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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. This explains so much
  2. I have a seat right by the motor in my jet boat, made just for you
  3. I'ts also the same lawyers who are paid to undermine them based on a big paycheck. Why don't you get your butt up here and go on the float, i said i would pay for your gas! ps. people have been put on death row for 1/10th the evidence that OJ had agaisnt him
  4. I agree to a point. But regardless of what any law professor says the second a lawyer receives compensation for his services he has an obligation to the client. This means it's not always about right and wrong anymore it's about who is the better lawyer. I wonder if you remember the look on OJ's lawyers face when they read the not guilty verdict, total disbelief. He knew OJ was a lying Son of a bitch and still represented him. All about the almighty dollar, nothing else. What about the 911 victims who were offered 1 million on average per family and still they lawyered up, trying to get more. Makes me puke. What about the lawyers for Phillip Morris? Do you think they have an agenda????? money, money, money
  5. Wow, that hybrid on a fly rod! must have been fun! thanks for putting up the videos, I enjoy them while drinking my coffee in the morning. And I dont have to pay $30 and stand in line for popcorn!
  6. I think Gilley was trying to say that sometimes you end up doing things that end up being on the border, you can't help it, just happens. I do however agree with him that in 10 years your attitude might be different. Everyone starts out like you, with great ideals. Just get crapped on a few times and you will become more jaded and skeptical. BTW, few lawyers are Atticus Finch.
  7. Al, We currently have campsites A4 and A5 booked for Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday night, we should be able to put several tents there. Unless someone is coming with electricity needs for a camper, we are good to go. Just tell him you are in one of those 2 sites under my name, or the Ozark Anglers Forum.
  8. You are the second report of creepy characters hanging out at MDC accesses this week! Time to set up a game cam or something
  9. Some people are showing up Thursday, some on Friday, some on Saturday. I don't know if you guys have already contacted Larry at Boiling Springs or not or do you want me to do it for you. Let me know. I probably won't show up until Friday afternoon when the Friday float is near ending. BTW, a know a couple of guys that tore em up on the upper float putting in at Riddle Bridge access last week!!! So let's have a barbque on Friday night and then float again Saturday. I'm sure some will stay and float Sunday as well. Since I don't have any camping equipment I was wondering if I could share a tent on Fri and Saturday?? Here's a prelim agenda for Saturday night: 6:00 to 7:00 Supper 7:00 to 7:15 Change from beer to cocktails 7:15 to 8:00 Tally fish and award ceremony 8:00 to 9:00 Feats of Strength (JoeD, Coldwater) 9:00 to 10:00 Airing of Grievances (Cricket) 10:00 to 10:15 Get more gasoline and logs for the fire 10:15 to ? Free time
  10. Fishing and Golf!!! my favorites
  11. I'm a Costco member myself, and I did the Mexican Beer thing too. They have really good meat at Costco too! They recently started offering prime beef in addition to the choice meat they currently offer. They have excellent king crab legs too......Love that place. As far as beer goes, I'm one of those guys that like bud light and Corona, which would be considered grade B beer. I'm more of a light beer fan, less after taste, hate the beer after taste. Can't stand scotch, more of a bourbon guy. But you need to have a good wine that has breathed for a while and you might change your mind!
  12. Cans of course
  13. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/16/us-suffocated-trout-idUSTRE75F0B020110616?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews&rpc=22&sp=true
  14. Yes Joe, this is a firm date. You can start paying attention to your family now
  15. I can smell the coals heating up for the Bar b que
  16. Can't wait to meet you and share fishing stories/lies! Drew, sorry you can't make it, maybe next time
  17. You know they say the size of the caliber you hunt with is just a compensation for the size of your.......ah nevermind.
  18. So you admit that spinning gear is better and more effective for smallmouth. Please come on the float trip and show me how to fish a fly rod
  19. If they are going to be part of our society then I demand they speak English
  20. Why don't you just use a spinning rod instead, when the indians found guns they threw away the bow and arrows.
  21. Ok, Here's what I see on who's going Smalliebigs- Yes Al Agnew - Yes GotMuddy - Yes Cricket -Yes?? Gavin- Maybe Snagged- Maybe Eric- Maybe Drew- Maybe ColdWater- Maybe FishinSWMO Maybe Does anybody else want to go? Tell me if this works for you July 9th How many are camping, how many just floating? Should be fun!!
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