On a different thread I said I was going to scan the Old versus new Wiggle Wart and present the results. I would like to put this baby to bed for good. I got the best looking specimens I could find to use for this comparison. Using the old pre Rapala Wiggle Wart as the gold standard, I scanned both and compared the new to the old. I'll start out just giving you the basics about size and shape. Keep in mind that I can in no way compare the type of plastic used by either old or new, but can just compare shape and size only. Having said that, I did notice that the older Warts are of a harder more dense plastic and seem to have a louder, crisper rattle. When looking at the pictures remember yellow to red is too high, meaning the new Wart has too much material compared to the old, or a "peak", while blue to purple represents a valley where the new Wart has less material than the old. I've got a conclusion at the bottom of the photos.
photo 3
photo 4
Conclusion: The bodies are pretty much the same, however, the lip on the new slightly tapers narrower than the old. But the lip is significantly thicker than the old and lacks the cupped shape of the old. The length is virtually the same. I have more findings about the location of the line ties and hook hangers, but that will be for another thread.