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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Agreed, up until the point he is fined for his violations. Case in point, last year OFallon proper had a "last year of amnesty" for fireworks violations (little known to me). So my next door neighbor, who has the pitbull,has been laying awake at night, dreaming of ways to get revenge for me turning in his pitbull for attacking my dog. I'm standing with my 4 year old daughter lighting a fountain type firework and the police drove up within one minute and wrote me a ticket because of a new zero tolerance fireworks rule. So the cop asks me if I was having a dispute with one of my neighbors.... I immediately knew who called the police. I paid the ticket of $130 2 weeks ago. So I will Never Ever shoot fireworks again in Ofallon. My pleading of ignorance didn't help. Maybe if a poacher gets a hefty fine he will change his ways.
  2. They are all over Table Rock
  3. You don't have any data to back this up, but neither do I. But I darn sure disagree with you on over fishing
  4. I don't fly fish but I do tie hair jigs and try to use at least 2 types of hair. This guy is a little tough to listen to, but ties beautiful jigs. I would think you could get some ideas from him. I also think you should be able to go to YouTube and find plenty of examples for crawfish flies
  5. Yes, you're right.....gives birth to live young. But it was white!?!?!
  6. I can help....this dude is obsessed with a fish that tore off his leg long ago. Try's to get revenge but the fish is a lot bigger and offs him in the end.
  7. I'm not much help, I did work at the Xpress factory in Malvern Arkansas and got mine for a deep discount. I think the size is more important than the brand. One thing for sure I would do is get .100" gage aluminum and not .08".... It takes a licking and keeps on ticking. I asked Joe Troutt about the correct size of a boat for our rivers and he recommended a 1650 for an all around Ozark river boat.
  8. Horrible! Imagine what a fracking gone bad would look like?
  9. The only thing I can say is that it's been proven that many species of fish are much smaller than they were 30 years ago. I can't imagine it would be any different in streams by not having as many 20 inchers in the gene pool.
  10. The sad thing is, there are a dozen guys like him you never see a picture of. My hope is one day, there will be enough people with the mindset of people on this forum, and we will start seeing bigger and more fish in the rivers. Until then, we will have to keep reporting this type of behavior. In general people don't even care about limits. I saw a lady at the local park, who walked right past the fishing limits sign, and sat down and fished with worms and had a 15" bass in her basket, when the limit was 1 fish above 18". She didn't read the sign, and really didn't care.
  11. I remember many years ago when the internet was a new thing, a guy from Illinois caught the world record Blue Cat out of the Mississippi River. The guy was so proud of the fish (obviously) he took a picture holding up the 124 lb catfish up in the air. The problem was, he was on complete disability. When they saw the photo in the paper they forced him off of the government dole!
  12. I can be to your place in 1.5 hours........we going today?
  13. This has already been sent to MDC, no blocked face. It was also posted unblocked on Facebook. I got the photo from a guide/friend so I don't know where he got it.
  14. Perhaps because of poachers like this guy. This photo was taken at Gasconade Hills parking lot. As you can see, he has no regard for any regulations.
  15. Yep, can't stand the Booyah/Oh Son stuff either. Equally bad. Or how about the "Man, that fish just crushed that new ZMan Flukinator, if it wasn't for that ZMan Flukinator this trip would be ruined"
  16. Yep, why is it that all most Fly fishing videos are about flash and less about substance? 30 seconds of the video was a guy walking across the field
  17. It's so very difficult to make others as concerned about the details as you are. People do things so half arsed nowadays.
  18. You know I started thinking about PB smallmouths and think they need to be divided in several categories: Lakes in Missouri/Arkansas, lakes in the North, lakes in Tennessee River Chain....rivers in Missouri, rivers up North and so on. I mean you can catch a 20" smallie in Wisconsin and it's not as big of a deal, but in Missouri it's a huge feat!!
  19. Great report! Thank you for posting!
  20. Sorry but I just posted the pic for cwc87, he caught it.
  21. Hello, welcome!
  22. You don't need a boat. Fish the tail waters of tbe dams. I'll ask my buddies who live there for some advice for you and PM you back
  23. CWC87 with another hawg yesterday!! 20", He's killing me....I need to get out but am in the selling house/moving process and am fishing thru everyone else!
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