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Everything posted by alletec

  1. Billfo, Nice boat! What body of water do you normaly fish? I have manly been to Tanycomo in Branson. My father lives in Springfield and he like going with me and the dog. Plus I have a place to stay for free. Hope you enjoy your Lund as much as the dog and I am enjoying mine.
  2. Wish I could but I am running a charity tournament of my own next week at Lilly's. Fishing for the cure for Susan G. Komen. Would love to have more people come to support another good cause. Let me know if any of you would like to join us. Jeff
  3. I have a deep V Lund and I love it. It is very safe and I can go any where I want on Tanny. I bought it last August. It is a 17.5 Ft. with a 50hp motor. I just spent a week with it on Tanny. Love that boat. Jeff
  4. “FISHING FOR SUSAN G. KOMEN FOR THE CURE” AUGUST 28, 2010 LILLEY’S LANDING Branson, MO (417) 334-6380 for reservations This is a fundraising fishing derby to benefit Susan G. Komen Foundation. We are looking for people who love to fish to join the team and also sponsors to donate to the cause. If you would like to be a sponsor, you would sign up with a fisherman to donate money for every fish they catch and release through the course of the day on August 28th. If you would like to participate as a fisherman, you would need to get sponsorships from your friends and family. If you get 25 people to sponsor you at .50 a fish and you catch 35 fish, you would collect $437.50 from your sponsors. That would be $17.50 from each sponsor totaling $437.50 for your fishing efforts. 
 You do not need to be an expert fisherman to participate. Every fishing skill level is welcome. We will have door prizes, a biggest fish prize and 50/50 drawing after the day's fishing has concluded. 

If you are interested in either fishing the derby or sponsoring a fisherman please contact Jeff Alley Facebook – “Fishing for Susan G. Komen For The Cure” or call 314-308-2950
  5. “FISHING FOR SUSAN G. KOMEN FOR THE CURE” AUGUST 28, 2010 LILLEY’S LANDING Branson, MO (417) 334-6380 for reservations This is a fundraising fishing derby to benefit Susan G. Komen Foundation. We are looking for people who love to fish to join the team and also sponsors to donate to the cause. If you would like to be a sponsor, you would sign up with a fisherman to donate money for every fish they catch and release through the course of the day on August 28th. If you would like to participate as a fisherman, you would need to get sponsorships from your friends and family. If you get 25 people to sponsor you at .50 a fish and you catch 35 fish, you would collect $437.50 from your sponsors. That would be $17.50 from each sponsor totaling $437.50 for your fishing efforts. 
 You do not need to be an expert fisherman to participate. Every fishing skill level is welcome. We will have door prizes, a biggest fish prize and 50/50 drawing after the day's fishing has concluded. 

If you are interested in either fishing the derby or sponsoring a fisherman please contact Jeff Alley Facebook – “Fishing for Susan G. Komen For The Cure” or call 314-308-2950
  6. “FISHING FOR SUSAN G. KOMEN FOR THE CURE” November 13, 2010 LILLEY’S LANDING Branson, MO (417) 334-6380 for reservations This is a fundraising fishing derby to benefit Susan G. Komen Foundation. We are looking for people who love to fish to join the team and also sponsors to donate to the cause. If you would like to be a sponsor, you would sign up with a fisherman to donate money for every fish they catch and release through the course of the day on August 28th. If you would like to participate as a fisherman, you would need to get sponsorships from your friends and family. If you get 25 people to sponsor you at .50 a fish and you catch 35 fish, you would collect $437.50 from your sponsors. That would be $17.50 from each sponsor totaling $437.50 for your fishing efforts. 
 You do not need to be an expert fisherman to participate. Every fishing skill level is welcome. We will have door prizes, a biggest fish prize and 50/50 drawing after the day's fishing has concluded. 

If you are interested in either fishing the derby or sponsoring a fisherman please contact Jeff Alley Facebook – “Fishing for Susan G. Komen For The Cure” or call 314-308-2950
  7. The derby is based on the honor system. You keep track on how many fish you catch during the course of the day. I have Excel sheets for you to keep track of people that are sponsoring you and how much per fish they are sponsoring you for. The example I am giving is if someone sponsors you for .50 a fish and you catch 35 fish that sponsors donation is $17.50. If you get 25 sponsors at .50 a fish each, you collect $437.50 for the charity. I have sponsors that are pledging $1.00 per fish. This is designed to get as much money to the charity as possible and giving everyone an excuse to go fishing, as if we need any more excuses to fish. As for the biggest fish of the day, that fish has to be brought in and weighed. Remember, this is for charity and is a fun family event. I hope this answers you questions. If you need any further information let me know, or if you have any suggestions on how we can make this better I am game to hear them. Thanks Jeff
  8. You can fish any way you choose. Boat, wade, from the dock. It makes no difference. I want to try to get as many people involved as possible, no matter the skill level. If you would like to fish in the derby, send me your email address and I will send you the form to get your sponsors sign up to sponsor you. If you have any further question let me know. Thanks Dano Jeff
  9. I am organizing a fishing derby to benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure. I have posted this event in this forum under Fishing Events. All the details are listed there. If you have any questions you can contact me through this forum or by phone 314-308-2950. Phil Lilley is hosting the derby for us on August 28th at his resort. This is a great cause to support and gives everyone a great excuse to go fishing. Please help us support this great cause. Thank you Jeff Alley.
  10. I am organizing a fishing derby to benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure. I have posted this event in this forum under Fishing Events. All the details are listed there. If you have any questions you can contact me through this forum or by phone 314-308-2950. Phil Lilley is hosting the derby for us on August 28th at his resort. This is a great cause to support and gives everyone a great excuse to go fishing. Please help us support this great cause. Thank you Jeff Alley.
  11. As some of you may know My fathers wife Nancy is going through treatments for breast cancer. She is doing very well and is grateful for all of your preys and thoughts, they have ment a lot to all of us. I am hosting a fundraising fishing derby for trout to raise money for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure on August 28th 2010. I am looking for people who love to fish to join the team and also sponsors to donate to the cause. If you would like to be a sponsor you would sign up with a fisherman to donate money for every fish caught and release through the course of the day on August 28th. Example would be sponsoring a fisherman for .50 a fish. That fisherman catches and release 35 fish. Your donation would be $17.50. If you would like to participate as a fisherman, you would need to get sponsorships from your friends and family to sponsor you. If you get 25 people to sponsor you at .50 a fish and you catch 35 fish, you would collect $437.50 from your sponsors. That would be $17.50 from each sponsor totaling $437.50 for your fishing efforts. I have sign up sheets for the fisherman to collect the sponsors and their donations. The event will be held at Lilley's Landing resort on Lake Tannycomo in Branson, MO. Rooms are available at the resort for this event. The resort is very family centered and there is more to do the just fish. This is a family event. You do not need to be an expert fisherman to participate. Every fishing skill level is welcome. We will have door prizes for everyone and a biggest fish money prize and 50/50 drawing after the day's fishing has concluded. If you are interested in either fishing the derby or sponsoring a fisherman please contact me through this forum or by phone at 314-308-2950
  12. This is a boat for fishing any type of fresh water species.
  13. I have purchased a 2008 Lund 1750 Outfitter in August of 2009. This is a deep V style boat. I have been looking for a boat for the last five or six years and have always kept Lund in the for-front of my mind as what I was looking for. I could have not been more right about doing so. I found this boat at a dealer in O'Fallon, ILL. A demo model from Lund, this thing was ready to fish. 50HP two stroke Mercury, 55lbs Motor Guide wireless 12 volt trolling motor, two Lawrance depth finders ( one full color with GPS and the other B&W), Galvanized trailer, biminy top and cover, four seats and on board charging system for under $20,000.00. I have had the boat out about a half a dozen times on three different bodies of water, Taneycomo, Lake of the Ozarks and Mark Twain Lake and have not been disappointed any time. This boat is very easy to launch and put on a trailer for one person. When running on the lake she gets up on plain quick and easy. Controlling the boat when fishing is like a dream, she goes where you want her to go. 55lbs. of thrust is plenty of power for the trolling motor to control the boat even in the wind. This boat has a 77 inch beam at the stern, which is pretty wide for a 17.5ft. boat. This makes the boat very stable. Lost of storage for what ever your type of fishing. A large, divided live well to keep your catch fresh. I can not say enough about my Lund but I will stop by saying, I will have this boat for years to come.
  14. Net Bait has some really good colors of craw trailer for jigs that I have found the fish seem to hold on to longer the others I have tried. They have a multitude of great colors to match all of your jigs.
  15. Wow...8.5lbs...no kidding? Though, those three on the right look like nice ones. Looking at the Boswell thread that would've put you in 2nd...though the guy in first had two big kicker fish. Last Friday morning...at first light...we caught a few nice rainbows on a #7 Rainbow colored countdown. Care to say how you were fishing the countdown? One good kicker fish would have been nice in a tourney. We only fished for about 4 hours. If we fished longer and could have culled fish we may have been able to bring in close to 10lbs. In a tourney we could not use Power Bait so the results may have been alot different. As for how I fished the countdown, a stop start method worked best. The bites came when I would stop the bait. What a great time! I have caught several fish on the brown trout color before. I can't believe how cannibalistic they are. On a different subject, how are the poeple that have boat docks on gravel bars going to get them back in the water? One guy has two boats in the dock as well. Those people have a big undertaking to get those docks back in the water.
  16. I was planning on fishing the Masters Tourny but I have some business to take care of in KC that week. I will deffinetly be thier in Feb for that tourny. I will be down before that some time in early Feb. as well. Hope the trip to STL went well. See ya soon. Jeff Alley
  17. My Dad and I fished from Fall Creek to Short Creek with the wind pushing us down stream with no current running. We did hear the horn from the dam but did not see any rise in water ever. My Dad used bubble gum power bait and caught the most and biggest fish of the day. I used 1/4 ounce white jig with a very aggressive retrieve with good results. After casting and letting the bait sink to the bottom I would pop the jig two to three times off the bottom and let it sink back. Most bites came on the drop back to the bottom. I also hook one fish on a #5 countdown rainbow trout. We caught between 12 and 15 fish from 9:15 to 1:30. The 8 fish we kept weighed in at 8.5 lbs. Thanks again to Lisa at Lilley's for taking our pic. and to Curtis for every thing he does making sure our boat was ready for the day. By the way the G3 boat we took was great. Very roomy and lost of storage for our stuff to keep the deck clear for us to fish. That boat is now my favorite boat.
  18. Looks like a nice day. I am coming down tomorrow and fishing till Thurseday. May cut the trip short. Wheather report look very cold on Thurs. What size white jig did you catch your fish on? I am sorry I will miss you at Queeny Park. I think my father in law is going to hear your talk. I will check in with Curtis to make sure every thing is running smooth. Hope to catch you before you leave. Drive careful. Jeff Alley
  19. Phill, In the right hand corner it looks like that is a Lillie's boat. Better check that prop too. Jeff Alley
  20. Took the day off tomorrow to fish and get to clean the carpets , windows , garage , deck and do yard work instead . You should never clean your oun deck. Have you ever heard of Wood RE New? Living in Springfield I would think you would have. I own the franchise in St. Louis MO. Check out the web site for some info. http://www.woodrenew.com/ This should fee you up to get allot more fishing in. Jeff Alley
  21. Did you catch that at the dam or some other place? alletecinc.
  22. Phil, Why are they drawing down the lake. Is it to work on the powersite dam or something els? Jeff.
  23. Phil, I have been keeping tabs on your situation but have not had time to comment. I never dreamed you would ever have to worry about this. Three weeks ago we had similar situation with the Meremac. Had to help some friends out of Eureka. We will keep checking the site and praying that all goes well. Jeff Alley
  24. Thanks for all the the info guys. I am going to have to print all this out and laminate it to talk fishing with me every time. Thanks again for dissecting the area.
  25. My lady friend used to run her Skeeter on Toledo Bend.Every time I take her to Taney,she wants to explore down the lake...but I will admit,when the water gets wide & deep...I'M LOST With the help of your posts,Trav,maybe I'll work up the nerve to go down lake. It is not hard to find bass in this lake in the summer. Just look for classic structure any where around Bull Creek, Rockaway Beach, to the powersite. The large mouth are everywhere. I like fishing for bass in summer because the trout can be tough some times in the summer. Tanny is so small vs. Lake of The Ozarks. It is easy to find fish and have a good day catching bass.
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