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Man Shoots Pit Bull In His House While Being Attacked.


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Looks like the new Castle Law does not apply to the dogs, only humans. Here is a sad story of a habitual guy that could not keep his dogs under control. One gets loose again and enters a neighbors house and attacks his cat, then bites the guy. He defends himself, in his own house, and kills the dog. He may be ticketed for discharging a firearm in City Limits. The liberal press shows the man that can't control his dog bawling like a baby and everyone feels sorry for him and his pets.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson

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That liberal press that you mentioned is actually one of the most conservative papers in southeast missouri.

Check it out. On the next section to that story is a regular feature writer James Dobson.

You might want to check out your sources before posting them.

A recent snippet from the paper's editorial section "Rarely do I part company with U.S. Rep. Jo Ann Emerson. I respect her, agree with the vast majority of her positions, admire her ability to balance the partisan battles in Congress and firmly believe her roots — both philosophically and politically "

Jo Ann Emerson liberal.... I don't think so!

Thom Harvengt

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The most conservative newspaper is like saying that is the best looking pile of manure in the field. My problem is the slant is in favor of the villian in the scene, the owner of the pet that did not care enough for the dog or others to control it. Just a normal media slant to the other side, which I feel is the wrong side. It made the disabled marine with law enforcement experience the villian, he killed the poor mean doggy, in his house. He should be well aware of the laws, exercised restraint, and used lethal force as last resort. The bad guy had a history of animal problems. I will give the SE Misssourian a little credit, they did report the story with both sides if you read it all the way thru. The pic and caption was the problem, shot when it reportedly bit him. The dog was in his house, not in the owners control. It would have been dead when it hit my yard if it was a threat. Read the comments for a little more humor.

I kinda like Jo Ann Emerson, unlike her husband, she seems to be a straight shooter. Bill would do a publicity float down the 11 pt. River looking like he was enjoying the river while actually promoting the lead mining of the region which would have severe impacts on one of the most scenic areas of MO.

Everyone has a right to protect his family, self, property, no questions asked, if endangered. This may cost the guy some money for a fine or other fees. If you have pets or livestock, you are responsible for them, control them.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson

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I don't disagree with your opinion on the incident. I just found it amusing that you called the Southeastern missourian a liberal newspaper. Do you read it or is just everyone that disagrees with you a liberal.

Your quote: "I will give the SE Misssourian a little credit, they did report the story with both sides if you read it all the way thru." That does not sound like a liberal point of view it sound like a fair reporting of the news and good journalism.

I agree the man with the dog is at fault and needs to be held accountable. If the story as told is accurate the dog needs to be uthanized and the man that defended himself and property not prosecuted for shooting the dog.

You must be reading a different article than the one you refered us too. What is slanted about the story?????????????

In fact the story actually praised the man that shot the dog for his service etc.

The caption just states the fact of the incident "LOOSE DOG SHOT TO DEATH" How is that slanted???????

Thom Harvengt

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I really consider all newspapers and the big three network TV stations to have a liberal slant to most of the news they report. If you read the caption and the pic to the story and don't delve any deeper, then the mindset is that the guy in the right was wrong. He shot a dog for allegedly biting him. It did not mention that it was in his house. It should have stated something like, "Man shoots stray dog in house after it attacks him and his property, pet owner negligent." to reflect the correct nature of the incident not "Cape Girardeau police officers spoke with Trent Tollison, right, Friday morning, April 11, 2008, along Hawthorne Street near Arena Park. Tollison's pit bull, Kamoli, rear, was shot and killed by a neighbor after reportedly biting the neighbor Friday morning."

The version of the story I read was the shooter was wronged and may face a fine for discharging a firearm in the city limits. It states "Hovis said the incident is under investigation and Monia may be ticketed for discharging a firearm within the city limits". I did not see any praise for the shooter, not that he needs it. He was just doing the right thing.

They may have edited it, I read a RSS link off Yahoo. I do read the paper online as it is the local paper. I can't stand the local TV station, KFVS 12, their news is usually worthless, good for a laugh sometimes. We started the war with Iraq and the lead story was about a kid that missed too much school and was suspended. For the most part, I read news on the net and watch FOX news channel. Not that I believe all that I read online.....

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson

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I won't confuse you with the fact because it is plain that your mind is already made up. Here is what the article in the paper said, "Robert Monia, who lives at 2818 Hawthorne Road, said he shot the dog, Kamoli, after it attacked his cat. Monia said he was trying to get the dog off the cat and out of the house and was holding the dog's leather collar when the dog turned on him.

"I'm not sure if he scratched me or bit me," he said.

But Monia said he feared for his own safety as well as his cat's. He said a .22-caliber gun was close by. He shot the dog in the head and then twice more in its body. The dog ran out of the house and died in the yard, he said.



Thom Harvengt

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jd, I see your point...a lot of people never read past the headlines, and if the headline says something that only gives one side of a story, it would appear to be slanted that way.

I must say, however, that I get a little tired of this constant accusation of the press being liberally biased. Most of the stuff I read or hear from the media that I actually take the time to delve more deeply into, I find to be not biased but just sloppy, incomplete, superficial reporting. And that is what ticks me off the most. Even when the story only gives the "liberal" side, it does it so poorly and superficially that it actually does a disservice to that "liberal side". You read the story or hear it on TV in a poorly conceived, 30 second sound bite. And then, lots of people go to the talk radio blowhards or the internet to get the other side, and usually get a long, involved, often inaccurate but very detailed version of the other side. So which one are they gonna believe?

Of course, we're all somewhat to blame. Way too many people neither demand accuracy, nor take the time to investigate for themselves all the sides of any story.

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Good point Al

JD I do agree with most of what you are saying I just couldn't see how liberal entered into it. The press often sensationalizes most of what it reports. Kind of like people that curse with every other word. It is mostly to get attention and just espresses a lack of ability or talent to get a point over.

I had a neighbor who had a dog that frightened my wife who has alheimzers to the point that she seemed afraid to go outside. It got so bad that I called the police after a polite complaint a time or two. I told the officer that if the dog chased my wife on my property again I was going to shoot it. Needless to say the officer read me the riot act. The good news..... he then went to the nieghbor and read him the riot act and assured him if he had to return it would not be a pleasant day for him.

Later that summer I went to that neighbor with some tomatoes from my garden and to mend fences. We have become friends since and he apologized to me for the dog. It doesn't come in my yard anymore to bark at my wife and frighten her.


Thom Harvengt

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I certainly have to agree that the big three are, without a doubt, liberal biased and it is going to get worse. I read in the news today that CBS has plans to start sourcing its news from CNN. Nobody, who is honest, can deny that CNN gives everything a liberal slant.

It has been my observation that most small papers are either biased towards one side or the other same goes for local radio stations.

The article in discussion is without a doubt liberal biased otherwise it would have slanted the article towards the homeowner being in the right and would be raising a real stink about the possibility that the man might be ticketed for defending himself and protecting his property. As they are not they are taking a liberal stance.

For my part the man had every right to defend his property period. He was and is completely within his rights both in federal law and state law. He should not be persecuted, prosecuted or bothered about it in any manner. As to the guy who didn't control his pets ..... tough luck.

To the authorities that might want to ticket the man I have this to say, look at a chicken dropping and you will notice a little white spec on top of the dropping. This little white speck looks different and is a different color but when you get right down to it it is still a chicken dropping which is exactly what they are for wanting to ticket the man.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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The man with a dead dog needs his pants sued off.

Jon Joy


"A jerk at one end of the line is enough." unknown author

The Second Amendment was written for hunting tyrants not ducks.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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