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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. My mistake, I thought you guys were talking about jet pumps
  2. Another thing...for a jet boat in Missouri, the 2 most crucial times for a jet boat is starting and stopping. You need to start quick and get up on plane quick. A tunnel jet is much slower out of the hole for the same sized boat and engine. Also when it comes to stopping, a flat bottom will glide much further and a tunnel hull will sink posterior down way to quickly compared to a flat bottom. In Missouri, a flat bottom is most preferred.
  3. My apologies, I thought you too were talking about a jet prop.
  4. Don’t deflect
  5. I just got off the phone with the owner and founder of the most well known Jet Boat dealer in our area of the state. I’ve purchased both of my boats from him. He’s been a jet boat dealer since 1972. I asked him “will a tunnel hull run shallower than a flat bottom”...his answer is “No it will not, I won’t refuse to build one if someone asks, but I would not recommend it, nor will the jet motor manufacturers”.....
  6. Everybody’s going to get stuck sometime including you… There’s so many factors to that story
  7. I guess too many boat dealers are making too much money selling the idea. Oh well
  8. Agreed, but I still disagree on the lift. The small amount of lift the opposing sides might create won’t overcome the loss of lift from the tunnel surface area lost. We will just have to disagree. 😉
  9. Lol I’m not emotional about this but if this hull design creates lift then why aren’t all hulls shaped like this?
  10. So this bottom hull design would give the boat more lift? It has opposing angles?
  11. So ya got that going for ya
  12. In my statement the shape of the hull is the exact same in both examples except for the tunnel. And again the the right and left sides of the tunnel are questionable for creating any lift.
  13. Like talking to a democrat
  14. Nope
  15. Two boats being exactly the same size, the one with the tunnel will not run as shallow as the one with no tunnel. Now if you add more square inches to the bottom of the hull to make up for the fact that it has a tunnel, then It will run shallow.
  16. https://www.prageru.com/video/stories-of-us-amala-ekpunobi
  17. The engine won’t hit but the boat bottom will, because of the decreased lift. I have a flat bottom and the trailing edge of my jet foot is only 3/4” below the bottom of the boat.
  18. You’re 100% correct, but if it has even more surface area where the tunnel is, it would still run shallower.
  19. A video doesn’t prove anything...if a boat has enough power and lift to get up over anything, it’s doing it because of all the factors in spite of the tunnel. The tunnel doesn’t actually help the lift situation, it hurts it.
  20. Anytime even one square inch of surface area or “lift” is removed from the bottom-most part of the hull, the waterline best fit starts.
  21. Wrench is correct on this, period.
  22. Wasn’t Robins resort just recently sold?
  23. Probably one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a while!
  24. @BilletHead do you have Truecoat on you vehicles?
  25. With the weather like it is today… You definitely need that Truecoat....it helps with the oxidation
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