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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Folks, I’d like to introduce you to fishing at August A. Busch memorial wildlife area! 😂
  2. That’s as good as it gets! All wrapped up in a nice package!
  3. People often forget how hard it is to fill a bird bath! 👏👏👏👏😂
  4. Great question, I have no idea. I would assume I’ll slowly start back when I feel it’s the right time, regardless of what anyone says.
  5. As close as I’ve gotten to hands on projects for the house was power washing it.
  6. Bummer on both counts!
  7. I would like to add another to the list: 6. iPhone facial recognition no longer works with an N-95 face mask 😷
  8. Hey mommy, guess what we learned today? 😂
  9. Nice spot
  10. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Oxtails again tonight....sorry for posting so much
  11. Meramec Springs Campground...but it’s closed now
  12. A few observations for lockdown: 1. Pre Schools are worth their weight in gold. 2. Dishwashers and trash cans are working overtime. 3. Husbands and wives argue over who does the most work around the house. 4. A trip to the gas station feels like a vacation. 5. You can only watch Frozen 2 so many times.
  13. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    No doubt, that’s exactly why
  14. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Didn’t know where else to post this but this stuff is the best I’ve ever used for dry hands...absorbs darn near instantly
  15. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Sounds like my kind of place fo sho! I wish now I would’ve had some type of excellent gravy and mashed potatoes to go with it.
  16. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Him and Jimmy Carter!😂
  17. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I also want to compliment @ness on 1,000 pages for this post....even though he’s been kind of a butt this week! 😂
  18. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Get to use an @rps term tonight. The pork chops we bought from Costco the other day were “succulent”. I ate 2 of these. My father in law has been staying with us few a few weeks and really did a great job cooking these. He loves it when you compliment his cooking skills and just smiles from ear to ear! Anyway these chops are one of the best values from Costco, much better value than their pork ribs in my opinion.
  19. I’m guess I missed it
  20. I had to look it up
  21. Advice from your buddy...stay away from undercooked bats 🦇
  22. I would say technology is changing at an unbelievable rate compared to the change we’ve had in the last 100 years.
  23. Yes and Artificial Intelligence and Machines. Terminator here we come. Can you imagine this world in 100 years? Not sure I want to. I hope for the best
  24. I agree with you @BilletHead but how do think they come up with Vaccines so quickly? And no kids I know read OAF by the way. I don’t expose my kids to this. This is a bunch of guys having a rational discussion (mostly). But I have no hope for the human race on this earth actually. I believe you and I both have opinions on how it will eventually end.
  25. Only time will tell, No one knows
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