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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Caught a fat 13-14" spot today that swallowed a 6-7" bass tail first. Odd because they usually always swallow head first. The small bass's head was sticking out 1". I removed the small bass with pliers. He was already fat before he ate the small bass and obviously still wanted to eat my dog walker.
  2. Hey, beats working. Fun on an ultralight!!
  3. Mitch f


    Finally had a few minutes of free time and was able to read the blog. I really enjoyed reading about your adventure! Man, those smallies in your solo creek ALL had exceptionally big tails. kind of reminded me of a Gasconade smallie. Great report!! Enjoyed the McGyver reference
  4. Agreed, As long as no one is touching my family and they don't damage my personal property, they can touch my vehicle all they want. The mentality of "Don't touch my crap" reminds me of a certain behavioral disorder...like your crap is more important than mine? As Sergeant Hulka said..."Lighten up Francis!"
  5. This is why JD hates leaflets on his vehicle
  6. Yep, that seems to be the magic time for me as well. I also agree with F&F about wildlife being hardwired to be predictable on feeding patterns and such. During my duck hunting days I noticed the mallards would mill around in the morning and you might get a bird or two. But it seemed like between 10 and 2 is what my buddy called "Mallard Time" when the birds came back from the feeding areas to rest or get back on water. I guess those same patterns hold true with river fish as well.
  7. Well, like Al says smallmouth can be anywhere, especially if they are actively feeding. They are much easier to catch when they are in that mode. It seems like on the river the smallmouth start feeding at a certain time, the problem is its tough to determine if you are catching fish because you are fishing a new spot vs the time when they are starting to feed.
  8. A sound thrashing, if it were a 15 round boxing match it would be Romney 12 Obama 3
  9. I'm fairly new at it myself but the only advice I would give is to make sure you only put the microwave on 50% power for about 3-4 minutes and stir, stir, stir. then heat in 30 second intervals until 340 degrees. 360 or so and the smoke will drive you out of the room. Polycarbonate molds don't last as long because of the heat, so aluminum would be better. I know you are doing this to save money but if you are having trouble matching the color you want, you can always go to the store and buy plastic baits at Walmart or somewhere cheap and reheat them.
  10. Indeed! LOL
  11. For a follow up, I took the Veritas out for it's first real test and am happy to report that it is an awesome jigging rod. Hyper sensitivity!!
  12. I've thought about it for 20 minutes and I still can't come up with a good enough joke!
  13. I love the action of the live action rubber but the colors always seem to bleach out and look lighter in the water....so much so that I couldn't bear to use them anymore. Even the solid black turned to gray...weird Also very difficult to tie your own using thread over round rubber
  14. Welcome!
  15. I was just about to say Black! Great in the winter!!
  16. Fred McClintock a smallmouth guide once told me the best time to catch a trophy smallie on Dale Hollow was during the turnover in fall, fishing with jerkbaits.....believe it or not
  17. Mitch f


    Suck it up! Get all your ya ya's out before you have kids! Have a great time!!
  18. I guess it depends on which type of bass you are after. If trophy smallmouth, I would go to Kentucky lake
  19. I guess since the invention of cable news or at some point when true unbiased journalism died there have been radicals on both sides who try to fan the flames and I admit I get caught up in it. I have never seen such a contentious election in my lifetime. With the Hannity's and Matthews (even though they are not supposed to be journalists) out there its hard to see how our country can have a civil political climate. I wonder what year the historians will say true journalism died? BTW, I like your idea Gavin, no cry babies!
  20. Keep fishing topwater, crank baits and jigs until the water temp gets down to 55 switch to crankbaits and jigs between 55 on 48 switch to jerkbaits and jigs until the water gets below 45 jigs below 45 Whats the common denominator at all temps? JIGS In the fall the fish will be very aggrerssive In the winter the general rule is smaller and slower Now throw all the hard and fast rules I just posted out the window!!!
  21. Phil, as the guys say you're doing a splendid job! I lost my father 2 weeks ago and know what you are dealing with right now. Peace be with you
  22. Asians love carp
  23. Applause!!! This applies to all subjects, not just politics!
  24. Better look out, he might bite you!
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