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Maybe go to paper Tourney in the hot summer months. Two competitors in the same boat watching each other and measuring each others fish. The most in inches wins. It would be an honor system and unfortunately would be abused by some. It would save a lot of fish though.

Respect your Environment and others right to use it!


That won't work for me... I fish alot of buddy tournaments with my Dad. I would rather just go fishing with my Dad than fish in a tournament with somebody else.

"Success builds confidence, and you have to learn to trust your instincts and forget about fishing the way a tournament is supposed

to be won. I'm going to fish my style and make it work for me." -KEVIN VANDAM

"Confidence is the best lure in your tackle box." -GERALD SWINDLE

"A-Rig? Thanks, but no thanks. If I can't catch them on the conventional tackle that I already use, then I guess I just can't catch them." -LK (WHACK'EM)


Several yrs ago, I experimented with a few tourneys that went this way.

Fish with whoever you want.

Each person is responsible for measureing and recording the others fish.

Fish are released immediately.

At the end of the tourney, each boater draws a non boaters name out of a hat.

The draw partners totals are added together and places paid accordingly.

I might have left something out but I don't feel like looking for a copy of the rules.

It works well for a small group of buddies who fish for fun.

Probably not so good if more $$ involved.


Whack'em asks, "What do we do?" Good question. Try this. Copy the entire thread here, and maybe the other one. Send it to several places: The MDC or the Arkansas Fish and Game rep for your area, MDC and AFG at the state capital, your local state representative, and your governor. Be sure you show you have sent copies to each so everyone knows they can't pass the buck. Ask that they have hearings that establish and implement science based requirements for tournaments during the spawn and hot summer months. Be sure you say you don't oppose fishing or tournaments. Only that you want rules that will help insure your children and grandchildren can enjoy the same resources you enjoy. If nothing else this will make everyone aware there are intelligent fishermen that care and who want something other than an all or nothing approach.

BTW the guides and resort owners need to add this to their organizations agenda - I assume many do belong to professional or industry organizations. Am I wrong about that?


I love fishing tournaments, just think it is a bad idea during the hot months. I know the catch and release boats help in the bigger tourneys. I put in at Aunt's Creek today and still saw two fish floating there. Both were bigger than anything I caught today.

I personally don't keep bass and haven't ever. If a bunch of fish are going to die then have a fish fry or something. Have a fish fry at the VFW or Senior Center. Have a fish fry for money and use it to help the Table Rock habitat somehow. It is legal to keep the fish, just poor sportsmanship and a waste to throw them back in if they are going to die. It is a bit hypocritical to preach catch and release tournaments and have a bunch of floaters.

Tim Carpenter

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Unfortunately I think MDC or other government entity involvement is not the answer, we dont need more legistlation, plenty of that comes down the pipe on an annual basis anyway. Ethical fisherman who take the responsibilty to treat a natural resource as just that, not a dollar or a fish fry just waiting to be exploited, probably out-weigh the the latter. But the damage a few bad apples can do is felt by all. If MDC or AGFC gets involved it needs to be in the form of an intensive stocking program that stays ahead of the demand curve. The population may be self sustainable but for how long? There's something to be said for preventative action as opposed to reaction. Just my opinion.

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