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Hello forum, After the post joeD made I felt a rant was in order. I have always been a believer in live and let live up until the point it affects the overall good of society in general. What we are seeing right now in our country I believe to be unprecedented in modern times. The clash of capitalism vs. socialism, the multitudes of citizens in our country that believe it is O.K. to cheat(steal) to get ahead, the moral decay i.e. Hollywoods attempt to bring pornography into the mainstream. Rugged individualism was a trait this country has thrived on, but it has been perverted to, I am an individual let me do what I want to regardless of who is harmed. My up bringing was in mainstream religion which I have fallen away fom in my adult years, but my moral compass is still directed by what was taught in my youth. Sex was kept in private!!!!! I can not drive to Branson without having pornography advertising foisted on my family and I. Wallstreet screams FREE MARKET CAPITALISM!!! until they convolute or steal so much from the system with so called products or instuments they have to beg for money from "We The People". Is that not socialism? I realize this post is all over the place and my point is, we in the middle need to make a differance by vocalizing our displeasure with the extremes of left and right politics. Maybe a little hokie "All for one and one for all" is in order. Sorry to take up so much space.

Steve in St. Louis

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This is what I didn't want this to turn into. That's why I asked not to use the words freak and such. I shouldn't have posted it in the first place because I should have know it would head in this direction ultimately.

Joe is right is some respects. People with this problem are all around us. They need help and prayers, not our condemnation. All of us are sinners and no one has the right to throw stones. The point of the post is to make aware of the situation because of the possible exposure to kids and adults and to try to help law enforcement officials bring charges to that they move on out of our parks and trails.

We can preach and quote scientist, philosophers and the Bible all day on the forum, but this avenue of communication is impersonal at best and this situation warrants more than debate. It requires caring people ministering to those who want to be free of this oppression. Alot of these guys feel trapped and helpless and ashamed and want to be free but to do so means telling someone who does care to get the help they need. Usually it's a Pastor or counselor but if it's the wrong Pastor you get the old heave-hoe cause alot of laymen don't know how to handle someone with this affliction.

Bottom line, sin, any sin, keeps us from a true and honest and open relationship with God. It takes a truly repentant and sorrowful heart and a bent knee AND people around us who have the heart of God, not a book in their hand using it as a hammer, to bring us out of sin and put on on a road of healing and an ongoing relationship with the Lord.

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When I attended school in Dallas, we used to go down to the red light district and the gay discos to talk to people after much prayer and intercession and we saw God do some pretty cool things. But for me it was an eye-opener, being from a small SE Kansas town.

There's a place and time to be sent and I'm not sure this is one. But you might have something... I understand what you're saying in reference to "pastors and preachers" but anyone who has the anointing and leading of God can go and minister. Doesn't have to just be the "professionals". :)

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Excellent post Phil. Been to Deep Elam a few times to do the same thing! God is SO cool!!!! Sorry that this thread got so.....unraveled!!!


If you liked the sound....Thank the engineer!


I am sure freedom of religion exists on State Land. Maybe we can send some preachers or pastors down there to counsel these unfortunate souls.


I love your idea!!!

Smiles are free


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Fishhand- you bring up an unfortunate possibility.

People in the limelight- in the ministry, whether he or she are celebs or just shepherd a small group, are attacked 100x more than the average believer. If satan and his imps can bring a leader down, then he does more damage to the Gospel than anything. It's common military practice.

Not saying this to give excuse to anyone in sin or for the sin. The more a man in blessed, the more responsibility is given plus he is held to a higher standard. That's why Christ got on the religious rulers much more than anyone else.

A leader, whether it's a priest, pastor or elder, has much more to fear to "come clean" of any sin in his life, especially one that- well- half of society now believes is "really" wrong. Most are thrown under the bus with no opportunity for rehabilitation and that's exactly what the church is supposed to do- heal and forgive. That's why so many leaders never confess but continue till they get caught, run away or kill themselves.

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I thought this was a fishing website? I think we should stick to fishing and leave the faults with our society and religous beliefs for another forum. I think the probelm has been address and we should all report any illegal behavior we come across. Besides that lets move on.

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