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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. To me the guy who has the most top ten finishes is probably the best all around. And yes, it never lasts for some reason.
  2. The funny thing is they are pretty much third grade level questions. Yea, you’re such a deep thinker 🙄. You’re more like a guy who’s ideology doesn’t pass the test and refuses to believe that we don’t buy your turd polishing. Obviously we don’t support racist employers.
  3. Unfortunately it’s come to this.
  4. Why would you even put that last question on your statement? You always finish your sermons with these condescending questions. Do you really think we’re all racists?
  5. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I love good Ramen! I always add a poached egg if I can!
  6. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Please “Close” the pod bay door, HAL!!
  7. Some succeed and some don’t, just like all other races.
  8. I’m like that with the Chick Flicks my wife forces me to watch.
  9. I can’t remember
  10. Fishing is fun, but talking about it ain’t. Social media and GoPro cameras have turned every 20 something into a pro with a pretty lame description of how their superior bait or method landed this 16” 5 pounder.
  11. Your grandma had a little spill at the Sand Dunes today...she broke her Coccyx! whoa
  12. I’ll be Lebron
  13. Who is this dude, and why is he on my phones photo album???
  14. Pence’s personality seems to be 180 of Trump. What do you have against him?
  15. Kip is the man!
  16. Yea like $3,200 to start
  17. Hey Ness...ah....Do you know anything about time travel?
  18. Uncle Rico was a classic.
  19. No doubt, no one has gratitude anymore. They always want to place blame with someone else for their misfortune.
  20. Specifics please...like book, chapter, and verses
  21. Wow that’s a quite a one sided interpretation
  22. Don't include me in your “we”. You, and your mentality actually brings black people down. In reality you are the one judging people by their skin color not me.
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