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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Since it was an anniversary float...did you guys make a "Pit Stop" anywhere? Some witnesses I heard saw a small shiner not normally seen around these parts.
  2. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    My in laws always make Sea Cucumber by the way!
  3. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    No, I always order extra cilantro with my Tacos El Pastor!
  4. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I ❤️ soapy Cilantro!?
  5. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Good Morning, and what a beautiful day it is!!
  6. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I hate beets, I hate brussel sprouts...cottage cheese and cashews are on probation with a stern warning. No chef alive could create a dish with these ingredients that would be edible!?
  7. It's gonna be "Yuge!!!!!!"
  8. I have no problem hijaking threads this is Hog Wally's wife yesterday holding up a Hog Smally!!!! She caught it herself by the way!
  9. Great fish Tim! Please let don't let anyone in on your secret technique of dusting off the rod handle before fishing. ?
  10. I agree, plus they waited until they really had something to brag about before they took the pic!
  11. Why is it that pictures from those days with such limited technology are so much better than the photos of today?
  12. He already sore mouthed em all! ??
  13. Very nice!
  14. Maybe he's putting his hat in the ring for the Presidential election. ???
  15. And a fat one at that!! Very nice fish, you may never catch one bigger! But I hope you do??????
  16. If you see bluegill between docks, that means they're too afraid of what's under there.....hint, hint, hint!?
  17. Mitch f


  18. Maybe my little girl had a substitute teacher that day!
  19. I have their walleye head mold, which was my minnow imitation hair jig head that I used to tie. It cuts thru current well and has a flat on the side to either paint or attach an eye. Never used the snootie jig head though. If you're looking to tie winter bass hair jigs in a craw pattern, I'd recommend a football head with a wire weed guard.
  20. I also thought Do-it still carried the snootie jig mold. I'll try to find one for you.
  21. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Reminds me of this:
  22. have = possession had: =opposite of have, meaning no possession i agree with you
  23. And her High School English teachers response.
  24. I was helping my 6 yr old do homework last night and came across this.....what would your answer be? My other daughter who's 14 years old told me my answer was wrong, I know what the teachers intent was, but I thought the wording was funny ?
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