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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Great Pics Guys, Glen, you make me feel better!!!!!! Thanks Here is my daughter catching her first trout last night at the St. Louis Boat show! and listen to the song while viewing all of evryone's pics!! This was a random video posted on youtube! JD, great pics!
  2. Don't do this to me JD! You're ripping my heart out!
  3. Just be happy she doesn't marry some guy and want to move far far away. My biggest fear.... And my daughters are only 12 and 4. I'm starting to sound like the Coal Miners daughter's father.
  4. Can you get 3rd row seating in a Ford Flex?
  5. Starting her out right! yep, you need to borrow Ronnie's shotguns!!! he has to have 3 Beautiful little angels!
  6. Drop a huge rock off the swinging bridge way up the Grand Glaise. Now you have a hole in the ice to fish thru!
  7. People will never be able get along with each other because the flesh is weak. I see some smart people do some extremely stupid things. I also see some uneducated people do some very smart things. It takes all types. You need the thinkers and the doers. You need the techies and the salesmen, you need the hawks and the doves, rural versus urban....You need all kinds of people for this society to work. Steven Ambrose wrote a book called Citizen Soldier about WW2. He surmised that the reason we won the war was because of our differences. The Germans were trained to be soldiers from 16 years old and only knew how to follow orders. Our army consisted of farmers, accountants, firemen, construction workers, businessmen...etc. our diversity allows us to think outside the box and fool Hitler in many ways. Sorry for the history rant!!!
  8. For Hillbillys with no money they sure drive late model Chevy trucks!
  9. I wasn't at that meeting, but I'm sure(hopefully) Phil can at least upload some audio!
  10. I like the title "Wissdom"
  11. Yes , we are turning into a society of wimps, but you were the one who was concerned about the ice in your original post (and rightly so)
  12. No, there may be but I can't do it
  13. No worries, I now exactly what you're talking about. Quite frankly, there was so much variation in the old Warts that I completely understand where you're coming from. The simple truth is I'm not going to fork out the money to scan 30 old Warts to come up with a statistical answer. But I did average 2 for the comparisons of the first run. But I only hade one "Kraken" to scan. The results of the thickness of the lip were virtually identical. Edited to say: I also found more variation in the new Warts than I expected. But definitely more variation in the old. This is why the Japanese lures cost $20 and run great out of the box.
  14. It's possible the lip has been worn off from rocks, because it's so old.
  15. That's a great northern specimen!
  16. TrophyFishR wanted me to release the Kraken. The Kraken is the oldest style Wiggle Wart I could find. The one with the recessed line tie. So I scanned one of those too. Remember, the results are the new Wiggle Wart compared to the Old. Kraken Released in 5,4,3,2,1............
  17. Wish I could attend but can't
  18. Ok Kraken can be released in a day or two!
  19. Forgot who I was talking to!! Like I said in another thread, even cheapo lures are just one little tweak away from being a fish catcher!
  20. Well, if you guys are brave enough, get out the Dremel tool and go to work!!
  21. What you're describing is pitching, not flipping. I can kind of do a hybrid pitch, like your brother but I can't fully pitch the standard way unless I'm standing up. But your brother's probably a lot better than me so maybe he can pull it off. IMO, the most effective way of doing it is standing with you rod tip pointing down, almost touching the water and swinging the rod 90 degrees to the boat. The lure flies parallel to the surface of the water as much as possible. This helps the soft landing. It also helps if your trying to skip a lure under something. The steeper the angle the lure enters the water, the bigger potential for a hard landing. Slightly sliding the lure to its destination is the best way to land. Flipping is totally different, with a fixed line length.
  22. LOL, don't think too hard! Hazardous to your health!
  23. Yes, but it would be expensive.
  24. 2 in a row! Great fish Steve!...couldn't happen to a nicer guy
  25. On a different thread I said I was going to scan the Old versus new Wiggle Wart and present the results. I would like to put this baby to bed for good. I got the best looking specimens I could find to use for this comparison. Using the old pre Rapala Wiggle Wart as the gold standard, I scanned both and compared the new to the old. I'll start out just giving you the basics about size and shape. Keep in mind that I can in no way compare the type of plastic used by either old or new, but can just compare shape and size only. Having said that, I did notice that the older Warts are of a harder more dense plastic and seem to have a louder, crisper rattle. When looking at the pictures remember yellow to red is too high, meaning the new Wart has too much material compared to the old, or a "peak", while blue to purple represents a valley where the new Wart has less material than the old. I've got a conclusion at the bottom of the photos. photo2 photo 3 photo 4 Conclusion: The bodies are pretty much the same, however, the lip on the new slightly tapers narrower than the old. But the lip is significantly thicker than the old and lacks the cupped shape of the old. The length is virtually the same. I have more findings about the location of the line ties and hook hangers, but that will be for another thread.
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