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Jason R.

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Jason R.

  1. I use mine exclusively and it can drag in the water a bit but you can hold it up with your off hand. I like how it holds a good amount of stuff and its out of my way. It really doesn't swing around on me too much unless I run or jump. I have the old green one- patagonia makes a pretty sweet looking one too. Here it is.
  2. I've had my orvis sling pack since I started fishing and have never really managed to fins something I like better. Modified it a bit with a drying patch and a ring on the back to hang my net. I wish it was waterproof. Other than that, I am sure there is something better but I just haven't found it yet. I have a sweet vest but I just never use it- too hot and not enough storage.
  3. Chief- as someone currently studying for the BAR... I'd advise against it.
  4. Glad he released it...
  5. I am confused as to the entire issue here. It seems to me that SPRO is completely within their rights to censor you on their FB page. Your 1st amendment free speech rights only apply to state action- not SPRO action. You are also completely within your rights to threaten bad press- whats wrong with that? Bullying isn't illegal yet. And how would they legally act against you? Your'e right about libel- no damages- no libel. Plus truth wins. Anyway, I still don't get it. Although it shows Company Facebook pages are a powerful tool for informed consumers.
  6. I was out there that same Saturday (good call on missing the crowds). We did well on little size 20 grey thread midges with a black head. I say well... I think I caught about five fish all day. I have never been down there when it was so crowded and it was less than ideal. Also got some takes on a size 16 tubing midge in olive. Nice report- almost made Beaver Tailwater look like a legitimate trout stream.
  7. Fair enough.
  8. This is my first artsy type picture I have taken that I thought was pretty cool- of course that is totally by chance as I have no skill with a camera whatsoever... plus this was taken with my cell phone... oh well.
  9. Went last weekend- water was down the whole time and many fish were caught. Mostly on midges- olive, red and black. Caddis pupa were good and I caught quite a few on dries when the caddis and march browns were going. Good time to get up there. Did some good night fishin too. Wrote up a longer account on my blog. Black streamers were good at night though the rain that night really messed it up.
  10. Do you mean Taneycomo? Or actually in TR? Because there is a hatchery at Taney.
  11. I actually proposed to my fiance there. The trails are really nice. I also happen to be an art fan so I really like the museum part too. I think it is worth going up there. The fact that it is free is great too. Chicks dig it- its worth a trip.
  12. My best fly so far has been a short shank hook with some dumb bell eyes with a black marabou tail. The body is just the marabou wrapped around the hook. Landed three fatty carp on it today. One was a mirror carp which was cool.
  13. Awesome. Are those the 10mm eyes? And what is that junk you put in for cheeks? Is the buck tail? It looked fluffier or something- like a synthetic. I love those flies- i only wish I got to fish them more often. By the way Brian makes that reverse tied bucktail head look way easier than it is.... at least for me. (mine look really stupid)
  14. I am not about to cook one... but I do love the way they fight. They dont do alot of acrobatics, but I have never had a big brown trout pull as hard as a big carp. Ive gotten some pretty good takes too- had one carry my fly about three feet sideways before I smoked the barrel on him and broke off. Its funny how sometimes you set the hook and they dont run right away- its like they just get a little annoyed at first. Then they feel you pulling and take off like a duramax.
  15. Well I am gonna do the whole fly rod thing... but I also have a small age advantage... being only 25. I just like to tie flies too much to use bait. Plus its messy.
  16. I've been loving targeting them on the fly rod. I don't own an ultralight... but I do own a 3wt... dang it stop with the challenges- Its like kids daring me to lick the frozen flagpole on the playground.
  17. These things are addictive. Hooked the biggest carp I have ever seen before this one but he decided to give my reel a workout before breaking me off on a log. Note: 3x is not adequate .
  18. Thats awesome. I thought to myself how awesome it would be to night fish in that moon light last night.
  19. I used Amazing Goop last time- Wrench is right- used too much and now its stiff. I went with a patch on both sides but i think that was overkill.
  20. Just use foam instead of dubbing- that dubbing acts like a sponge. Just cut a thin strip of black craft foam- tie it in and spin it on into the body. Depending on the hook, it will usually float without the hackle.
  21. I recall seeing one of those dobson flies get stuck in a kids cheek at Boyscout camp- needless to say... it was hilarious. It was one with the big mandibles- like this one: Not my picture by the way.
  22. Ya I am already planning my next carp trip... I am thinking I could find some good ones on the Arkansas river down by Little Rock.
  23. I gotta tell you I was just as excited as I am with a large trout- to be honest, carp fight way harder than any trout. I will admit that trout make for better pictures and the flies are a lot cooler looking. I just like fish that are a challenge.
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