmon and trout. (H) Polyodon, all species, commonly known as paddlefish, spoonbill. (I) Pomoxis, all species, commonly known as crappie, white crappie, black crappie. (J) Pylodictis, commonly known as flathead catfish, goujon, yellow cat, river cat. (K) Sander, all species and their hybrids, commonly known as walleye, pike perch, jack salmon, sauger. (L) Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, commonly known as shovelnose sturgeon, hackleback, sand sturgeon.
  24. I'm going to be out in the Estes park area around the middle of july, and I have been wondering the same things. It looks like the coloradotrouthunter.com will be a website that I will be checking frequently. Has anyone fished the lower big thompson, and if so, is it worth my time? Thanks
  25. I watched you video last night, first let me say nice fish. However, what you did(or at least what I saw) isn't exactly throwing a fish up to the bank. To me, it looks like you came close to putting him on the dry rocks, but it stopped where the fish was at least on some wet rocks. And also, if you took the fish off when the video ended, then I would say ok, no foul. Here's my questions, did you throw him up in the grass, on the rocks to let him flop? Did you do it seven or so times in a row? Facts and circumstances, and here it seems that you did fine. Would it have been better to get the fish off while still submerged in the water? Yes, but sometimes the context of the situation dictates what you can and cannot do. My thing is more about how long the fish is out of the water, and how long the fish is left to flop on rocks or other debris that is dry and thus ruining the fishes slime. Facts and circumstances, catch by catch basis in analysis. Kosher? If you really want, I could say "Cricket, how dare you??!!?? One fish that may have been on the gravel?? Slubuva pigola, you should be ashamed!! Never fish Crane again, and especially never fish Crane again if you plan on catching one of those fish." Obviously, I'm joking
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